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y' 4 A r'i otPtthds SECTION Local News Feature Food Recipes Theatres SECTION Local News Features Food Recipes (A Theatres COMES CHRISTI TEXAS FBIDAT NOVEMBER 11 1931 Italy Reaffirms Axis Is Gratified That Hitler Escaped i Papers of Nation Denounce 'Odious' Attempt on Fuehrer I Young Men and Boys Exchange Ideas at YMCA Twonty-fivo Yoon Ago in Eurapo The Emden famous German commerce destroyer was defeated- and destroyed by the Australian cruiser Sydney in toe Bay of Bengal after a three-hour battle The Emden which had sunk 24 merchantmen and battleships had a casualty list of 200 killed and 30 wounded On toe Western Front heavy firing continued between Armentieres and the sea with neither side reporting much progress while on the Eastern Front the Germans repulsed the Russians 1 at the East Prussian frontier recapturing 4000 prisoners Wisconsin Jobbers File Suit Against Oil Corporations ST PAUL Nov 10 (iP) Elevcti large corporations producing gasoe line and oil were named defends ants in a suit filed In federal court -Thursday by a group of Wisconsin jobbers who ask total damages of $57808840: The suit is based on alleged vfcK is lions of the Sherman antl-tnui law and charges the defendants with manipulating the price of gasoline The suit ia one of several filed as a severance to an action by the federal government wtich brought criminal charges under the anti-trust law against numer- ous large oil producing corpora- tions and obtained convictions of several companies An appeal to the United States Supreme Court taken from toe decision of the lower court is pending and is scheduled to be de cided in January The defendant companies named are: Phillips Petroleum Co Mid-Continent Oil Co Shell Petroleum Corp Standard Oil Co of Ind Pure Oil Co Sinclair Refining Co Socony-Vacuum Oil Co Skeily Oil Co Continental Oil Co Cities Service Barnsdall Refining Corp and Johnson Oil Refining Co Soviot Envoy to Arrives on Italian Lintr Rex NEW: YORK Nov-10 UJ9-Constantine Oumaruky Soviet ambassador to the United States Slid Hiroshi Qshima retiring Jap-nese ambassador to Berlin arrived Thursday the Italian liner Rex Oshima is en route to Tokyo and Oumansky Is returning to Washington to resume his duties Oumanfky parried poiitii questions When asked whether he had ever seen a member of the Ogpu as alleged in a magazine article by Krivitdcy the ambassador replied: no what is Reporters Mid It was toe Soviet secret police "I have never heard of the Russian diplomat Hid adding that he would not such a question with an answer' Xrivitsky claims to have been a Soviet general and a high official in the Soviet espionage service General Qshima a military expert discussed the Germany army war conditions in Poland and on toe Western Front is a very good army" he Mid What that (German) army has achieved is crdosML" Asked whether he thought Germany would win to war Oshima said that toe spirit of toe people in Germany me very much" is good and it indicates much! can My the situation in Germany is much better economically diplomatically and ln a military way than it was in he sidV- FW the YMCA played heat with a din- KfrfahuSlS tSrvMrAT of the boys' Gang Nite -YMCA Provide leisure-time physics! snd mental recrea-Mon and an uplifting pragram for beys ef the community This type of work is carried ex partly thrsugh assistance ef the Community Chest panjr ROME Nov 10 Italy reaffirmed the Rome-Berlin axia yesterday in expressing national gratification that Fuehrer Adolf Hiller had escaped assassination King Victor Emmanuel and Premier Benito Mussolini wired con-1 gratulatory messages to the German chancellor while afternoon newspapers throughout the coun-try printed front-page editorials 'i proclaiming the satisfaction of "all the Italian people" that Hitler had teen spared The majority of editorials de-dared that such assassination at-tempts whether' foreign or from within serve only to bring the Fascists and Nazis closer gether 1 The King's telegram read: beg your excellency accept my sincerest felicitations for your escape from an outrageous tempt which causes my deepest indignation" Mussolini wired: "The news of the criminal attempt upon your person has given way to profound the part of both the emment and the Italian people together with the sincerest sorrow for the victims who included veteran Nazis "Personally and in the name of Fascist Italy 2 convey to you an expression of my true satisfaction for the fact that you escaped dan- ger in this odious attempt which cannot endanger however the Unity of the German people so compact around you and r- Ettore Muti new secretary of toe Fascist Party wired Deputy Fuehrer Rudolf Hess "the