I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (2024)

The accident has since been described as the "Miracle on the Hudson" because none of the 155 passengers and crew onboard died.

Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger and First Officer Jeffrey Skiles were in the co*ckpit that day and had just seconds to make a life-or-death decision.

Recognizing the aircraft was running on near zero thrust at just 2,800 feet above the densely-populated New York City, Sully saw the river as his only nearby obstacle-free option.

"I couldn't afford to be wrong," Sully said during his testimony in front of the National Transportation Safety Board.

As an aviation safety professional turned journalist, I had to visit the plan as soon as I could. I love that it has been given a second life, representing not only the power of bravery and skill but also inspiring future generations to get involved in aviation.

The famous A320 displayed in Charlotte is the real aircraft — not a replica — and is complete with all the damage it suffered in the crash.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (1)The Miracle on the Hudson aircraft is on display in Charlotte.

Taylor Rains/Business Insider

The Sullenberger Aviation Museum opened on June 1 and is the second rendition of the exhibit.

The aircraft was first displayed in 2015 in the same location but was stored in 2020 while the museum was renovated and renamed in Sully's honor.

"With this Museum, we have the power to shape and inspire the next generation of innovators through the exploration and wonder of flight and provide equitable access to STEM opportunities," museum President Stephen Saucier told Business Insider.

There's a hole in the nose and extensive breakage along the fuselage and tail.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (2)The birds that hit the A320 were Canadian geese.

Taylor Rains/Business Insider

The aircraft has been maintained as it was after the investigation, including the dents, scrapes, and gaping holes.

I could see writing and numbers on the fuselage where investigators worked on the jet.

The wings were attached to the jet, but the flaps were wrecked from the crash.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (3)Wing damage on the left and right wings.

Taylor Rains/Business Insider

The flaps were particularly important in the crash's success because Sully opted not to fully configure them for landing, per the NTSB. According to one of the museum signs, full flaps were part of Airbus' "optimal aircraft configuration" for landing on water.

In a non-emergency landing, the flaps are fully deployed to increase lift at lower speeds as the plane descends. This balances out if you have thrust. However, without thrust on Flight 1549, Sully raised the flaps to prevent a stall, which could have led to an even faster descent rate.

"The choice had to be made quickly because of the extreme time compression," he said in NTSB testimony. "By achieving Flaps 2, we had achieved almost all of the low-speed stall protection that we would've gotten at Flaps 3, but at less drag."

The two destroyed engines are on either side of the aircraft, and the auxiliary power unit, or APU, sits behind.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (4)The APU dislodged from the aircraft.

Taylor Rains/Business Insider

When Sully realized his engines were gone, he instinctively started the Honeywell-built APU. According to the manufacturer, the unit acted as backup power to control things like altitude, speed, and steering.

"The NTSB concluded that by quickly turning on the APU before called for on the emergency checklist, [Sully] significantly improved the outcome by providing electrical power to the airplane," an information display next to the APU read at the museum.

Visitors cannot go inside the jet, but photos displayed show it looks like a regular aircraft cabin.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (5)Sully inside the Miracle on the Hudson A320.

Todd Sumlin/Charlotte Observer/Tribune News Service via Getty Images

Pictures show the blue seats in the typical domestic layout. The cabin looks old and worn, but not as if it was in a serious crash.

According to the museum, the jet's interior is regularly checked for corrosion, considering it was submerged in water for a few days after the accident.

The plane's underbelly took the brunt of the impact, and I could see where it was torn off.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (6)"I felt water around my feet immediately, and it was cold," Flight 1549 passenger Vicki Barnhardt, seat 26C, said in the museum video.

Taylor Rains/Business Insider

According to the NTSB, the aircraft was descending three times the rate at which the aviation industry said a water landing could happen.

This meant the aircraft's impact on the Hudson was greater than its design allowed, causing part of the frame to collapse and let water seep in.

The damage was extensive, but the aircraft was otherwise surprisingly intact.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (7)The tail number on the jet reads N106US.

Taylor Rains/Business Insider

Sully had to land the aircraft at a specific angle to avoid flipping or fully breaking apart upon contact with the water. The museum said this included landing at an 11-degree pitch with the wings level.

Sully achieved this despite the high descent rate being beyond the accepted envelope, making the task that much more challenging and a testament to Sully's skill.

"[Skiles] began to call out to me airspeed and altitude as I was looking at the water ahead to help me judge that critical height," Sully said in a 2019 interview with Inc, referring to the specific altitude at which to begin raising the nose for a successful water landing.

Next to the plane was a case of personal belongings donated by the crew and passengers.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (8)The display case sat below a large video screen.

Taylor Rains/Business Insider

Artifacts like cushions, life jackets, seats, clothes, and even Sully and Skiles uniforms have been preserved and put on display.

It was like a time capsule seeing the old Blackberry cell phone and MacBook Pro.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (9)The display case had all sorts of donations from the passengers and crew.

