Best. COMMUNITY MONDAY, Clubs Leisure Self-Help Seniors Parent TUESDAY ley or Karen Crabb, president. 575- Kelso Eagles Aerie No. 1555: American Legion Glen 8825 (office). 4:30 p.m.
speed. 6:30 p.m. bingo; 7:30 p.m., 125 First Ave. S.W., Longview-Kelso Earlybird Lions: 609 S. Pacific Longview, open to togerie Rock, Tom Cunningham, 274-8101.
6:45 a.m., The Carriage, 1334 12th public; 425-8330 or 578-2503. Civil Air Patrol: p.m., Longview. 425-3680, visitors welcome. Longview American Legion: Noon-2 2222 S. Pacific Ave.
(lower portion of Longview Noon Rotary: Noon, p.m. lunch, 5-7 p.m. dinner specials, 5:30 building). Kelso; Bill or Kandy Lewis. Monticello Hotel Ballroom, p.m.
dog races, 7:30 p.m. music provided Columbian Artists Association: 1405 17th Longview. by "Lookin' Up." country western swing, 10 a.m. The Merk, 1339 Com- National Association of Retired 1250 12th Longview. merce Suite 304.
Longview, all Federal Employees, Chapter 1070 Longview Eagles: 6 p.m., "The artists age 18 and older welcome. Kelso-Longview: 11:30 a.m. lunch meet- Eagles Have Landed" eagle races; food Cowlitz Valley Moose Lodge: ing, Monticello Hotel, 1405 17th available: 1526 12th Longview. p.m. burgers, 921 Washing Longview: Clay Campbell, 423-6032.
Longview Ski Club: 6:30 p.m., St. ton Way. Longview: 423-5940. R.A. Long High School class of Stephen's Episcopal Church, Parish Early Edition Rotary: 7 a.m., Life 1955: 11:30 a.m.
no-host lunch, Olde Hall. 1428 22nd Longview. Works Rotary Room, 906 New York Creekside Cafe, 1323 Commerce Three Rivers Singles: 6 p.m., Longview; Kay 423-9259. Longview. Priscilla Wwhite, 423-0462; "Spaghetti" Works.
1073 14th Early Words Toastmasters: Gloria Sanders, 673-5138. Longview; 577-8665. 6:05 a.m., Canterbury Park, 1335 Third R.A. Long and Mark Morris High Longview, Jack, 501-6864. Schools Class of 2011: 6 p.m., Senior SATURDAY Kelso Eagles Aerie No.
1555: Party Planning Meeting: Mark Mor- Delta Kappa Gamma Society 6 p.m. trustees meeting, 7 p.m. meet- ris call Johnson, International, Chi Chapter: 9 Anne 609 S. Pacific Kelso.
414-8680. noon: Area Workshop: "Celebrating Kelso Eagles Auxiliary No. 1555: Rainier Garden Club: 9:30 a.m.. noon-1 p.m., lunch; American 7 p.m. meeting, 609 S.
Pacific United Methodist Church social hall, Legion Hall, Vancouver. Kelso: Anita Webster, 425-8330, Mon- First and streets; Kathy Rinck, Kelso Eagles Aerie No. 1555: days and Tuesdays. 503-556-1451: guests welcome. 6 p.m.
eagle races, 609 S. Pacific Kelso-Longview Elks No. 1482: Square Dance Club Square Kelso; 425-8330 or 578-2503. p.m. taco night, $1 each, choice Dance Lessons: 7-9 p.m., Longview Kelso High School class of 1962: of shell and filling: 900 Ash Kelso.
Square Dance Center, 1041 Industrial 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Backstage Cafe, Lewis and Clark Bowmen: 7 p.m., Way, Longview, Lonnie Sycks, 425-0701. 214 S. Pacific Kelso; Tanya PanSplits, 200 Kelso Drive, Kelso: Brent. kratz Nelson, 577-1257, e-mail: khsclas423-4974. THURSDAY Nancy McDonald Longview American Legion: Castle Rock Eagles No.
