Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York (2024)

July 17, 1975 PRESS, Binghamton, N.Y. 11-B 20 EMPLOYMENT 20 EMPLOYMENT 20 EMPLOYMENT 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS I ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS 20 EMPLOYMENT 1 Help Wanted 22 RELIABLE WOMAN' Stay nights with elderly woman, Lan myiai. RN'S WANTED In expanding hospi tal in scenic section of New YorK State. Liberal wages and benefits. Phone: Hanco*ck, N.Y.

(4071-437-3381 or (607)-437-339l. Inquire director of Nursinq Service. SALES Expansion creates opportunities for new and experienced sales personnel. Call for an appointment to learn about the advantages of joining our sales force. SHEELEN GALLERY OF HOMES 785-3361 SALESMEN AND WOMEN Full or part time, in explosive eouca-flon-personal qrowth field.

Good income. No franchise or inventory investment. Amazing acceptance! Special training given. Write now, O. Box 382, Binqhamton, N.Y.

13900. SALES OPPORTUNITY Are top NOW. Route, inside, outside available, experience a plus. Call Mary Delmar, Snelling Snelling Agency, J.C., 797-1285 SALES PERSON Experienced. Part time, ladies shop.

Apply. United Men's Wear, Endicott. SECRETAR RECEPTION 1ST For eye doctor's office. Typinq ana shorthand necessary. Must like children.

Pleasant, diversified work. Hours Tuesday-Friday, 1-5 p.m. 724-3641. SECRETARY Experienced, good boss, $477, call Viv, snelling 1 onen-Ing Agency, 754-4555. SHEET METAL AND STEAMFIT- TER MECHANICS Field work, aualified persons only.

High waqes. Report to Donald Ray School, Van-Buren Rd Baldwinsvile, N.Y. SNELLING SNELLING O' Neil 723-9501 SYSTEM ANALYST $20,000 Now. E. Ames, Snelling Snelling Agency, J.C..

797 1285 TIRE RETREADER Full time. experience not necessary, rewarding career in tire retreading with new modern equipment. Kost Tire Sales, 335 Court Binghamton. TOP NOTCH SECRETARY With good skills, plus administrative experience. Long hours and hard work.

Previous experience in medical or health field desirable. Must be able to work some eveninqs. Interest in community welfare and social problems important. Send full information in writing, statinq salary desired, to Maine Medical Group, T.C., Maine, N.Y. 13802.


TRUCKLOAD FREIGHT SALES MAN Commission salesman to solicite furuckloads or multiple drop truckloods for 48 state from central New York and Northeast Pennsylvania shippers. Commission dependent on volume and quality of traffic. Box 1165, Gannett Newspapers. WANTED BOY OR GIRL 12T014 YEARSOF AGE NEWSCARRIER ROUTE WHITNEY POINT CALL 798-131 (COLLECT) Position Wanted Men 24 ALL ROOFING And roof repairs. gutters cleaned and installed; chimneys cleaned and repaired; carpentry.

Call Gene, 448-5279. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY To do paintinq, rooting, eaves, ury-walls, small home repairs, 15 years in business, non-union, fully insured. Free estimates. Call The Contractor, 722-0473. A-l ROOFING New roofs In stalled, repairs on all styles-roots, chimneys, qutters.

Masonry, carpentry, waterproofing. Insured. References. Free estimates. Jim, 722-2801 or 722-3372, after 4 20 EMPLOYMENT Auctions 12 ANTIQUE AUCTIONS Second and Fourth Sundays I P.M.

N. Afton AFTON AUCTION HOUSE Afton, N.Y. Box 16, 639-2522 ANTIQUE AUCTION Hop Bottom Firt Hall. Hoo Bottor, Pa. Saturday, July 19, 10 a.m.

Ice box, cherry drop-leaf table, oak ide by side, ferry bell. Tiffany type nana- Inq lamp, oil lamps, and many other items. Gerald Pennay, Auctioneer. Phone 71 7-2I9-453J. AUCTION 26 Maine, N.Y.

Saturdays 7 m. Consignment Welcome. M2-9565, BUTTON'S AUCTION BARN Leon S. Button, Auctioneer Great Bend, (717) 79-2300 BUTTON'S AUCTION BARN Great Bend, Pa. SALE, FRIDAY.