Taylor Rains/Business Insider

There were also wallets, a finance book, and a fur coat among the inventory of random items that survived the crash.

The most moving element of the exhibit was the film that played on a loop. It told the story of Flight 1549 from takeoff to landing in the Hudson.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (10)Passengers, like Brian Siegel, seat 8E, were interviewed for the video.

Taylor Rains/Business Insider

The short video has the air traffic control tapes, footage of the rescue, and testimony from passengers, investigators, and first responders.

"Unable," Sully famously told air traffic controller Patrick Harten when he was asked if he could make it back to LaGuardia. "We're going to be in the Hudson.

The comments were raw, and I couldn't help but get emotional. The crew gets a lot of praise, but the passengers also showed incredible bravery.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (11)Miracle on the Hudson passengers.

Mike Coppola/FilmMagic via Getty Images

The aircraft lost power just a few thousand feet above NYC, and the passengers described their feelings as the city skyscrapers started rising above them and they descended into the Hudson.

"What flashed before me was the life that wasn't going to happen, the grandchildren I wouldn't see grow up," passenger Beth McHugh, seat 20C, said.

I can't imagine that fear, but seeing the hope after the fact is inspiring.

"The gift of another day, another year, and if you look at it that way, another lifetime," McHugh said later in the video. "By some miracle, we get to have it."

Flight 1549's rescue was swift, with boats and helicopters approaching within minutes.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (12)Rescue boats at crash site.

Mario Tama/Getty Images

The accident happened in January, meaning the passengers survived the water landing but were still in danger of drowning or getting hypothermia in the frigid Hudson waters.

People walked out onto the wings, jumped into rafts, and some tried to swim to shore — anything to survive the 38-degree water.

"My crew took out 24 people," New York Waterways Captain Brittany Catanzard said in the video. "My deckhands were literally grabbing them like fish and putting them onto the deck."

Flight attendants Donna Denta, Sheila Dail, and Doreen Welsh shouted commands as passengers braced for impact.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (13)Donna Dent (2nd L) speaks at a press conference with Sheila Dail (L), Doreen Welsh(3rd L), Jeffrey Skiles (3rd R), Mayor Bloomberg (2nd R), and Sully (R).

Michael Nagle/Getty Images

The three quick-acting flight attendants initiated the evacuation within seconds of landing and, alongside Sully and Skiles, were awarded the keys to the city by New York City Mayor Bloomberg in 2009.

"It took all five of us being trained and doing what we do to make this miracle on Hudson," Welsh said, as quoted in the museum exhibit.

Quoted in the display was a comment from passenger Ben Bostic, seat 20A, who noted the unbelievable response effort.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (14)Miracle on the Hudson A320.


He said agencies like the NYPD, the American Red Cross, and the FBI, as well as the New York governor and NYC mayor were on the scene.

"I quickly noted that this level of response could probably only happen in NYC post-9/11," Bostic said. "For better or worse, they are "battle" tested for incidents like this."

The plane sat at the bottom of the Hudson for two days before being lifted out and taken to New Jersey for the investigation.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (15)Photos on display at the museum show the luggage inside the A320.

Taylor Rains/Business Insider

Workers spent 22 hours retrieving the aircraft from the icy waters, which included using a mechanical winch and crane to maneuver the A320 and lift it in one piece.

The aircraft was then moved by barge to New Jersey. According to the museum, passenger luggage was cleaned and returned.

During the investigation, the museum inquired about getting part of the plane but that turned into a donation of the entire jet.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (16)The A320 wheeled into the museum in November 2023 in preparation for the second rendition of the Miracle on the Hudson exhibit.

Sullenberger Aviation Museum

The insurance company donated the A320 to the museum and worked with it and a conservator located in New Jersey to help conserve the plane.

"The goal was the stabilize and preserve the aircraft for museum display while maintaining its historic integrity," the museum said.

It was a monumental task to transport the jet from New Jersey to North Carolina, first arriving in Charlotte in 2011.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (17)Miracle on the Hudson A320 getting transported via road to Charlotte.

Tim Shaffer/Reuters

Saucier previously told BI that the A320 had to be transferred via road. Its wings and tail were removed for transport.

He said the tiny towns that hosted the jet on its trek to the museum had to move light poles and make other adjustments so the plane could weave through the streets.

The engines were delivered a year later.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (18)The museum must fight corrosion, though the aircraft is in a temperature-controlled environment, which helps.

Taylor Rains/Business Insider

The museum said it took three years to reassemble the engines with assistance from volunteers from then-US Airways, which has since merged with American Airlines.

It noted the engines were corroding, having been exposed to the marine environment, and had to undergo extensive conservation treatment to preserve them.

The original exhibit closed in 2019 to make way for the new, and I love the focus on not just the crash but the evolution of aviation safety.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (19)Aviation safety is always evolving, and accidents like Flight 1549 help systems improve.

Taylor Rains/Business Insider

The aviation industry learned a lot from the accident, and the NTSB made recommendations, such as improving life vests and developing better engine testing for bird ingestion.