556 Calhoun, 274-4549. Noon-2 p.m. lunch and Texas Hold 'Em, 5 p.m. tacos; 7-9 p.m. Longview Rebekah Lodge 305: 1250 12th Longview karaoke for kids; 224 Huntington Ave.
1 p.m., 210 Pine Kelso. Longview Eagles No. 2116: 6 p.m. 274-9723. Lower Columbia Woodcarvers: bingo, open to public; food available; Castle Rock Lions: 5:45 p.m., Hattie's 10 a.m., Longview Senior Center: 1526 12th Longview.
Restaurant, 51 Cowlitz St. Castle Rock. 1111 Commerce Longview; 636-2477. Longview Model Catlin Grange CWA: 10:30 a.m., Cat- Mark Morris Class of 1972 Lunch Railroad Club: 7 p.m., east end of Riv- lin Grange Hall, 207 Shawnee Kelso. Bunch: noon, Monticello Hotel, 140517th erside Community Church, 303 Third Bridge: Longview; Patty (Zemke) Luff, 360- St.
W. Rainier; Cliff, 503-556-2407; 6:30 p.m., Longview Senior Center, 1111 270-6376 or 360-703-3943. Bob, 425-0058: e-mail: Commerce Longview, all ages wel- Mount St. Helens Detachment of; visitors welcome. come: Sue, 425-0981; Virgie, 577-6671.
the Marine Corps League: Longview Pioneer Lions: Noon, Country Cruisers: 7 p.m., Mount 9 a.m.. Monticello Hotel, 1405 17th Cowlitz Convention Center, 1900 Sev- St. Helens Grocery, 1247 State Route Longview, 0.L. "Vern" Klump, 423-4587 enth Longview. 506, Vader.
or 430-0270; all active duty, reserve, Lower Columbia Electric Vehicle Cowlitz Valley Moose Lodge: retired and honorably discharged Association: 6:30 p.m. show and tell; p.m. tacos; 921 Washington Marines and those Navy Corpsmen who 7 p.m. meeting; Lower Columbia ColWay, Longview; 423-5940. have served with the Fleet Marine Force lege auto tech building, 1600 Maple Encouraging Words Toastmas- are eligible for membership.
Longview; Wade Patterson, 425-6252: ters: 7 p.m., Canterbury Park, David Nelson. 360-901-6466. 1335 Third Longview; James SUNDAY Lower Columbia Woodcarvers: "Buzz" Gorman, 425-5428; e-mail: Beaver Homes Grange: 4 p.m. 5-7 p.m., Brookhollow community room, potluck and Mexican (dominoes), 2500 Allen Kelso; Kris, 274-3175. Experimental Aircraft Asso- 31105 Beaver Homes Road, Goble, Monticello Camera Club: 7 p.m., ciation Chapter 1111 Kelso: 7 p.m., 503-556-3565.
Somerset Retirement Apartments, Kelso-Longview Airport 2215 Par- Longview American Legion: 2025 Tibbetts Drive, Longview; George rot Way, Kelso; Dwight Irby, 578-2584; 9 a.m.-noon, breakfast specials, Siegel, 425-3937. website: 1250 12th Longview. Toutie Valley Veterans of Foreign G.F.W.C. Amalak: 7 p.m.
meeting, Scottish Country Dance Beginner's Wars and Ladies Auxiliary: 6 Kalama Community Building, Second Class: 7-9 p.m., Catlin Hall, 106 N.W. p.m., St. Patrick's potluck; 7 p.m., meet- and Elm streets, Kalama. Eighth Kelso; ages 13-80, social ing; Ladies Auxiliary Attendance Drawing; Kalama VFW and Auxiliary: 7 p.m., group, music, exercise, singles welcome, Post Home, 101 Hanson Road, Toutle. 1.0.0.F.