JULY II, 1975, 7:00 SHA RP Canning iars, kitchen heat stove, oak rocker, buffet, dressers, floor lamps. Consignments welcome or will buv. Leon C. Button-Auctioneer Phone 71 7-79-2300 No answer 717-879-1958 CIRCLE BAR RANCH Consignment Auction, Saturday, July 19th, 7 p.m., off Route 328, south of Elmira, out of Pine City, N.Y. Sell-inq registered and qrade horses, ponies, tack, 1947 Willys ieeo, several good reqistered quarter horses, already consiqned.

Also tack. All consignments welcome. Information: 717-537-6105, or 717-596-2521. The MARKET PLACE is HERE! Call us to place an ad in The Press and The Sun-Bulletin 791-1141, Monday throuqh Friday from am to 7 pm and Saturday 8:30 to 5 pm. EMPIRE LIVESTOCK MARKET -Dryden, every Monday and Wednesday.

844-5492. GLENN H. MUNSON Auctioneer; sellinq. appraisals. Groton, N.Y.

(607 898-3739; McLean (607) 838-8273. HARRIS WILCOX, INC. AUCTIONEER, Berqen, N.Y. 14417 PHONE 716-494-1880 HOWARD VISSCHER Auctioneer, Real Estate Broker Nichols, N.Y. (607) 699-7250 JERRY BURKE Complete Auctioneering Service BUY SELL 717-833-5913 JIM ADRIANCE AUCTIONS Montrose, 717-278-1574' MEL MAN ASSE AUCTIONEER Whitney Point, 692-3609 Town 'N' Lake Auction Gallery Next sale Sunday Auqust 3rd, 1 p.m.

Fleetville, 717-945-5292 Personals 14 AAA TENT RENTALS AT A DISCOUNT For outdoor Yard Receptions, Sales Promotions. 20'x20' or 2(Cx40'. We Erect. Call 729-0306. ABOARD Lake Georqe, July 27; also Sterlinq Forest, Favetteville Shopping, Auqust German Alps Festival, Auqust 9.

Ravert, 797-8406. 797-6049; Lesch, 722-1894. ABOARD Toronto Fair, Labor Day Weekend. Hiqh Adventure Tours, Ravert, 797-8406, 797-6049. ALL DAMAGED GARMENTS Rewoven.

Brlnq in or mail ROYAL WEAVING Closed Mon. 28 Birch 722-3154 ALTE RATION All type of men'sclothinq. Work done In our own tailor shop. Schapiro's Mens Shop, Endicott, 748-8257. ARE YOU WORRIED about your drinking? Alcoholics Anonymous can help.

Call 722-5983. COMPLETE Shoe and Boot Repair The Leather Shoe Shop. Vestal Plaza. Hours 798-9741. DRAPERIES Shop at home, ready made, custom made, very Inexpensive.

Frank, 723-5845. EMELIA THOMPSON Please contact Auction 26. 862-9565. GOLF VILLA AVAILABLE Excellent Del Ray Beach area. Monthly or seasonal.

Reasonable. Superb recreational facilities. Call 785-0260. HIDY OCHIAI'S Karate and Judo Self-defense, exercise, weioht control, vestal Pkwy. W.

748-8480. I'LL TYPE Your papers. Reasonable rates. Call me, 754-7246. INSURANCE Call after July 23.

Howard Pike, 775-1012, evenings. JUDO AND KARATE Saizen- Doio, 27 Chenango 775-I6 Men, women, children. METAL DETECTORS Larqe selection, $49.95 up. TMC, 455 Main Johnson City. PRACTICAL HYPNOSIS- Be the person you want, control weiqnt, smoking, relax.

Call 723-7110. RIDE WANTED from West Windsor to IBM Owego. Please call, 775-0492. SINGLES AND MARRIED ENCOUNTER Loneliness is a pain ful, private feelinq. Discover joy again by therapeutically treeinq vour emotions in a safe, carinq en vironment.

New qroups for sinqles encounter now forming. Space also auaiiahie for married encounter. Bring truth of feelinq into your life again. Call Group process institute for tmotive rsvc*nteicMT. 8267.

YOU RING WE BRING. SPEEDY DELIVERY Johnson City Binqhamton (only 50 cents), 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. CRONE DRUG, 729-9191 or 723-5351. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD AND WATCH THE RESULTS HAPPfcN LOW IN COST TOO! Call 798- 1141 Let one of our Ad-Visors help you.

