Cemeteries Containing  Lenape Graves (2024)

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3 August 2006




GILSTRAP CEMETERY NO. 2 (Near Bartlesville, Oklahoma)


KETCHUM CEMETERY (Ketchum, Craig County, Oklahoma)

KETCHUM CEMETERY(Mayes County, Oklahoma)

KETCHUM PRIVATE CEMETERY(Ketchum, Craig County, Oklahoma)

MOUNT HOPE CEMETERY (Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas)

MUNSEE CEMETERY (Ottawa, Franklin County, Kansas)

PRAIRIE CEMETERY (Leavenworth County, Kansas)

SILVER LAKE CEMETERY (Bartlesville, Oklahoma)


WHITE ROSE CEMETERY (Bartlesville, Oklahoma)

WILLOW SPRINGS CEMETERY (Craig County, Oklahoma)

Burial Practices - - Followed by a Listing of Cemeteries Containing Delaware-Lenape Persons

A description of the burial of a Delaware chief's wife in 1762 clearly indicates the importance of feasting and the redistribution of goods, particularly European trade goods, in the burial ritual David I. Bushnell, Jr., Native Cemeteries and Forms of Burial East of the MississippiRiver. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 71, (Washington, D.C., 1920), p. 22. As with the Algonquians, burial was in a cemetery located outside the village, and graves were marked with painted or decorated posts. The deceased was wrapped and covered to avoid contact with the dirt. At the end of the funeral procession from the village to the cemetery area, "two stout men [carried] loads of European manufactured goods upon their backs." After the grave was covered and surrounded by a palisade, food was prepared and passed out. Then presents were distributed the many things which had been carried by the two men in the rear of the procession. Those who had rendered assistance were given the most valuable and highly prized pieces, but no one was omitted. . . . At dusk after the burial, a kettle of food was placed upon the grave, and this was renewed every evening for three weeks. (Heckewelder, quoted in Bushnell 1920:22)

The Delawares also put a tobacco pouch, knife, tinder box, tobacco and pipe, bow and arrow, gun powder and shot, skins and cloth for clothes, paint, a small bag of Indian corn or dried bilberries, sometimes the kettle, hatchet, and other furniture of the deceased, into the grave, supposing that the departed spirits would have the same wants and occupations in the land of souls. (Loskiel, quoted in George C. and George H Pepper, Exploration of a Munsee Cemetery near Montague, New Jersey. Contributions from the Museum of the American Indian, vol. 2, Heye Foundation (New York, 1915), p. 17.

Some of the earlier burial practices are noted in the obituaries of Ruby Cranor, Some Old Delaware Cemeteries [in Oklahoma]:

Tom Buffalo - Tom Buffalo was buried a at the Delaware Cemetery, Sunday and there, as usual, 'amongst the relatives and friends he left, a hole was cut in the coffin to let his spirit out...Tom Buffalo was an honest Indian whose blood had never mixed with the white race, and he had never joined the white man's church. Joining the white man's church dispels the traditions of the full blood and they affect beautiful metallic coffins -- but this who die in the religion of the tribe prefer to be buried in wood. Even the corner is sawed off a wooden coffin and in case of a metallic box, punch hole are put-in--to let the spirit. 30 June 1925.
William Easey - ...As customary with the Delawares no burying one of the brothers, the grave will not be dug, nor no space decided upon until the body arrives at the cemetery. Six Indians will then start excavating for the grave while Indian women prepare a feast, consisting of chicken, pork, beef and other delicacies. which will be eaten at the head of the grave. With his head to the east William Easey will then be buried. A hole will be bored in the "box" to let the spirit out-then the juice of berries, which makes a bright red, will be painted around the hole. The services will constitute nearly the day. Clothes of the decease man will be buried with his body. with the exception of a few which will be given to those who dig the grave. Chief Elkhair, sky pilot for the Delawares, will preach the funeral in the Delaware language. March 5, 1927.
Josie Elkhair -...Taps will soon be sounded` for the last of the full bloods of the Delaware tribe and the tribal ceremonies will soon be history, since the younger generation does not observe these rites. Mrs. Elkhair died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Com Davis living near Post Oak last Monday. The grave was dug by full blood Indians. The casket containing the body was deposited beside the grave and was kept open until the last minute before lowering it into the ground. While the ,men dug the grave the women prepared the feast. Chief Elkhair chanted the burial service in the language of his tribe. When the grave was made ready a hole was drilled in the corner of the casket to allow the spirit to escape, according to tribal traditions. The aged mother of the dead woman placed all her daughters clothes in the grave as soon as the casket was lowered and then distributed her personal belongings to those who had assisted in the last days of her sickness and to the pall bearers. Immediately after this service the food was eaten by the entire assemblage and all dispersed. If the dead person had been a male the feasting would have occurred two or three days. [!] Friday, January 12, 1923.
George Falleaf - The funeral today at 10 o'clock at Cotton Creek Cemetery of George Falleaf 77, honorary chief of the Delaware tribe. The eulogy will be delivered in the Delaware language by Charles Elkhair. The grave will not be dug until the body arrives at the cemetery. A hole will be cut to one corner of the casket to permit the spirit to rise. Only tribal members and whites who are friends of the family will attend. Following the ceremony, members of the tribe will hold will hold a feast, sitting around the grave. They will leave some of the food on the grave. The. one of the nearest relatives to the deceased will gather leaves and twigs and build a fire near the grave. After the fire burns a while it will be extinguished - indicating it is the last camp fire for the deceased. After 10 days another feast will be held and food again will be left on the grave. Examiner, September 12, 1939.
Frank McEwin - Frank McEwin's spirit will arise from his grave on the Caney northwest of Dewey next Friday afternoon and eat his last portion of earthly food with the remainder of the tribe of Delawares who will be on hand, probably 300 strong to bid his farewell on his journey to the last-the fairest pasture of the Happy Hunting Grounds...The funeral rites for the Delaware who adheres to the old customs of the tribe are original with the tribe and consists of a long ceremony. When the body is first buried with all the clothes of the deceased stuffed in the coffin, the tribe has a big feast, leaving much food on top of the grave for the spirit to eat. A hole is cut in the coffin then into [the] rough box, and a long stick is inserted into the rough box hole. The dirt is tamped around this stick. At the end of twelve days...the spirit is supposed to come forth when the stick is pulled out of the ground. opening the passage from the coffin. The Delaware tribe has arranged for the purchase of a 200 pound hog for this occasion and bounteous other food stuffs will be on hand. Members of all other tribes in this region, which for most part consist of the Cherokees and the Osages, will not be welcomed at this feast, it is understood. This last feast is reserved for the full blood members of the tribe only, it is asserted. Morning Examiner, November 20, 1921.