Hall, 222 N. First Kalama; offered through Longview Parks and RecVFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) 673-1498. reation; Sally Bledsoe, 503-556-0042; e- Post 1045: 6 p.m. bingo; 4311 Ocean Kelso High School class of 1942: mail: Beach Highway, Longview, public wel- 11:30 a.m., Kelso-Longview Elks Lodge, come. 900 Ash Kelso; MARCH 7 Woodland-Kalama Masonic welcome.
Clatskanie Chess Club: 3-4 p.m. Lodge No. 17: 7:30 p.m., 145 Davidson Kelso-Longview Elks No. 1482: open to everyone; 4-6 p.m. advanced Woodland.
7:30 p.m., Lodge night, drawings and players; 6-8 p.m. grades Clatskanie contests; 900 Ash Kelso. Community Education Center, 555 S.W. WEDNESDAY Kelso Rotary Club: Noon lunch and Bryant; e-mail: Altrusa International of Cowlitz program, Kelso-Longview Elks Lodge,; website: http://www.clatsCounty (Breakfast Bunch): 7 a a.m., 900 Ash St, Kelso.
Monticello Hotel, 1405 17th Kiwanis Club of Kelso: Noon lunch Bridge: Longview; Lisa, 577-3824. and program; Splits, 204 Kelso Drive. 10:30 a.m., Woman's Club building, Beaver Homes Grange: 7 p.m. Longview American Legion: 835 21st Longview; all ages, new meeting, 31105 Beaver Homes Road, Noon-2 p.m. lunch; 7 p.m.
darts, players welcome, partners can be furGoble, 503-556-3565. 1250 12th Longview. nished; Virgie, 577-6671. Columbia Theatre Guild: 10 a.m., Longview Kiwanis: Noon, JTs Steak Former Fibre Bag Plant Gals: 1231 Vandercook Way, Longview. and Fishouse, 1203 14th Longview; 11:30 a.m.
lunch, Sizzler, 936 Ocean Family Research Assistance by Ray Van Tongeren, 425-8745. Beach Highway, Longview. Lower Columbia Genealogy Society: Lower Columbia Genealogical Kelso Eagles Auxiliary No. 1555: 1-3 p.m., genealogy section, Longview Society: 7 p.m., The Somerset, Noon, charity bingo (25 cents each Public Library, 1600 Louisiana 2025 Tibbetts Drive, Longview; for infor- game), 4:30 p.m.speed, 6:30 p.m. regLongview; free.
mation, P.O. Box 472, Longview; LCGS ular bingo: 609 S. Pacific Kelso; Good Evening Reads: 7 p.m. book volunteers available 1-3 p.m. Wednes- 425-8330 or 578-2503.
discussion group, sign out a copy of days, Longview Public Library genealogy Kelso-Longview Elks No. 1482: at library, Woodland Community section, 1600 Louisiana Longview. p.m. burger night, $5 burger Library, 770 Park Woodland. Lower Columbia Woodcarvers: plus $1 or $2 fries; 900 Ash Kelso.
Keiso Eagles Aerie No. 1555: 1-4 p.m., Longview Senior Center, Longview American Legion: 4:30 p.m. speed; 6:30 p.m. regular 1111 Commerce Longview; Kris, Noon-2 p.m. lunch, 7 p.m.
pool, bingo; 609 S. Pacific open to the 274-3175. 1250 12th Longview. public; 425-8330 or 578-2503. Singles in Faith: 6 p.m., potluck Longview Eagles No.
2116: Keiso High School class of 1950: and short Valley Christian 5-7 p.m. hamburger night, 1526. 12th program, 11:30 a.m. no-host luncheon, Sizzler Fellowship, 2844 30th Longview; Longview. restaurant, 936 Ocean Beach High- non-denominational singles Rainier Eagles Auxiliary No.
group. way, Longview; open to Stardust Dancers: p.m., 4022: 7 p.m. meeting, 109 A St. members; Corinne Longview Square Dance Center, Rainier; Crystal, 503-556-2035. (Pilon) Mugaas, 423-0519.