See the results multiply using both The Sun-Bulletin and the Press! We are open 8 to 7 through Fri. and Saturday 8:30 to 5:00. Auctions 12 Itgals 11 LEGAL NOTICE TOWN Of KIRKWOOD NOTICE OF FILING ASSESSMENT ROLL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tht assessment roll lor the Town of Kirkwood, (or the year 1975, hat been finally completed and verified by the undersigned assessor o( the Town of Kirkwood, and a certified copy thereof was filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Kirk-' wood, Kirkwood Town Mall, KirK-' wood, New York, on July 7, 1975, there to remain for public inspection until delivered by assessors of tha Town ot Kirkwood to the Clerk of the Broome County Legislature on September 1975, and until delivered by the Town Clerk of the Town of Kirkwood to the Supervisor of the Town of Kirkwood on October 1, 1975. Dated: July 7, ROBINSON ELTAM. BENJAMIN LEON VAN WINKLE Assessors of the Town of Kirkwood LEGAL NOTICE The Resolution published herewith has been adopted on the first of July "'1975, and the validity of the obliga-' lions authorized by such Resolution may be hereafter contested only if 'such obligations were authorized for an obiect or purpose for which the City School District of the City of Binghamton, New York, is not authorized to expend money or if the provisions ot law which should have been complied with as ot the date of publication of this notice were not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days alter the date of publication of this notice, or such obligations were authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution.

G.J.DEMAREE District Clerk City School District Binghamton, New York TAX ANTICIPATION NOTE TAX ANTICIPATION NOTE RESOLUTION DETERMING TO BORROW THE SUM OF $1,500,000 00 UPON A TAX ANTICIPATION NOTE OR NOTES IN ANTICIPATION OF THE COLLECTION OF REAL ESTATE TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1975-76 OF THE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK Resolved, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, that, Section t. Pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Section J530 of the Education Law and Sections 24.00 and 39 00 of the Local Finance Law, he Board of Education (sometimes referred to hereinafter as the Board) of the City School District ot the City of Binghamton, New York (sometimes referred to hereinafter as the School District), does hereby authorize the issuance of a tax anticipation note or tax anticipation notes of the School District maturing on or before June 1, 1976 and does hereby de- termine to borrow upon said tax anticipation note or tax anticipation notes, the sum-of ONE MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (11,500,000.00) or as much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose ot providing funds to temporarily finance operations ot the School District and for that purpose the President of the Board of Education of the School District is hereby authorized to make, sign, execute, and sell at public or private sale, a tax anticipation note or tax anticipation notes of the School District for the Sum of ONE MILLION, FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (11,500,000.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary, payable on or before June 1, 1976, with interest at a rate not to exceed the legal rate per- i mitted, which said sum is hereby appropriated for such purpose, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Section 2. That the dale of maturity of such -note or notes shall not and does not extend beyond the applicable period provided by Section 24.00 of the said Local Finance Law for the maturity such notes, to wit; beyond one year from the date of issuance. Said note or notes are authorized to be Issued in anticipation of the collection of real estate taxes levied for the School District fiscal year beginning July 1, 1975 and ending June 30, 1976, 'be'iT FURTHER RESOLVED, Section 3. That the amount of real estate taxes for the School District 1975-76 fiscal year, remaining uncollected against which such note is author ized to be issuea is tne sum or 58,793,351.51 as of July 1, 1975, and.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Section 4. Subject to the provisions of this resolution and Local Finance Law, the powers and duties of the Board of Education relative to prescribing the terms, form and content and to the sale of issuance of the notes and the renewals thereof, are herby delegated to the President of the Board of Education, the Chief Fiscal Office of the School District, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. Section 5. The validity of the notes authorized by this resolution may be contested only if: a. such obligations are authorized for an obiect or purpose for which the School District is not authorized to expend money, or b.

the provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of the publication of such ordinance, are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity, is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or c. such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the constitution, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Section 6. resolution shall, after it has been duly attested by the School District Clerk, be published in full in fhe SUN BULLETIN and the EVENING PRESS, the official newspapers of the City, together with a notice in substantially the form prescribed by Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Section 7. "This resolution shall take effect im-. mediately.

Auctions 12 Position Wanted Men 24 AMBASSADOR FOR CHRIST-Wlll do any iob, big or small. Doug, 797-1504. CARPENTER WORK WANTED -All kinds, paneling, new baths, kitchens. Dick Clark, 748-1054. CARPENTRY Remodeling, Paneling, Tile (floor, celling), paintinq.