(Need photos of Maps of White Church Cemetery and Willow Grove Cemetery. Editor)

Directions: About five miles east of Nowata, Oklahoma, on Highway 60, take the Big Creek Ramp Road north 2.3 miles, to what is now a dead end. At the section line, turn right and go east less than 1/4 of a mile to a narrow, tall opening and drive into the woods.

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This is the Grave Marker of HenryTiblow with three generations of his descendants. From left to right:Lillie (Stephenson) Peach, her daughterVickie (Peach) Wilkins, and Vickie'sdaughter Stacey Hale. On top of the monument is an open Bible. The front of the marker reads, HENRY TIBLOW Born Feb. 9, 1818 Died Dec. 16, 1881. Aged 64 years. TIBLOW is on the base and on the back of the base, A PRECIOUS ONE FROM US HAS GONE TO REST. Vickie Wilkins took the photo in November 2000 and provided it to the web site.

* * *

BEZION CEMETERY (Nowata, Oklahoma)

We will be adding more entries. Editor

William Henry "Washer" Marshall Conne , grand son of Wilaquenaho, lived in the CooWeeScooWee District of Indian Territory.

* * *

BIG CABIN CEMETERY (Big Cabin, Oklahoma)

This cemetery is located 1.3 miles west of Big Cabin, southwest of Vinita, and 53 miles northeast off Tulsa off Route 66 in Craig County, Oklahoma. It is at Latitude 363159N and Longitude 0951341W.

The Big Cabin Cemetery was created officially when the Cherokee Nation sold the town 9.16 acres of land lying west of theMissouri-Kansas and Texas railroad right-of-way for the sum of $45. The money was raised from donations and pie suppers. Craig County court house records further show that the town was given a deed for another parcel of land for the sum of $4,574 in 1982 to enlarge the cemetery area. The cemetery has been described by tourists passing through as an unusually pretty area. ("Big Cabin,"History of Craig County). County Cemeteries http://www.rootsweb.com/~okgenweb/okprojects/craig/craig-gnis.htm

* * *CARSELOWRY CEMETERY (Craig County,Oklahoma)

This cemetery is south of Vinita and west of Ketchum, Oklahoma. The only Delaware grave marker is forJames S. Ketchum 1890-1960. Mary Louise Ketchum, daughter of Lewis Ketchum and Elizabeth Zeigleris buried there, but there isn't a grave marker for her. Researchers Vickie Wilkins

* * *


This cemetery, known as "the Delaware Cemetery," is located in Section 7, Township 24 north, Range 13 East, and is two miles north and one and one-half miles west of Dewey, Oklahoma. This strictly a Delaware Indian Cemetery. In 1904 the land surrounding it was allotted to Lillie Williams, but the land was set aside as a burial ground and known then as the "Sam Williams Cemetery." Don Tyler became the owner of the land in 1829 and in Deed Book 68, page 199, is filed and recorded a deed from Don Tyler to the County, a plot containing the cemetery for the express use of the Delaware. This is a peaceful spot, situated on a high rolling hill covered with majestic oak trees on the bank of the Caney. It is about a mile down-river from the forks of the two Caney Rivers. many Delaware families who have had much to do with the settling of Washington County are buried here. (his item was taken from an unknown book, Chapter III, "The Delawares Come to the Area, p. 10.)

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Leavenworth County, Kansas Map

The cemetery itself is located just inside in Leavenworth County, but many of the persons buried in the cemetery were from Fall Leaf and other communities shown in this map; click this link:Eudora, KS map from MapQuest.

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (4)
Entrance to the Delaware Cemetery near Eudora, Kansas (Tom Hahn Photo)

This is a small, pleasant, well-maintained cemetery. Eudora, Douglas County is a small town located east of Lawrence, Kansas off of Kansas Route 10. From the Municipal Building at Main and Sixth in downtown Eudora, take County Route 1061 a mile or so north to the Kansas River, where cross the bridge and go about one-half mile on Leavenworth County Route 1 to the cemetery on the east side of the road. There is a country lane on the north side of the cemetery. There are only a few burial markers. Not allburials are necessarily those of Delaware persons.In a plaque in the cemeteryis a memorial to the Delaware Indians, tracing a bit of their history. It says,in part, "We will have peace as long as the moon will rise and set on theKaw." It reads also, in part, "We honor the early settlers who camehere to build homes, schools and churches and respect the government of ourcountry. This plot of land was set aside for a burial plot and some of thesettlers are buried in the northeast corner. But we do not have a record oftheir names. The Indians intermarried with the German settlers and most of thenames listed here are part Delaware Indian." Those witha grave marker but no inscription are noted by an asterisk* The graves with a grave marker are in capital letters:
Abbott, Francis*
Abbott Geo. W. 1857 - 1933,Francis 1916 - 1944
Abbott, Polly
Adair, Joseph
Adair, Permelia (Orender)
Bagsby, Leroy
Colored man, name unknown
Dulen, Rosa
Hicks, Amos
KOERNER, ArthurL. Mar. 1, 1895 - Feb. 13, 1967
Koerner, August
KOERNER, Carl Oct. 28,1900 - Aug. 11, 1975
Koerner, Christina
Koerner, Ernest
KOERNER, Homer A. Apr.18 - July 10. 1929
KOERNER, Mary S. Jan. 26,1873 - Oct. 1, 1923, Henry O. Nov. 22, 1866 - Apr. 11, 1925, Father - Mother
Mathews, Jonathan
MATHEWS, Mary Ellen [Adair] Oct. 19,1877 - Aug. 31, 1943
Retsinger, Clara
Retsinger, Anna who gave the land for this Indian burying place.
RETSINGER, Ellen [nee Zeigler] 1837- 1911