1041 Industrial Way: Lonnie, 425-0701. Rotary Club of Woodland: Noon, Kelso-Longview Elks No. 1482: Three Rivers Singles: 1p.m., Tim's Oak Tree Restaurant, 1020 Atlantic 5-8 p.m. pizza and beer, $1.50 per slice Bar Grill, 213 Allen Kelso; Jean, Kathy Griffin, 225-9510; e-mail: and $1 draft beer; 900 Ash Kelso. 577-8665.
Longview American Legion: Trailbreakers, 7 p.m., New Sons of Norway: 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Lefse Noon-2 p.m. lunch: 4:30 p.m., bar Center, 161 Aaron for Sale; 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Kwilts for Kids bingo and hamburgers, 7 p.m. Project; 9 a.m.-noon, Hardanger EmbroiSong Worship Kelso; call Cheryl Sterner, 274-4448. poker, 1250 12th Longview. dery; 1-2 p.m., Quilting: 7-9 p.m.
NorweLongview Eagles No. 2116 Aerie: gian language class; free classes open to 7 p.m., 1526 12th Longview: presi- FRIDAY allinterested; 224 Catlin St. Kelso. dent Alice Minion, 425-1444. DAV Herman Rogers Chapter 32: Three Rivers Singles: 1p.m., Tim's Longview Eagles No.
2116 Auxil- 1p.m.; for information, call Mark S. Bar Grill, 213 Allen Kelso; Jean, lary: 7 p.m., 1526 12th Gail Brad- Neely, 360-261-0875. 577-8665. 1 year $69 2 Years $99 First 100 people to join 3 Years For Expires Weight Training Zumba Certified Personal Trainers Customized Fitness Routines Nutritional' Plans Step Aerobics Kick Boxing and More! FOREVER FIT Open Monday Friday 4am 9pm Saturday and Sunday 8am 6pm 1211 18th AVE. LONGVIEW, WA 425-5611 FEBRUARY 28, 2011 Page B3 Family TO ADD TO CALENDAR: 360-577-2543 or CALENDAR RAINIER HS HONOR ROLL The Rainier High School second quarter honor roll for the 2010-11 school year has been announced.
4.0 GRADE-POINT AVERAGE 12th grade: Brooklyn Crape, Shane Fearn and Amanda Schwegler. 11th grade: Nicholas Clark, Kathryn Engstrom, Jesse Grow, Brianna Hill, Jacob Johnstun, Jon Kelley and Mark Ontiveros. 10th grade: Brenda Abbott, Jubilie Jefferson, Marvin King, Kaylea Knox, Taylor Pellman, Alexandria Rasmussen, Stanley Stimpson, Hayley Strenke, Jaden Thurston and Cortney White. Ninth grade: Hayley Ferguson, Brian Guisinger and Trevor Onitveros. Eighth grade: Mikala Edwards, Sophia Phipps, Shelby Saylors, Thomas Tompkins and Jenny Westlund.
Seventh grade: Monica Guisinger, Jacob Helton, Zane Kerns, Mariah Leatherman and Bob Martin. 3.99-3.5 12th grade: Leslie Abbott, Kieryn Anderson, Megan Barnford, Sara Bresciani, Arlene Becerra, Corrina Caso, Nicole Coleman, Sarah Farrell, Rebecca Fieken, Ellen Garland, Cody Garrett, Alexa Griffith, Jollie Jefferson, Seth Kruger, Krista Lindenthal, Zack Lovell, Devon McGlone, Jessica Neumann, Peter Ostrand, Maranda Patterson, Katie Peabody, Michelle Pritchard, Samantha Roof, Chan- telle Smith, Camilla Soleri, Chris- Adrianne Johanson, Sammi Maltian Stecker, Courtney Wanamaker sack, Alex Orn, Hana Pacalova, and Jordyn Webb. Chris Shult, Carson Skeans, Nadia 11th grade: Kylar Anderson, Solenko, Benjamin Stahly, MatAlexi Bernhardy, Hailey Crape, thew Stansbury and Jed Stebbins. Kristi Crape, Rosa Dale-Moore, 11th grade: Brandyn Aberle, Marshall Dean, Kevin Engstrom, Patricia Atkinson, Maegon BarAlvaro Feal Fajardo, Kaylah Han- nard, Crista Bodenhamer, Denom cock, Taylor Kent, Ethan McGlone, Garman, Joshua Kellar, Megan Paddock, Craig Pedersen, Lovell, Morgan Maddux-Bruce, Buddy Pickering Ill, Angela Posch, Rebecca Nelson, Wesley Ormsby, Hannah Rinck, Bradley Tripp and William Rose, Alyssa Ryan and Luke Zimmer. Mitchel Staeffle.