Free estimates. Call Georqe, 748- 7825. COMPLETE HOME SERVICES -Roofinq, paintinq, papering, qutters, remodelinq, Senior Citizens rates. 723-4614; 656-8545; 797-2403, Dick. EMPTY APARTMENTS CLEANED Rates reasonable, 724-7859, anytime.

EXPERT EXTERIOR Paintinq. Free estimates, reasonable. D. Sortman, 729-4357 729-0997. EXTERIOR Interior Paintinq.

Expert work quaranteed. References, tree estimates. Brownie, 754-430. INTERIOREXTERIOR And roofing. Free estimates, insured, good references.

Dick's Painting, 772 0979. INTERIOR PAINTING Experienced, reasonable. Call Joe, 785-3784 or 748-4423. LIGHT TRUCKING Very, very cheap. Cars towed away free.

Mai- Ion, 754-2022, 754-5435. ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK Interior and Exterior. Made fo order. Railings, columns, accessories. Call Peter, 785-8241, 314 Robbie Endicott.

PAINTING Exterior and interior. Free estimates. Light carpentry and moving, reasonable rates, reliable service. Joe 775-4614. PAINTING Inside and out, insured, 8 years experience.

Call Dick 723-6606. PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Experienced, desired by evening MBA student, all offers considered. 797-4222, 3:30 7:00 P.M. PERSONNEL OFFICE Experience desired by evening MBA student, all offers considered. 797-4222, P.M.

PLASTERING Old or new liomes, design ceilings, custom work, patching. DeGroat, 785-8291. SMALL REMODELING Plumbing, electrical, furnance work, house painflng. Bob, 775-4445. WE TAKE metal, batteries, tin, tow cars, odd jobs.

Robert Slater, 798-7221. 20 EMP10YMENT "SALESPERSON Full or Part exp.ri.nco preferred. Conscientious, ambitious, willing to work and leorn person only apply. Apply in person, Kline'. Store for Men and 54 Washington Endicott, see Marvin Kline.

MECHANIC Experienced VW and Porsche-Audi mechanic. Good pay, all company benefits, and excellent working conditions. Apply In Person to BOB W00LEVER ROGER EIEIESGE Vestal Parkway East, Binghamton 1EHJJ 50-REAl ESTATE fOR RENT Unfurnished Apartments 54 ENDWELL First floor, 3 rooms, heat and hot water, $f00 month, 785-3462. Or 748-6125. ENDWELL First floor, 3 bed rooms, $190 per montn, no utilities, no pets, available Augusj 1.

715-2776. i ENDWELL- Townhouse. 3 bedrooms, qarage, appliances, S22S. 2 bedrooms, $195. 785 9633, 7S4-1066.

ENDWELL 2 bedroom, $195. Endicott, 1 and 2, $145, $185. 785-9633; 754-1066. CI riDAi IflMMOM CITY 1 and 3 bedroom apartments, stove and refrigerator, privacy, convenient to park, shopping. $27 and $40 a week, 729-0050, before 9 p.m.

GLENWOOD AVE. -3 rooms, carpeted, refriqerator, stove, qarage. after 4:30, 797-6474. GRAND BLVD. 3 rooms, utilities, middle aged or retired preferred.

797-2271. HALLSTEAD, PA. Harmony Village Apartments, new, 3 bedrooms, $140 monthly, appliances, 717-879-2054. HAWLEY ST. First floor, 4 rooms, ideal location, range, refrigerator, adults preferred.

772-0214. HAWLEY ST. 2 room studio, kitchen and bath, newly painted, all utilities. $115 monthly. No pets.

month lease. 772-8037. HAWLEY 188 4 rooms, bath, stove, refrigerator, 722-7803. JOHNSON CITY Convenient to Floral and Wilson Hospital. A 1 and 2 bedroom apartment with parkinq, clean bathroom and kitchen.

$25 and $35 a week. 729-0050, before p.m. JOHNSON CITY 3 bedrooms, stove, refrigerator, no pels, references reguired. $225. HARRY DR.

2 bedroom, livinq room, dining room, qarage. First floor, available Auqust 1st. No pets, required. $145. 797-2007 JOHNSON CITY Main St.