indignation of the Blackshirts of Mussolini for the odious attempt accept my salute as a comrade" Dispatches datelined Munich in afternoon newspapers unanimous-- emphasized that it was indi-" cated that the plot was of foreign origin with the Germans blaming Great Britain" FREED LOWELL Mass! Nov' 10 0Ut Charged robbery Richard Fay 20 testified he paid a Canadian quarter to enter a theatre at the time of the crime1 He was i freed when search of toe theatre's i cash drawer disclosed the coin Kit sS Diversified Program Instituted by Local Chapter of YMCA Boy on the Street Gets Help From! Organization Note: This is toe last of a series of articles published In The Timet to show the type of health charitable and char-your acter-building work being done Jews Relieved as Nazis Direct Their Fury Against Britons Pogrom Was Staged In Britain Year Ago Today BERLIN Nov 10 One year ago this morning a pogrom officially designated as spontaneous demonstration of indignation" against Jews swept every city and hamlet in toe Reich The pogrom' was toe after-math of the murder of Ernst vom Rath secretary of the German embassy in Paris by a 17-year-old' Polish Jew Herschel -V Grynszpsn Today no one follows toe manhunt for toe Buergerbraeu beer hall assassins with more concern than 700000 Jews in the greater German Reich Synagogues Fired At an early hour there had been no reports of Jews being singled out for arrest arid toe Jews observed with relief that the fury of toe press was directed primarily against Britain At this time last year thousands of young men throughout Germany suddenly swarmed the streets smashing 1 Jewish shop windows and firing many syna-fogues In many cases shops also were set afire Jewish homes were invaded in smaller towns -At dawn the 'arrests began Eventually more than 35000 Jews were sent to concentration camps During the following days decrees were issued excluding the Jews from the professions and from wholesale and retail trades Must Pay Extra Installment A fine of a billion marks was levied against them This ostensibly represented 20 per cent of Jewish fortunes greater than 3000 marks and was to be paid in four installments Today the Jews were preparing an extra installment of 5 per cent due November 13 because the fine failed to net the anticipated billion marks The next step in the Jews? fate probably will be resettlement in a mammoth reservation near Lublin in the German-occupied section of Poland Tens of thousands already have been taken there A BOY v- BOSTON Nov' 10 McCrorey 23 Dead wood cowboy arrested after a saloon fracas was held for the grand Jury on a manslaughter i charge but toe judge reduced his ball from $3000 to $1000 after- the youth's father testified he was good boy" 1718 ALAMEDA SPECIAL IN Suit Seeks Ouster Of Orleans Parish District Attorney BATON ROUGE La Nov 10 Mathew Braniff New Orleans attorney Thursday filed suite In district court seeking ouster of Niels Hertz Orleans parish district attorney recently supported by Gov Earl Long The suit was filed supplementing a previous petition by Braniff seeking ouster of Charles A Byrne as district attorney Byrne resigned recently and Hertz wu named his successor ---j- District Judge Robert Ellis Jr who had dismissed the initial petition against Byrne after Byrne resigned revoked the order Thursday and ruled he would consider it along with- the new ouster against Hertz: Braniff claims Long should call special election for toe district attorney post and admits he would become a candidate THE BIG SILVER KING We will guarantee you to catch for your home town A metal licetue tag with Corpus Christi stations and notion shops This of Commerce as a good booster or the South 0 a a for by toe 10 aiendes in thTamS! rhrff Corpu Christi Community Chest A long-felt need for a place In Corpus Christi in which 'young men and boys may receive physical exercise and leisure-time I guidance has been raelized with Form Women and I Two Men Found Guilty of Bigamy RUSSELLVILLE Ala Nov 10 A circuit court jury last night found a farm woman and two men guilty of bigamy in a rural love quadrangle involving swapping of mates and children Convicted were: Mrs Della Brand Johnson 31 William Johnson 36 farmer and Odell Brand 32 Works Projects Administration worker' Mrs Annie Fay Johnson Brand pleaded guilty before the trial and testified for the "ate is liable to a prison of two to five years years Judge Almon said he would not sentence the four until toe end of this session of court Mrs Annie Fay Johnson Brand was released upon her own recognizance: The others were held in ueu of baiL Ail four admitted on the wit- file charges v' -Defense Attorney J' Foy Guln pleaded that and actresses do the same thing