10th grade: Jessica Bell, Megan 10th grade: Nicholas Auvil, Crawford, Aubree Coffman, Kylee Samantha Caron, Geneva Clarke, Crape, Allysia Garcia, Joy Parker Dean, Jessey Dilley, Evan Kaylaura Godsey, Cody Gollihugh, Gleaves, Muki Glinert, Tyson Dorian Graff, Shaylyn Kinman, Griffith, Eric Hackenberg. Rylee Madison Knox, Kayla Peabody and Hendershot, Ethan Langley, Alyssa Alya Womack. Nelson, Kaitlynn Rhoads, Crystal Ninth grade: Mekayla Allen, Sherburne, Nathan Soule, Victoria Schaffer Horton, Jeremiah Kram- Verhoef, Clay Wimmer, Timothy berg, Jason Larson, Whitney Mad- Young and Holly Zimmer. dux-Bruce, Kameron Middleton, Ninth grade: Britney Buddrius, Lauren Shroll, Jacey Silk, Alyssa Tyler Coulter, Adam Crape, ZachaSwanson, Dylan Taylor and Audri- riah Earls, Tamika Eastman, Mackanna Young. enzie Gates, Ronni Gray, Alexi Hall, Eighth grade: Tiffany Fletcher, Nickolas Hanks, Adam Langley, Laken Garman and Daniel Rea.
Jett McDaniel, Alexis Moredock, Seventh grade: Mark Allen, Shakara Ryan, Walter Tygret, Cade Kylee Barnford, Isaac Bell, Kynsi Windell and William Zielinski. Carr, Logan Crawford, Bryan Falls, Eighth grade: Cassidy CrawEmily Goodwin, Hunter Hadlock, ford, Jessica Gibson, Allysun HarVictoria Hammans, Rocky Hein, kleroad, Shyla Krenz, Dominique Makenzie Jahn, Keaton Knox, Tyson Pedersen, Brandy Thurston, JefPatten, Nicole Pedersen, Nicholas frey Tripp, Heather Uerling, Colton Rinck, Casey Tripp and Blade Ware. Verhoef and Evan Zimmer. Seventh grade: Hannah Clark, 3.49 3.0 Riley Coulter, Spencer Dalling, Kyle 12th grade: Jessica Anderson, Gates, Fredrick Gore, Megan HackBrittany Caulfield, Justin Coulter, enberg, Tanner Hall, Elisha HeaRachel Crume, John Gollihugh, cock, Samantha Holland, Megan Samantha Hackenberg, Chance Masterson, Bryce Moon, Peyton Hoff, Jordan Hooper, Tara Horton, Nofziger, Sarah Probasco, Samuel Nicholas Huelter, Bailey Jackson, Ryder and Amberly Smith. WINLOCK HS HONOR The Winlock High School honor roll for first semester of the 2010-11 school year has been announced.
4.0-3.5 12th grade: Alisha Miller, Julie Linn, Drew Hess, Collin Kupers, Michelle Scott, Megan Lentz and Kyle Archer. 11th grade: Katie Weichel, Anna Nolan Miller, Oralea Haziett and Lena Thierne. 10th grade: Rachel Archer, Amy Spengler, Stephanie Barragan and Nadia Lynch. Ninth grade: Allison Wolf, Kaylynn Mitchell, Reghan Goble, Natilee Stobaugh and Andrew Martin. 3.49-3.0 12th grade: Bryce Jennings, Samantha Martin, Tony 1 Sanchez, Melina Riddle, Kendra Lowrey, Joshua Ellegood, Adam Arnett, Conner Allender, Brice Hartman, Bryson Coleman, Kayla Rakes, Courtney Sweeney, Lilia Macciocca, Anthony Lynch, Travis McCarthy, Nika Bostwick, Jacob Nutter, Casey Elliott and Bethany Reich.