4 rooms plus bath, heat, hot water and electricity, $115. No pets, good location, call 798-0591; 797-7871. JOHNSON CITY Modern apartments, appliances, utilities, no pets, adults preferred. 797-2990, 785-8458. JOHNSON CITY Second, 5 rooms, heat, hot water, security, no pets, adults preferred.

797-2203. JOHNSON CITY-5 rooms, 2nd floor. residential area, inciuoes range and refrigeKator, $185. Family preferred. 729-6337.

JOHNSON CITY Off Stella Exit. 3 large rooms, heat, hot water. 797-3817. JOHNSON CITY Margaret St. Redecorated, 2 bedrooms, living room, carpeted kitchen, ceramic tile and carpeted bath, heat, range, refriqerator, included.

Days 729-2222. Eveninqs 724-3311. JOHNSON CITY-5 rooms, $100, Includes hot water only. 754-6237. JOHNSON CITY Broad 3 rooms, middleaqed couple preferred.

Stove, refriqerator. 729-3962. LARGE SIX BEDROOM House, stove and refrigerator, 2 bathrooms, parkinq, lots of room for you and the kids to stretch out. $73 a week. 729-0050 before 9 p.m.

MAIN KIRKWOOD Very for couple or couple with 1 child. Heat and lights furnished. 775-0233, after 4 p.m.. MILL ST. 5 rooms, bath, second, $140 monthly, security.

722-9603; 7 10 eveninqs. NORTH OF WHITNEY POINT 2 bedrooms, stove, refrigerator furnished. 849-6231. OAK ST. 4 rooms, heat, hot water, second floor.

724-6539. ONE BEDROOM (some furnished), call both, 723-0255, 797-2838. TWO BEDROOMS 723-4960, 729- 1356. PIERCE ST. APARTMENTS 3 and 4 bedrooms, 648-5206.

PINE ST. 4 rooms. Stove, refrigerator, utilities furnished. Available August I. 722-9434.

SOUTH SIDE 5 room apartment. Security deposit. References. 722-3893. SUSQUEHANNA 95-6 rooms, unfurnished.

Call 724-6833. THOMPKINS Stove, refriqerator. heart, first floor, $150 monthly. Alter 5, 723-3466. TWIN 3 bedrooms, I'i baths, full basem*nt, no pets, by appointment, 785-7526, 748-9200 VESTAL Couple fo live in modern 2 bedroom apartment as caretakers.

Reduced rent. Call 754-1815. VESTAL Twin, August 10th. 3 bedrooms, l'i baths, nice neighborhood. $225.

754-0588. 50-REAL ESTATE FOR RENT RIVIERA RIDGE APARTMENTS FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED 1 -2-3 BEDROOMS 3 BEDROOMS AND DEN Rear of Weltons 7294330 797-8778 720-0733 VALLEY VEW APARTMENTS 200 RAM BLVD. Unfurnishd 2 btdroom opart ments. Rangt, Rf rig rotor, Dihwahr, Dispofal, Air Conditioner, Larg closet. Laundry and storag areas.

739-6174 VESTAL PLAZA APARTMENTS PLAZA DRIVE 1 and 2 BEDROOM 729-1057 798-9010 BEAUTIFUL NEW PEfiVlEW APARTMENTS 1-2-3-4 Bedrooms Castle Creek Road Route 11 648-5706 648-5IV8 BINGHAMTONjOrMSON CITY The widest selection of modern apartments furnished or unfurnished. Comfortable studios, 1, 2 ot 3 bedrooms. No fees. ASSOCIATED APPRAISAL INC. 89 PARK BINGHAMTON 722-3717 WESTMINSTER GARDENS OLD VESTAL VESTAL Furnished or Unfurnished 2 Bedroom Apartments August occupancy AIR-CONDITIONED WALL TO WALL CARPET SWIMMING POOL TENNIS COURT 797-3966, 8-5 p.m.

NO PETS 50-REAl ESTATE fOR RENT Unfurnished Apartments 54 AVAILABLE AUGUST 1- Second tloor, 3 rooms, 2 garage, near IBM Endicott. $135 plus utilities. STELLA IRELAND Modern second floor, 2 laundry, appliances, single or couple preferred. No pets. $185 heated.

THOMAS K. SBARRA, 797-455 NICHOLAS T. SBARRA A 2 BEDROOM Near Wilson Hospital, roomy, stove and relrig-erator, clean bathroom, parking, comfortable, heat and all utilities included; $35 a week. Before 9 p.m., 729-0050. BAXTER STREET 1-Four rooms and bath, with qarage, $145 per month, without utilities.