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (5)
Ellen (Zeigler) Retsinger Grave Marker (Photo by Tom Han 23 June 2002)

Swisher, Henry
SWISHER, JACK [Same as Jack just below?]
SWISHER John W. 1859 - 1943
Swisher, Mary Eller (nee Ziegler)
Swisher, Tuden
Tador, Lase
Tornedon, Baby
Turner, Cecil
Zeigler, Arthur
Zeigler, Barbara
Zeigler, Charlie
Zeigler, Cora Ellen
ZEIGLER, Logan April 31825 - Dec. 19 1895

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (6)
Logan Zeigler Grave Marker (Photo by Tom Hahn 23 June 2002)

Upright stone Pam (possible) notreadable.
Researchers: Vickie Wilkins,Swiftwater Hahn, or contact in nearby Lawrence, Cindy Gentry

There is a different listing of the same cemetery as follows:

Philip Zeigler
BetsyZeigler / /1812 - 10/ /1867 Nee Taylor
Logan Zeigler 04/03/1826 - 12/19/1895
Sophia Zeigler 09/22/1833 - 04/05/1925
Barbara Zeigler / /1856 - / /1866 Daughter of Logan Zeigler
Emily Zeigler 08/07/1864 - 06/14/1922 Daughter of Sophia and Logan Zeigler
Charlie Ziegler 12/07/1867 - 04/15/1945 Son of Sophia and Logan Zeigler
Arthur James Ziegler 01/26/1915 - 03/30/1915 Son of Charlie and Maggie Ziegler
Leroy Bagby / /1934 - / /1938 Son of Florence Ziegler Bagby
Cora Alice Zeigler 05/01/1889 - / /1902 Daughter of John J. Zeigler
Samuel S. Swisher / /1829 - 12/ /1869
James Henry Swisher 10/ /1861 - / / Son
Mary Ellen Swisher Infant daughter
Tuden Swisher Daughter
Ellen Ritzinger 03/ /1840 - / /1911 Nee Zeigler (Wife of Sam Swisher)
Anna Ritzinger / /1875 - / / Daughter of Ellen
Clara Ritzinger / /1877 - / / Daughter of Ellen
Mary Frances Mathews 10/19/1857 - 08/31/1943 Daughter of Sam and Ellen Swisher
Jonathan Mathews 10/15/1857 - 08/31/1943 Husband of Mary Frances
Rosa Dulen 06/09/1886 - 03/30/1925 Nee Mathews. Daughter
Martha Mathews / /1864 - / / Nee Adair. Sister-in-law
Cecil Turner 02/19/1901 - / / Great nephew of Sam Swisher

[The reason for the order of the abovelisted persons is not known, Editor]
Researcher: Vickie Wilkins based on information originally provided by Virginia Zeigler.

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (7)
Listing of graves as found in the Eudora Delaware Cemetery on 23 June 2002. Note the image of your editor in the background (Photo by Tom Hahn)

* * *

GILSTRAP CEMETERY (Near Bartlesville, Oklahoma)


Gilstrap Cemetery is located approximately six miles south of Bartlesville, Oklahoma on Silver Lake Road on the Tyler-Irwin farm, that is, in Section 7, Range13 East, Township 25 North 13 East, in Washington County, Oklahoma. Itis likely that the cemetery was disturbed in the creation of the pond in the area. A listing from Ruby Cranor, Talking Tombstones, Pioneers of Washington County, p. 122, contains more data than another listing we have which says it is p. 126. The maps seem to have come from the latter listing. That listing says: "For these pages on Washington County cemeteries, credit is respectfully given to Ruby Cranor, The records preserved of these three burial places are but a small portion of her efforts to preserve county history."

Gilstrap Cemetery No. 1:

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (8)

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (9)

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (10)

These are the listings from the "p.126 of the document of the unknown author:
1. Gracie Meade (Carr) Elam 1871-1877
2. Edward R. Carr 1867-1877
3. Hillard Rogers 1819-1870
4. Martha Rogers 1825-1870
5. A. J. Gilstrap (This oldest grave with an engraved marker in Washington County.) 1826-1869
6. Sarah J. Gilstrap 1829-1877
7. Clem Gilstrap 1869-1877
8. Robert Gilstrap 1860-1889
9. Lona W. Brock 1879-1901
10. Hana Pore 1884-1889
11. Katie Pore 1881-1900
12. Louis Pharamond Chouteau 1838-1872
13. Edward Millus 1905-1911
14. Elmer Millus 1905-1911
15. Edward G. Morris 1862-1899
16. Les Wilson d. Jun 19 1896

Gilstrap Cemetery No. 2:
17. Samuel Bell
18. Elizabeth Marshall d. Oct. 30 1875
19. J. M. Davis (CIVIL WAR VET.) Co. D 78th INF.
20. James Welch (CIVIL WAR VET.) Co. G 6th KANSAS CAVALRY died Feb 4 1898
21. Nathan Welch (CIVIL WAR VET.) CO. G 5th KANSAS CAVALRY
21a. Mrs. Peter Welch d. Feb 21 1898
22. ____ Carr B'vl. MAGNET, 7-9-97 "On Saturday last week he (Mr. Carr) lost his 7 yr. old dau. and on the following Tues. lost his wife)
23. Son of Jack Tush 1885-1897
24. John Waldo Tyler 1917-1968
25. Donald March Taylor 1888-1964
26. Irma Irwin Tyler 1892-1958
(The author has this note: Numbered graves following No. 18 may or not apply to the name or location, except Nos. 24-26. [Not quite sure what this means.]

"Harold R. Farrar, a researcher in Washington County, probably contributed some of the data.

At present there are no grave markers for the occupants of the cemetery except for three stones which were removed to the face of an adjacent farm pond. This is the cemetery in which Betsy Wilaquenaho is thought to be buried. Researcher: Vickie Wilkins/Swiftwater Hahn

* * *


Photo provided by Bill Wilson

The Grinter Chapel Cemetery is located adjacent to the Grinter Chapel United Methodist Church located at 78th & Swartz Road, Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas.