daily" He said the 60-day law should not apply just to poor and ignorant but on the slick-haired high social element with store clothes and money in the bank" Grand Jury Indicts Mtmbtr of California Equalization Board LOS ANGELES Nov 10 0IJ9 William Bonelli member of toe State Board of Equalization and six others were indicted by toe county grand jury late Thursday in its investigation of an alleged liquor license payoff racket Sixty-eight counts of conspiracy and soliciting toe commission of bribery were contained in the indictment i Indicted with Bonelli were Ed' ward Levine alleged of the racket Gilbert Forte state liquor inspector Julian Ray Huntsman liquor salesman Maier Joskowitz so-called of Main Street" and alleged collector Burton A Walters liquor Mlesman and an unnamed Hollywood book' maker and sporting figure Specific charges against the men I were Mcret organization of the Young Men's stand that Johnson and Christian Association Brand agreed to swap wives and Since it was ornhized in yi chiWren Johnson paid for the di- it: sir ln mKmot versified program which has pro-1 Conflict in testimony among tlie vided recreational and group ac-1 our centred around whose idea -Through the Community Chest I The bigamy charge was based toe Corpus Christi YMCA is able the fact that the couples did to extend its program to toe fcov I wtt dfly Sfter the divorces y-tii ttoib-Ti th gymnasium -g -wholesome atmos- toe Brands and Johnsons lived phere in which to spend his leisure I shocked by the wife-swaptime On Friday nights under-1 nd 0)6 prosecutor to Election of Johnson Conceded by Swope s' 9 1 A LOUISVILLE Ky Nov10 In a four-word telegram former Circuit Judge Xing Swope of Lexington Thursday conceded the election of Gov Keen Johnson to full four-year term message to the governor at Frankfort the state capital said merely: snd best wishes" TARPON ROUNDUP Silver King Tarpons Be a booster TARPON made especially for your Texas on it On display at flffiag carries the approval of the Chamber Corpus Christi the Playground 0 DIAL 5541 SATURDAY 3 cans 23c privileged boys are 'given full rein at in a Gang Nile program sponsored by the I Club a young men's organization within toe YMCA' Gang Nite Gang Nile ia open to all boys of the city who sure unable to pay I for memberships in the A total of 173 under-privileged boys are enrolled in' the group which SS Ntu RtVIlUL WUICn I OUR STORE FOR FRIDAY AND Former Showgirl In State Hospital Questioned for Clue Disoppearonce of High Court Judge Remains Mystery NEW YORK Nov 10 MV-The twilight mind of a former Broadway showgirl was plumbed in vain yesterday for a clue to toe fantastic disappearance nine years ago of State Supreme Court Justice Joseph Force Crater- Crater is said to have visited the Manhattan apartment just before he dropped from sight After interviewing June Brice In the Brentwood State Hospital in the presence of psychiatric authorities counsel for the widow declared the mind was gone" But he did not give up hope of solving Manhattan's most engaging riddle" He aaid an application would be made in Supreme Court today for permission to open five or six trunks belonging to Misa Brice and to see her records' at the Brent-wod Bellevue and xThe attorney Emil Ellis represents toe re-married widow Mrs Stella Crater Kunz in seeking double insurance indemnity of $30000 on the ground that Crater died by violent or accidental means" Brice stared blankly at picture of the judge when I showed it to her" Ellis Hid after the disappointing hospital Interview rambled incoherently and Is in an advanced state of dementia praecox -i used legal phrases and talked of being a witness At one time she Mid shouldn't write anything to explain anything' But nothing she Mid was of value" There was one ray of hope but it flickered out "When I showed her one of her own pictures at the time the judge disappeared" Ellis said seemed to recognize it just for a moment saying was a pretty pose of France and Britain Still Aiding Chino Ambassador Soys VE9T YORK Nov 10 Dr I Hu Shih Chinese ambassador to the United States declared last ntght-that despite toe European war France and England still were aiding China ln its war with Japan and that Russia was actively supporting his countiywlth credits and munitions He was surprised" he Mid that Europe's war had not taken away support Aid from France and Great Britain he Mid was coming the back door" that is through French Indo-China snd British Burma KARL'S MAoi SHOES Women's Suedt SHOES $99 Women's House SLIPPERS 69clo 5199 Men's SLIPPERS $125 to $199 COFFEE PEARS Del Monte No 21 Bartlett Halves 1ft Chase fir Sanborn LB "DATED" 21c DEL MONTE For more than fifty years this fun out sig- nature has