11th grade: Mackenzie Hodnot, Alyssa Huezo, Mariah Pennington, Jaered Pennington, Seth Stobaugh, Chelsey Weinert, Amelia Howsden, Phillip Smerek, Daniel James, Austin Walker, Robert Hancock, Denise Wyman, Andrew Raupp and Sierra Fisher. 10th grade: Austin Goodman, Cory McNelly, Seth Richey, Shaylee McGinty, Lydia Vantrease, William Richey, Tyler Nielson and Shyanne Martin. Ninth grade: Micah Higgins, Nicole Marsyla, Maria Huezo, Mariah Manning, Kaitlyn McKnight, Sydney Bradley, Sarah Nutter, Julia Bonagofski and Alexandra Jennings. TOLEDO MS HONOR ROLL The Toledo Middle School honor roll for the second quarter of the 2010-11 school year has been announced. 4.0-3.75 GRADE-POINT AVERAGE Eighth grade Deanna Catlin, Isaiah Johnson, Mary Kaplan, Lauren McElhaney, Forrest Wallace, Brenton Wood, Bryan Osborne, Tyler Edwards, Briana Horton, Beth Demery, Jacob Bickar, haley Hisel, Mason Gaul and Grant McEwen.
Seventh grade Alex Bacon, Emily Barge, Alison Bicker, Trevor Davis, Madison Higgenbottom, Espi Rodriguez, Jessica Severance, Haley Tauscher, Hannah Wilkins, Mackenzie Stevens, Josie Bowen and Courtney Moore. Sixth grade Preston Ashley, Madison Smith, Joseph sutherland, Tori Horner, Mya Ramirez, Mandy Trujillo, Dalton Yoder, Maria Carpenter, Eliza Shrestha, Corbin Mansker, Adam Slighte, Jordan Hill, T.J. Demery, Gabriel Fuentes, Kolby Hockett and Emalee Thurlow. 3.74-3.2 Eighth grade Brittany Graff, Bailey Mackey, Sarah Subjeck, Jayden Yates, Tyler Crawford, Colton Bunyard, Laci Beal, Casee Whittaker, Ashton Fraser, hannahlee Sego, Daniel Nollan, Chaselin Whittaker, Bailey Reed, Brent Threadgill, Jaco Dailey, Aren Reeves, Connor McBride, Bailey Heiserman, Raul Plancarte and Rolley Horrace. Seventh grade Emma Tilley, Nicklas Brady and Keiona Trimmer.
Sixth grade Jessica Buckabee, Taylor Leback, Kaleigh Trafelet, Bryana Peters, Meghan Kalista, Badley Debo, Raven Nyberg, Seth Nichols, Chandra Forster, Tavis Waner, Lamar Zarate, Joseph Wallace, Jacob Fineman and Krslynn Russo. 3.19-3.0 Eighth grade Bryan Knight, Aaron Bratina, Logan Holbrook, Sarah Carney and Riley Bowen. Sixth grade Tyler Meyer, Dawson Pudleko, Dakota Robins, Troy Struzan, Rylee McGeary and Charles Holmes. THE DAILY NEWS tvtimes moving to is Sundays! times your snoring, study, Tea's beta Beginning Sunday, March 13, you will find the TV Times in the Sunday Edition of The Daily News. Friday March 4th will be the last time TV Guide will appear in the Friday edition of The Daily News.
This last Friday issue will show listings for nine days instead of seven. There will also be copies of the TV Times in The Daily News lobby for $1 THE DAILY NEWS 770 11th Longview, WA P.O. 98632 Box 189 First. THE DAILY NEWS Hours: Monday- Friday anytime. anywhere..