This surname listing was prepared by the Wyandotte County Genealogical Society in July 1993. A complete listing of the cemetery will be entered after the listing has been received. Only a part of the burials are Lenape-Delaware. The Lenape-Delaware burials will be designated as such when they are sorted out. Editor.

Allen, Applegate, Bair, Beales, Bendure, Benjamin, Bettis, Bohling, Boke, Bolinger, Broomfield, Brown, Buchanan, Buckland, Calvird, Cardon, Carver, Chesney, Clark, Coleman, Colley, Cook, Cory, Crauthers, Creamer, Daniels,Davidson, DeFries, Edgemon, Eidson, Ernst, Estes, Evans, Fish, Ford, Fritz, Fry, Galaway, Tiffin, Golden, Gordon, Gray, Green, Grigsby, Grinter, Hahn, Hale, Hanson, Harding, Heck, Hervey, Hickman, Higgins, Hill, Hines, Hobson, Hollman, Holmes, Howerton, Huscher, Johnson, Kelly, Kirby, Lampe, Langford, Lee, Lewis, Liston, Lunderblade, Lynch, Malotte, Mann, Marshall, Martin, Masonbrink, McAndrew, McCamish, McCollister, McDaniel, McDowell, McHenry, McKee, McLane, McNabb, McRee, Meade, Miller, Millham, Millsap, Mooney, Moore, Morgan, Newman, Norgard, Northcott, Norton, Oldham, Oliver, Outen, Owens, Palmer, Pate, Peacher, Pharis, Philips, Phillips, Post, Ready, Reeve, Reynolds, Richard, Robertson, Rock, Ross, Rowdybush, Russell, Rutledge, Sandburg, Sarmiento, Scamahorn, Searcy, Segraves, Sheets, Simmons, Sims, Sivyer, Smith, Snyder, Soden, Spaulding, Speerschneider, Stock, Stout, Swartz, Thurman, Tichenor, Tidd, Turner, Unknown, Walker, Way, Welling, Wheat, White, Wilcoxon, Wilkes, Williams, Williamson, Worthington, Wren, Wyatt.

Grinter Chapel Grave Markers with more detail to be worked into the master listing later as copied by Nathalie and Tom Hahn from the markers:
Audley P. Defries d. 27 July 1882 @ 52
Mattie A. Defries 1865-1922 Bailey B. 1865-1922
Defries Nathan E. 1832-1822 Mary Jane 1843-1908
A. B. Grinter d. @92 Mary E. d. 1879
Ginter Annie 8 Jan 1820n28 Jun 1905 Moses 12 Mar 1809 12 June 1878 W. H. H. b. 1 Nov 1841 10 Dec. 1887
Grinter Cunningham R, 1864-1924 Eliz. S 1869-1905
Grinter James C. 23 Jan 1828 28 July 1893 Rosanna 1832-1916
John C. Grinter 28 Jan 1828-17 Sept. 1898

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (12)

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (13)

RICHART, Daisy, 1895-1970
ROBERTSON, Ike, 1874-1961
Clark, 1889-1967
Cora, 1889-1968
ROTH, James C. (Co. F, Span Am)
ROUDYBUSH, C. [?] Burt, 18741942
Idea J. 1876-1949
RUSSELL, D. Deloras, 1806-1960
SANDBURG, Peter, 1850-1960
Christina, 1848-1933
SANDBURG, Francis J., 1921-1964
SANDBURG, Charles F., 1877-1958
Lula E., 18676-1962
Carl Clifford, 1903-1978
SANDBURG, Edward, 1884-1947
Emily Eva, 1887-1956
Joseph P., 1891-1965
SANDBURG, Francis A., 1886-1942 (Pvt. 69th Inf.)
Estella E., 1912-1974
Bernice M., 1922-
Harvey E., 1944-1977
SANDBURG, C. J., 1847-1912
SANDBURG, Frederick F., 1918-1920*
Inf[and] son of Albert & Stella d. 1921*
SEAGRAVES, J. F. R., 1854-1904
SHORE, Annie E. (Mooney), 1881-1918
SIMON, Sarah E., 1838-1919
Lucius R., (no dates)
SIMMS, Martha E., 1853-1924
SMITH, Anna G., d. 895, age 2 yrs
SODEN, Peter H., 1877-1948
Anna N., 1879-1962
SPAULDING, Frank C., 1879-1940
Katherine F., 1889-1952
SPEARSCHNEIDER, Karry O. d. 1908
STORK, Lee C., 1891-1967
SWARTZ, Clyde M., (dates gone)
Mary B., 1912-1964
W. A., (pres) [not sure what this means, editor], 1825-?
Bessie B., 1898-1975
TURNER, John, 1843 (buried stone)*
Rebecca Turner Lynch, 1840-1911*
WALKER, Artie, 1896- 1970
Charles, 1924-1959 (WW2)
Levert A., 1931-197 (Korea)
WALKER, Walter, 1896-
Ruth A., 1902-1926
William R., 1925-1926
WASHINGTON, Mary E. (no dates)
Fannie, d.1860 age 10 Mo.
WAY, J. W., 1855-1881
Charles W., 1885-1961
Arta, au [august?] 1886-1936
WHEAT, Achilles V., 1867-1909
Rosetta Ann, 1875-1905
Rebecca M., 1894-1917
WHITE, Ronald L., 1955-1981*
WILCOXON, Leonora, 1869-1881
WILLIAMS, Tapley F., 1881-1949
WILLIAMS, William P.,1902-_____ (GAR)
H. Fern, 1901-1956
WILLIAMSON, Everett, 1884-1973
Nona J., 1891-1974
Irene Katherine, 1926-1976
WORTHINGTON, James D., 1875-1967
Ida L.. 1883-1970
WORTHINGTON, James D. 1875-1967
WYATT, Thomas, 1876-1910
Leaf J., 1904-1971
Julia, 1912-____
Paul L., d. 1880 (inf)*
Carol, d. 1883, age 1 yr*
MC DOWELL, Burke, d. 1875, age 1 yr
Montie, d. 1879 age __ mo. son of S.A. & M.A.
Minnie, b 7 d 1881
Vervie, d. 1883 age 3 mo.