identified Kentucky bourbon at its glorious best To-day this distinguished whiskey is priced within essy each of almost CANS PURCHASED 0C 300 can 5c CATSUP 14 oz bottle 13c BABY FOODS 1 CAN FREE WITH EACH 1 1 MfirC Macaroni Dinners Macaroni and Chaest pkg STOKELY HOMINY Large No 0 vM II Admiration HEINZ FLOUR 22c 12 lb 39c KELLOGG Corn Flakes 8 oz bx 5c COFFEE 0 pound 2ft Bright Early pound 18c r-Vyi PINEAPPLE JUICE No 2 can 10c regular 2 far 15c Joponeie Accept A athletic toumamenu of Responsibility for admitted dree I D-aiia CL of charge to theatres through co- llip Signs operation of (he local theatre man- tt agement I HILOT Nov The YMCA financial program Is onwju Matsumara chairman arranged in such a way that with Kyuhachi Tanaka secretary tot assistance of the Community "ception committee for the Chest younger boys who actually supply ship Yskumo use the dub facilities several I fbureday accepted responsibility mes as much as toe young men Dr PIacin aboard toe ship and businessmen's groups receive I here directing visitors use of the facilities at little or no salute the sentry -cost and toe older members who I 8ns in Japanese and Eng' use the' facilities less- pay the nd 016 of a Jap- Kreatest amount for their use J1 to make Customs Under this principle the executive I nJectw Stanley Wilson bow or business man pays more than toLuTe caused an incident he receives in services toe aTOr-1 brought protests to Wash or employee pays MnfLVn exactly what it costs the young I wo committeemen said man payR less than the cost and lhey the signs without con-toe great majority of the boys I aung the otoer members of the pay bttle or nothing at alL They did not explain Without the aid of the Commun- whetJier hy consulted Japanese ity Cheit the boys and young I Mval officials 1 men who heed and use the MYM I Similar signs were posted on most could not afford to be mem- if cruiser Iwate when it visited bers or participate' in the program 1 nd Honolulu i 1131 After toe two shipa left' Mario Since its organization on Feb- Sato 21 Peruvian-born Japan-ruary 1 1938 with a board of I appeared in Hilo and said he is men and one employed sec- deserted from the naval aervice He heUhewaal nich standing committees as a I citizen of Peru and yas forced boys work committee a house V10 the navy while studying in committee and others two junior JPan high school Hl-Y clubs have been told Interviewers the a Club ha sign were put been organized the Gang Nite UP at every stop of the Japanese has been started and delegations I warhips --on their1 training have been sent to conferences for cruises hoys young men and Y'a Men dubs as well as toe South- C1-4 jmt area YMCA Council meet- OfflCioll To YMCA works to enlist men I Hoofing hoys to think and At BotOII RoilOO Plan together for their mutual improvement physically mentally BATON ROUGE La Nnv in and spiritually It does thU -Present and tirmw atato through enrollment efforts Hcisls were subpoenaed ThurscUv through Interest groupings and witnesses ln toe dUtrid Surt Wwgram planning according to hearing Monday on proceeding needi and desires In- I lTeh n5 ouster- from office of dividual members rosy receive I Xong as governor nd porsonal counsel from both staff aa state aland lay leaders toniey general nSl? ilure of the Community aummoned included Cov- Chcst last year had a telling ti-1 former gov fact on the YMCA Instead of be- Distrirt abJ to "love forward with a £orlri and mora advanced program and par- "Hjpn whose forcible ticularty to reach the unmet needs attorney general by of hundreds of street urchins eiinCi 0Kcrs pre- ntwllng mora Iclsuro-tlma guid- anca the organization was forced ert to devote large amount of time I sipk Field tomslntainlni its building serv- i'tflrt Alice and on the income-producing to Royal Gelatin Lima Lamon Strawberry Cherry Rasp berry Orange Chocolate Pudding Vanilla Pudding Butterscotch Pudding each 5c 5C Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauca No 1 tall Jasmine Shartaning ana Rainbow lea Tea Glass Free with aach 4 lb carton Me SIIOQUEEN 6 lb 1 PINE TAR SOAP Log Cabin Syrup BAKERY Sitrra Today 1 Softasilk Cake Flour box 25c Post's Bran Flakes 2 boxes 19c SUPER SUDS FRESH GRADE GIANT RED BOX OMOMMIC MEATS A FRESH 1 PAN ROLLS MADE IN OUR OWN OVENS FRUITS VEGETABLES CELERY 9c YAMS 5 19c POTATOES 5 11c GREEN PEPPERS lb APPLES BST 124c 2 Bundies 5( CARROTS AND BEETS CHUCK ROAST lb 17c ABSOLUTELY PURE PORK SAUSAGE lb 2I( FULL CREAM CHEESE lb 21c BACON 21c liDoitc 0 SDoiISc LARGE ANGEL FOOD CAKE ea 29c LEMON MERINGUE PIE EVERY FRIDAY Glngor Broad XtSe KARL'S Shoe Sore Sheen for the Entire Faaiily VIS LEOPARD ST Opea 111 10 Saturdays.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.