"[The A320] stands as a carefully preserved tangible reminder of the paramount importance of safety in aviation," read the exhibit.

Most notable was the human factors element, as Sully and Skiles had just seconds to decide how to save the plane.

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (20)First officer Jeff Skiles (L) and Captain "Sully" Sullenberger (R) pose with the Historical 1958 DC7 to benefit hosted by Historical Flight Foundation on November 17, 2011, in Miami, Florida.

Larry Marano/Getty Images

In a 2019 interview, Sully said he asked Skiles right before the landing if there was anything more they could do. Skiles said, "Actually, not."

"He answered that way because he knew we'd done all we could," noting it wasn't because Skiles was indifferent or had accepted some fate.

"The fact we could have that exchange just before the emergency landing of a lifetime is one of the more remarkable things about this flight and this crew and our diligence, our dedication to never give up."

I saw the Airbus A320 plane that crashed in the Hudson River 15 years ago. I was moved by the rawness of the exhibit and survivors. (2024)


What happened to the Airbus A320 that landed on the Hudson? ›

The Airbus A320 airliner that ditched in the Hudson River in 2009 is now an aviation artifact. None of the 155 passengers and crew died during the "Miracle on the Hudson" crash. I was blown away when I visited the jet at the Sullenberger Aviation Museum to see the famous plane.

What was the outcome of the Hudson River plane crash? ›

In 2009, pilots Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger and Jeffrey Skiles of US Airways Flight 1549 were forced to make an emergency landing on the Hudson River. While many were injured, all 155 people aboard survived. The incident was dubbed the "Miracle on the Hudson" by then-New York Governor David Paterson.

Did they recover the plane from the Hudson River? ›

Fifteen years ago, a fully loaded Airbus A320 airliner crash-landed on the Hudson River and no one died. The jet was put on display in Charlotte, North Carolina, for public viewing but was stored in 2020. The "Miracle on the Hudson" plane will be the centerpiece of a new museum named after Captain Sullenberger.

Why did the plane not sink in the Hudson? ›

However, the plane remained buoyant, thanks in part to the fuel tanks, which were not full.

Is flight based on a true story? ›

Summary. "Flight" is a movie based on Alaska Airlines Flight 261, but not a true story. The movie portrays an alcoholic pilot who saves most passengers after a crash landing. The NTSB blamed Alaska Airlines for the actual crash of Flight 261 due to poor maintenance.

How did turning on the APU help Sully? ›

During the January 2009 emergency landing on the Hudson, the APU provided power for the pilot's flight controls, flight displays and other systems that enabled the Airbus A320 to touchdown safely, sparing the lives of 155 people onboard.

Did Sully Sullenberger lose his pension? ›

On February 24, 2009, Sullenberger testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Aviation of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure that his salary had been cut by 40 percent, and that his pension, like most airline pensions, was terminated and replaced by a PBGC guarantee worth only ...

Did Sully fly again? ›

After serving in the Air Force, in February 1980 he became an airline pilot with Pacific Southwest Airlines, later acquired by US Airways, until his retirement from commercial flying in March 2010. He still flies privately. Sullenberger was an active and ardent safety advocate throughout his four-decade-long career.

Was Sully at fault? ›

The Board ultimately ruled that Sullenberger had made the correct decision, reasoning that the checklist for dual-engine failure is designed for higher altitudes when pilots have more time to deal with the situation, and that while simulations showed that the plane might have just barely made it back to LaGuardia, ...

How deep is the Hudson River where Sully landed? ›

The Hudson River is about 50 feet deep, or about 15 meters, where the plane landed. The plane actually did both of those things, plus a bonus third thing! It floated for a while, then it sank, and then it rested on the river bed.

How much does a Airbus A320 cost? ›

The average hourly rental rate of the Airbus A320 is around 18,600 USD per hour. The average purchase price of a new Airbus A320 is 101,000,000 USD. The average purchase price of a pre-owned Airbus A320 is 25,000,000 USD.

Is Sully's co-pilot still flying? ›

The now-Captain Skiles is still a pilot.

Does US Airways still exist? ›

US Airways had a rich history, starting as All American Aviation in 1937 and rebranding several times. After mergers and acquisitions, US Airways became one of the world's largest airlines, with over 5,000 daily flights. Bankruptcy, mergers, and failed buyouts led to the end of US Airways, with a final flight in 2015.

What plane landed in the Hudson movie? ›

inspiration from true-life events with Sully, about airline pilot Chesley (“Sully”) Sullenberger (played by Tom Hanks), who landed a malfunctioning commercial jet on the Hudson River. The docudrama recounts both the emergency landing and the ensuing investigation into Sullenberger's handling of the event.

What is a plane that lands on water? ›

seaplane, any of a class of aircraft that can land, float, and take off on water. Seaplanes with boatlike hulls are also known as flying boats, those with separate pontoons or floats as floatplanes.

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