*I do not know the purpose of the asterisks (*). Editor.

Note that the name "Stork" should be"Stock." Also, other records show that Melinda Wilcoxen was buried here as well as two infant births of Myrtle (Hahn) McCollister.

Grave of Anna (Marshall)Grinter in the Grinter Chapel Cemetery on 78th Street in Kansas City, Kansas.The marker reads: ANNIE Wife of M. R. GRINTER BORN Jan. 81820 DIED June 28 1905. The inscription for her spouse, Moses R.Grinter, is on the other side of the monument. Photo taken by Thomas SwiftwaterHahn about 1996.
Researcher: Swiftwater Hahn

Lenape-Delaware burials will be indicated by the color red once we have determined who-is-who. Not all the burials of the families indicated by the color red above will be Lenape-Delaware. Let me know if there is a family you know about in this listing which has Delaware burials here. Editor.

Wilcoxen, Nody, daughter of Rezin and Melinda Wilcoxen, an invalid, died 20 December 1885, and was buried in on 22 December in the Grinter Cemetery. (Wyandotte Gazette,9 March 1885)

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KETCHUM CEMETERY (Ketchum, Craig County, Oklahoma)

This cemetery is located at Ketchum, Oklahoma. Below is a listing of some of the occupants:

East Center Section: Fred [Freddie] Stephenson Born: December 23, 1892 Died: October 1962
Actually born 23 December 1894 and died 14 October 1962. End of row; no stones for 150 feet to the fence.

East Center Section: John Henry Stephenson. Born September 27 , 1873 Died: June 1, 1938
He was born in Kansas, the son of Andrew and Mary Tiblow . His wife was Rosa Lee Stephenson. Luginbue Funeral Home, Vinita, Oklahoma.

East Center Section: Rosa Lee Stephenson Born 1882 Died 1963
(Obituary 8 August 1963) John and Rosa had a double stone inscribed "Love and Memory."

East Center Section: William Riley Ketchum Born: 1827 Died May 28, 1880
The Grand River Dam Authority relocated the grave from the Ketchum Family Cemetery. The original Ketchum Cemetery was in Mayes County and moved to Craig County when the dam was built. His niece, Jane A. Thompson, said his death was due to tuberculosis at age 60, but according to the data on the stone marker, his age would be 63 or 64. He is now buried in Plot#105, Grave #310.

East Center Section: James Ketchum: Born 1816 Died: December 22, 1880.
Reverend Ketchum was a Methodist minister, as were his father and grandfather before him in Kansas. His daughter, Jane, said that he died from pneumonia at age 55, but according to his grave marker he died at age 63 or 64. He is now buried in Plot #105, Grave #310.

East Center Section: Elizabeth Swannock Connor Ketchum Born 1827 Died Feb. 25, 1925 "Mother"(Obituary 26 February 1925) and "Ketchum Notes" 5 March 1925. She married 1. John Connor in 1853. They had one son, Silas Connor (1859-1895). After John Connor died, she married 2. Rev. John Ketchum on 7 December 1865. The Town of Ketchum was named for James and his family. They had three children: James (1866-1886), Jane Annie (Janana) Ketchum Thompson (1870-1947), and Lucinda Ketchum Ward Byres (1872-1947). The funeral of Elizabeth was on a Thursday at the Methodist Church. Rogers Funeral Home. Researcher Vickie Wilkins: Freddie Stephenson, buried in this cemetery, is her grandfather.

* * *

KETCHUM CEMETERY(Mayes County, Oklahoma)

There was a Ketchum Cemetery in Mayes County, Oklahoma, but when the Grand River Dam Association built the dam at that location, they relocated most of the burials to the Ketchum Cemetery in Craig County. Researcher: Vickie Wilkins

* * *

Ketchum, Craig County, Oklahoma)

This cemetery is located near Vinita in Craig County, Oklahoma. On 8 June 1939, the Works Progress Administration, as a part of its Indian-Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma, recorded the Ketchum Private Cemetery. The cemetery was founded by Louis Ketchum in 1904 [on his Indian Allotment] and was in 1939 on the premises of Sol. G. Ketchum [his son]. The address was given as Route 5, Vinita [Craig County], Oklahoma. The report said that there were 11 graves, 6 of them marked, and that the cemetery was in good condition. The location was described as Craig County, SE-NE-NE of Section 10, Township 34, Range 80. (Works Progress Administration, Burial Ground Form, Vol. 56, No. 6168).
The six headstones with inscriptions read:
Lewis Ketchum 1808 - 1904
Elizabeth [his wife] 1835 - 1913
Simon W. [son] 1855 - 1894
Lucinda [daughter] 1858 - 1876 [There is also a grave marker for Lucinda Ketchum in the White Church Cemetery in Kansas City, Kansas. That marker reads, Ketchum, Lucinda Age 18 yr, 7 mo Daughter of Louis & Elizabeth. The date of death was 3 August 1877.]
Solomon C. [son, marker is apparently blank]
Hatty Ann [daughter] 1868 - 1869
Researcher: Vickie Wilkins

* * *

MOUNT HOPE CEMETERY (Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas)

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (15)

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (16)
The Descendants of the Children of Christian Hahn and Mattie Defries at their Grave Sites at the Mount Hope Cemetery, Topeka, Kansas after the Kansas. Some of those in the photograph had come from other places to as to attend the Kansas Delaware Annual Meeting at the Grinter Chapel at Kansas City, Kansas the day previously and to have a family reunion. Tom Hahn must have taken the picture as he is not in it. Front row, left-to-right: Nathalie (White) Hahn, Barbara (Hahn) Lamantia, Diane (Johnson) Langhorst, Chris (Lamantia) Patek, . Pat (Hahn) Blair, Evelyn Blair, (Ken Bair's mother), Laura Gentry. Back row, left-to-right: Bob Reineke, Donna (Walter) Reineke), Dorothy (McCollister) Crowe, Barbara _____ (Dorothy's daughter), Mark Patek, Debbie Corby, Nicole Gentry, "Scooter" Corby, Rick Corby, Becky (Beckman) Corby, Candace (John) Johnson, Mark Lamantia, Cindy Gentry, Carol Laskowski.


Mary Louise




Leslie F


[Spouse of Louise]


Gladys F


[Second spouse of Leslie Beckman]


Florence V


[Spouse of Walter Hahn]


Walter F




E Marcelle




Harry G Jr


[Spouse of Louise Beckman]


Nadia D


[Father of Harry Corby, jr.]


Mattie F








Bertha D


[Sister of C. F. Hahn]


Barbara Hahn




Marie J


[Spouse of Ed Hahn]

Richard K Corby


[Son of Harry Corby, Jr. and Marcelle "Becky" (Beckman) Corby]

Martin L Tenesch


[Partner of Richard "Rick" Corby]


Harry G


[Spouse of Nadia D. Corby]


Edward O



Grid of the Hahn Plots in the Cemetery (Provided by Rick Corby, son of Marcelle "Becky [Beckman] Cory and Harry CorbyRickCorby@aol.com ) Needs location of Myrtle McCollister [daughter and Gerald McCollister [Spouse of Myrtle].) I believe that the three grave sites just above go to the right of the first line of graves.

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (17)

The Christian Hahn Family Grave Markers are as they Appear in the Mount Hope Cemetery. Relationships are shown in the chart above this image. (Prepared and submitted by Ken and Pat Blair)

This cemetery, also known as the Fairlawn Cemetery, is located to the east and north from the intersection of West 17th and Fairlawn Road on the west side of Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas. The entrance to the cemetery is on 17th Street. It contains a small number of Kansas Lenape-Delaware burials, all descendants of Anna (Marshall) Grinter mother of Mary Jane (Grinter) Defries mother of Martha Frances "Mattie" (Defries) Hahn. These burials are all in Section A of the East Lawn section of the cemetery. This section is across the cemetery road and a bit to the north of the Singing Tower. The data in quotes is the actual grave marker inscription:

*Beckman, Mary Louise (Hahn). Daughter of *Martha "Mattie" Frances Defries* and Christian Frederick Hahn, [born 19 November 1892, died 11July 1945]. Her spouse, Leslie F. Beckman [

born 25 December 1896, died 24 May 1981 ] is buried next to her. Grave marker: Beckman Mary Louise 1892-1945 [and] Leslie F. 1896-1981.

*Corby, Eunice Marcelle "Becky" (Beckman), [born 29 October, died 1921-28 June 2001, inured 3 July 2001]. Daughter of *Mary Louise "Lou" Hahnand Leslie F. Beckman. Her spouse, Harry Corby [born 20 August 1922, died 8 April 2001] is inured next to her. Grave marker:

*Hahn, Edward Oscar, born 29 July 1898, died 24-July 1979. Son of *Martha "Mattie" Frances Defries and Christian Frederick Hahn. His spouse, Ada Marie Jenkins, born 4 July 1897, died 10 October 1978, is buried next to him. Grave markers:

Marie J. Hahn - 1897-1978 Edward O Hahn - 1898

*Hahn, Martha Frances "Mattie" Frances (Defries), born 10 December 1867, died 27 August, buried 29 August. Grave marker: MATTIE F. HAHN 1867-1950. Daughter of *Mary Jane Grinter and Audley Paul Defries. She is buried next to her spouse, Christian Frederick Hahn, born 31 March 1864, died 3 July 1934, buried 5 July 1934. Grave marker: C. F. HAHN 1863-1964.

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (18)

*Hahn, Walter Frederick. "WALTER F. HAHN 1897-1967" [ 28 October-4 February 1867, buried 8 February 1867] Son of *Martha "Mattie" Frances Defries and Christian Frederick Hahn. His spouse, Florence Vivian (Torgeson) Hahn. is inured next to him. [Actual: 23 April 1897-5 October 1999]. Section A, Lot 206.

*Lamantia, Barbara Ann (Hahn), born 15 November 1926, died 10 March 2001, buried 14 March 2001. Grave marker: BARBARA HAHN LAMANTIA 1926-2001. Daughter of *Edward Oscar Hahn and Ida Marie Jenkins.

*McCollister, Myrtle (Hahn). [born 21 December 1888, died 23 December 1964, buried 26 December 1964]. Daughter of *Martha "Mattie" Frances Defries and Christian Frederick Hahn. She is buried next to her spouse, Gerald Theodore McCollister, born 12 March 1884,1952 died 31 July 1952. Grave marker: Myrtle 1889 -1964 MCCOLLISTER Gerald T. 1884-1952

*Kansas Lenape-Delaware Researcher: Tom Swiftwater Hahn

* * *

MUNSEE CEMETERY (Ottawa, Franklin County, Kansas)
Cemetery data entered 26 June 2002 and Revised 2 July 2002

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (19)

This rural, attractive cemetery is located 6.6 miles west of Ottawa, Franklin County, Kansas. There are many burials here but only a small number of grave markers. (Photo by Thomas Swiftwater Hahn)

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (20)

These mature cedar trees, perhaps dating from the beginning of the cemetery in 1859, are in double rows forming a large cross. (Photo by Thomas Swiftwater Hahn)

To reach the cemetery from the south end of Ottawa, Kansas on Main Street at 23rd, turn right on paved Labette Road and go 3.0 miles to graveled Kentucky Road where turn left and proceed 1.0 mile to Kingman Road. Turn right on Kingman Road and go 2.0 miles where you cross Indiana Road. Proceed across Indiana Road for .6 mile up a hill and to the right to the cemetery, a total of 6.6 miles from the beginning of the directions. An attractive stone marker at the entrance gate says MUNSEE INDIAN CEMETERY 1859. For more information about this cemetery, contact Munsee Debbie Badders Telephone 785-242-5614 in Ottawa.

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (21)
One of the grave markers in the cemetery (Photos by Tom Hahn)

Burials presently known:
Caleb, Ignatius - The last known leader of the tribe. Though not on the "listing" of burials in the cemetery, he is known to be buried near Sabilla Caleb, buried under the name of Elliott.
Elliott, Sabilla (nee Caleb) - SeeCALEB, Sabilla in the Biographies.
(Provided by Linda Plake Sparlin, a Kansas Munsee descendant. Researcher: Tom Swiftwater Hahn)

* * *

PRAIRIE CEMETERY (Leavenworth County, Kansas)

In Bonner Springs, Kansas, take K-32 (called Front Street in Bonner Springs) west about five miles. Turn right on Loring Road. Go to and through the intersection of 158th Street (Leavenworth County Road 2) until your first left turn. Proceed until you can turn left again and drive straight into the cemetery. This information is from Joyce Lawrence, whose 4th great grandmother, Margaret Perry McCleary is buried there. She says that her third great grandfather, Elias McCleary, purchased the Lenape cemetery some time after her death on 26 March 1884. Margaret died at the home of her son, William McCleary in Leavenworth, Kansas. Joyce's great-great grandfather . Thomas Jefferson McCleary, may also be buried in this cemetery. She says that there is no actual town, but there are farm houses along the way and that there are many old graves in the cemetery as well as new ones.

The photograph taken by Bern O'Malley was provided by B. J. Ryan

This is an attractive cemetery has many vandalized and broken grave markers. The small rectangular stone in the photograph next to the large grave marker says W. H. That is probably the marker for William Honeywell. We think that marker forSarah (Owl) Honeywell may be a marker next to his. Their childrens' names are on nearby markers. There is also a marker forElnora, probably born in 1856 and died in 1888, the wife of Eli Moore Honeywell. She probably was born in 1856 and died in 1888. According to the Wyandotte Gazette for 9 July 1875, Eli Honeywell married Nora Myers. There are also markers for the Eli Moore Honeywell children. We are looking for more information on the possibility of other Lenape-Delaware burials here. We welcome additions and further information. The researchers on this cemetery are Joyce BooDotte@aol.com or Betty Jane Ryan bejryan@aol.com (Kansas Delaware) who provided the photograph.

* * *

SILVER LAKE CEMETERY (Bartlesville, Oklahoma)

Located in Section 30, surrounded by the Hillcrest Country Club Golf Course, South of Bartlesville, this cemetery was known as the Harry Arnold Delaware Cemetery. It was established before Allotment soon after the Delaware people came here in 1867. It is well kept and still being used. The information for the Silver Lake Cemetery is a compilation of data from Ruby Cranor's "Talking Tombstones" and data gathered by Raymonda Sarcoxie Allen, November 9, 1980. Used by permission, with many thanks for their hard work.

Rich & Terri Moberly

There are many Whiteturkey family members buried in this cemetery. Some of them are the family of William Henry "Washer" Marshall Conner's wife.

Here is the link to reach the data on the burials in the cemetery:http://www.rmoberly.net/Silver%20Lake.asp

* * * WHITE CHURCH CEMETERY (Kansas City, Kansas)

The White Church Cemeteryis in the vicinity of the White Church shown near the center of the map in Quindaro Township on this 1883 Map of Wyandotte County, Kansas (From William G. Cutler's History of the State of Kansas, first published by A. T. Andreas, Chicago (1882) From the web site: http://raven.cc.ukans.edu/carrie/kancoll/graphics/maps/

White Church Christian Church

White Church and Cemetery Plaque

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (25)
Grave Marker of Captain Ketchum

Grave Marker of Isaac Mundy, Delaware Blacksmith

The above photos were provided by Bill Wilson.

The cemetery is located adjacent to the White Church Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) at 2200 North 85th Street, one block north of Parallel Avenue in Kansas City, Wyandotte County, Kansas.

Not all the burials are Lenape-Delaware. The entire listing has been entered. Lenape-Delaware graves will be marked as such as they are determined. Editor





3-3 Boles, Elizabeth B. Wife of Rev. Charles Bowles 1822 1863
3-4 Ketchum, William S. William was the son of James Ketchum ---- ----
3-6 Bowers - No marker ---- ----
4-3 Mundy, Isaac - Not Indian, Blacksmith for Indians. Died in Hunting Accident 30 May 1814 27 Feb 1858
4-4 O'Donnell, Robert 1830 1909
4-4 O'Donnell--Infant ---- ----


O'Donnell, Jane 37 yrs 2mo, 17da Daughter of Louis & Elizabeth Ketchum ---- Sep 8 1881
4-5 Wilcoxen, Roy - No markers Wilcoxen, Katie Wilcoxen, Infant* [Revise] ---- ----
5-3 Ketchum, Captain - Tall obelisk marker. The marker is in a poor condition and displays the image of a lamb reclining beneath the rays of the sun. In 1903, the wording was "Captain Ketchum, Chief of the Delaware Nation 28 years. A member of the Methodist Ep. Church South 22 years. Born in Tuscarawas co. OH 1780. Died July 11, 1857 aged 77 years," 1780 11 July 1857
5-3 Ketchum, Lucinda Age 18 yr, 7 mo Daughter of Louis & Elizabeth [There is also a grave marker in the Ketchum Cemetery founded by Lewis Ketchum near Vinita, Craig County, Oklahoma. That marker reads, Lucinda 1858 - 1876.] ---- 3 Aug 1877
5-3 Ketchum, Hatty Ann Age 1 yr 3 mo Daughter of Louis & Elizabeth Ketchum ---- 14 July 1869
5-4 Ray, Calvin 21 Oct 1910 9 Nov 1988
5-4 Ray, Helen Marie 29 Mar 1911 Living
5-4 Ray, Charles E. (uncle) 1879 1954
5-4 Ray, Missouri A (grandmother) 1853 1934
54-4 Ray, John J. (grandfather) 1842 1913
6-2-1 Jones ---- ----
6-2-2 Jones, Rev. Larry Pastor at White Church at time of death 1938 2000
6-3 Occupied?
7-3-1 Vestal, Emma (mother) 1885 1963
7-3-2 Vestal, Noah (father) 1872 1946
7-3-3 Vestal, Charles W. 1905 1962
7-3-4 Vestal, Robert W. 1914 1970
7-3-5 Vestal, Thomas H. 1908 1972
7-3-6 Vestal, Charlotte 1909 1983
7-4-1 Johanson, Josephine A. 1871 1948
7-4-2 Johanson, Charles G. 1861 1919
7-6 Ketchum, Rev. Jacob - Age 47 yrs ---- 28 Jun 1866
7-6 Ketchum, Rev. Charles - North of Jacob. Member of M. E. Church 26 yrs - Ordained 1852 Dec 1811 20 Jul 1860
Jacob & Charles - Sons of George Ketchum ---- ----
8-6 Brotherson ---- ----
8-6-1 Brotherson, Walter John 20 May 1891 12 Oct 1959
8-6-2 Brotherson, Winnie Gertrude 14 Apr 1893 24 Sep 1963
9-2 North Half Vacant
9-2 Conrad, Virgil L. 16 May 1930 24 Nov 1984
9-2 Conrad, Barbara 5 Sep 1932 24 Nov1963
9-3 Hovey, Ione 1874 1964
9-3 Hovey, Clement 1882 1957
9-3 Carlson, Andrew 1865 1952
9-3 Carlson, Hulda 1867 1963
9-4 Baker (child) - No marker ---- ----
9-5 Roberts, Vivian Lyle 30 Jun 1913 24 Jan 1980
9-5 Lyle, Dottie 1891 1976
9-5 Lyle, Harmer F. 1887 1938
9-5 Lyle, James W. 22 Aug 1915 11 Aug 1982
9-6 Rollwagon, Veda Lyle 3 Jul 1919 Living
9-6 Rollwagon, James R. 15 Feb 1915 15 Apr 1985
9-6 Munn, Lori Beth 21 Jul 1970 11 Feb 1971
9-6 Myers, John F. 1883 1963
9-6 Myers, Dessie M. 1885 1970
10-2 North Half Vacant
10-2 Sanders, William C. 1867 ----
10-2 Sanders, Alice H. 1868 1943
10-3 Kent, Hugh L. (father) 1865 1943
10-3 Kent, Myrtle (mother) 18676 1963
10-3 Kent, James L. (son) 25 Sep 1908 12 Mar 1993
10-3 Falk, Minnie 1891 1952
10-3 Falk, Frank 1889 1941
10-3 Yetter, Mary C. 1834 1923
10-5 Hovey, Emma 1874 1876
10-5 Hovey, Hatty ---- 1885
10-5 Hovey, George ---- 1878
10-5 Hovey, Velda ---- 1876
10-5 Swartz, Josie Hovey 1876 1951
10-5 Swartz, Benjamin E. 1871 1936
10-6 Ebert, Annie T. Hovey 1879 1938
18-6 Hovey, John 1872 1953
18-6 Liles, Beulah Hovey 1906 1976
10-6 Hovey, Ella Jane 1843 1930
10-6 George U. S. 1842 1906
10-6 Hovey, Ella Jane (Jennie) 1870 1902
11-3 Cunningham-Peck (owned but unoccupied)
11-4 Brotherson, Homer L. 1899 1970
11-5 Brotherson, Gertie L. 1901 Living
11-5 Anderson, Brownie Brotherson 1883 1912
11-5 Brotherson, John 1847 1909
11-6 Wood, Watson L. 1895 1901
11-6 Wood, Sarah V. 1867 1960
11-6 Wood, Watson F. 1860 1942
11-6 Wood, Theodore Francis 1897 1981
11-6 Wood, Virginia Ruth Vander Veen 1906 17 Nov 1992
12-2 Blankenship, George W. 1869 1941
12-2 Blankenship, Alma Brotherson 1879 1916
12-2 Blankenship, Joshua 1835 1912
12-2 Blankenship, Rebecca 1837 1914
12-3 Orr, Robert E. (son) 13 Aug 1919 30 Aug 1942
12-3 Orr, Mary H. (mother) 22 May 1894 10 Mar 1990
12-3 Orr, Ernest E. (father) 23 June 1892 24 Apr 1968
12-3 Orr, Tony (infant) ---- ----
12-3 Orr, Mark (infant) ---- ----
12-4 Walker, Leslie J. 1890 1937
12-4 Walker, Oddra 1889 1967
12-5 Gregory, Albert A. 10 Aug 1858 28 Aug 1923
12-5 Gregory, Jennie M. 11 May 1861 27 Apr 1930
12-5 Gregory, Roy M. 1 Jul 1884 31 Mar 1912
12-6 Bundy, Gilbert W. Son of Rev. D. E. & Cora Bundy 31 Mar 1896 23 Ju8n 1898
13-1 Rittner, Adolph 1894 1976
13-1 Rittner, Grace 1898 1958
13-2 Carr, Tone The Carrs were moved for the building of the Fellowship Hall 1874 1930
13-2 Carr, Emma 1881 1924
13-4 Occupied? No Marker

RESEARCHER: Tom Swiftwater Hahn based on data provided by Mary Jane Leiter.

* * *

WHITE ROSE CEMETERY (Bartlesville, Oklahoma)

This cemetery containing Delaware graves is located at 11th and Virginia Streets. Bartlesville, Washington County, Oklahoma.

"Grandma" Patiacow was buried there in Block 3, Lot ED, Site. 06 (Jackie Brown)

* * *

WILLOW SPRINGS CEMETERY (Craig County, Oklahoma)

The Willow Springs Cemetery is located in Craig County, Oklahoma. It is a little three-acre cemetery that belonged to Mary Henrietta Stephenson. Before she legally became an adult, her mother, Fannie Francis Stephenson sold the land allotment and the three acres became a part of the Ketchum Cemetery.

Cemeteries Containing Lenape Graves (27)

This map, provided by Vickie Wilkins, shows the original three acres where the original Willow Springs Cemetery was. It shows the burials of several of Vickie Wilkins's Stephenson Delaware Family: Fannie, Freddie, John, Mary A., Mary H., Rosa, and Walter Stephenson.
Unknown grave locations: Willow Springs. Andrew Stephenson. Born about 1845 in Indiana. Died March 31, 1900. Researcher: Vickie Wilkins

Copy 13 December 2004. Times New Roman 14 point. Photo check A: Check White Church and Willow Springs Cemeteries' Photos. TH

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Cemeteries Containing  Lenape Graves (2024)
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