729-4126. BINGHAMTON WEST SIDE -Quiet dead end street, 1 bedroom, 4 rooms, nice front porch for those cool relaxing evenings, stove and $30 a week. 729 0050, before 9 p.m. BINGHAMTON 2, I bedroom apartments. All utilities, $140 and $160, 723-4876.

BINGHAMTON Oak near North 3 rooms, heated, ranqe and refriqerator, ideal fqr working couple, no pets. $125. 724-1836. BINGHAMTON Near General Hospital, completely remodeled, 3 bedrooms, panelled, tile bath. Days, 729-2222; Evenings, 724-3311.

BINGHAMTON North Side, first floor, a beautiful rooms, enclosed porch, all utilities. Many extras. $210. 722-6684. BINGHAMTON Vi twin, 6 rooms, convenient location, heated, $185.

JOHNSON CITY 4 rooms, range, refrigerator, all utilities, $165. JOHNSON CITY 5 rooms, modern bath, garage, $140. ENDICOTT 4 rooms, 1 range, refrigerator, $80. UPPER FRONT 5 rooms, modern, all utilities, $225. MRS.

CRISMAN, 748-8182 TYDINGS RENTAL, 729-1510 4700 Vestal East, Bing. (Vestal Plaia) BINGHAMTON Nice area, 4 rooms and tiled bath, screened in porch, garage. $130 heated. Quiet elderly single or couple preferred. 797-2450.

BINGHAMTON Near General Hospital. 3 rooms, all utilities, adults preferred, no pets, $120. After 4, 724-4847. BINGHAMTON Near Beethoven 1st. floor, adults preferred, references, $140.

797-1924, mornings. BINGHAMTON 5 rooms, all utilities furnished. Call 722-4705 or 724-6966. BINGHAMTON Main 5 rooms, includes heat, S160 monthly. No pets.

6 month lease. Newly painted. 772-8037. BINGHAMTON Off Upper Chenango St. 5 rooms, bath, porch, all utilities, washer, dryer and patio.

Adults preferred. $210. 722-6684. BINGHAMTON Oak 4 rooms and bath, available August 1, $165. 722-8000 or 722-5457.

BINGHAMTON Exceptionally nice, 3 bdrm. 2nd floor apartment, good neighborhood. $165, plus utilities. For appointment only, Ann Marie Mayer, Realtor, 729-3755. MADELINE B.

MANGAN REALTOR 722-2938 BINGHAMTON 4 rooms, 3 bedrooms, garage, $135 plus utilities. RUTH FRIESER REALTOR 785-4048 BLANCH A RD third. 4 rooms, 2 bedrooms, SI3S no utilities. 648-9581. CARLTON ST.

4 rooms, newly painted, $165, deposit, heat, hot water, 797-9211. CARRIAGE HOUSE EAST 1-2 bedroom apartments. Cable TV, airconditioninq, carpetinq, swimming pool, clubhouse. Route 11 at Mile Point. Call 775-0571.

CARROLL 71 Near Court, 4 rooms, bath, redecorated, stove and refrigerator. CARY ST. 4 rooms, utilities, $140, stove, refrigerator, security, adults preferred. 723-5161. CENTRAL Available, pleasant basem*nt apartment, part of rent allowed for janitor services.

Write Box 1168, Gannett Newspapers. CENTRAL 4 rooms, adults preferred. Call 722-5943. After 3 p.m. CHAPIN ST.

3 rooms, full bath, $120 monthly, includes heat. 772-8037. CHENANGO ST. 5 rooms, 1st floor. Call 722-1343.

CHENANGO ST. 109. Efficiency heated, stove and refriqerator, no pets, adults preferred. $100. 724-2571.

or 772-1777. COLFAX AVE. Nice 3 rooms, Ivy covered buildinq, $120 monthly, includes heat. 6 month lease. No pets; 772-8037.

CONKLIN RD. 5 room 3 bedroom apartment. $165 plus utilities. 3 children welcome, no dog, could be nicer outside. 722-5423.

CONVENIENT TO DOWNTOWN 1 bedroom apartment, clean, on bus line, stove and refrigerator, heat included. $27 a week. 729-0050, before 9 pm. DEBBIE'S RENTALS ENDICOTT 2 bedroom unfurnished, $150 including heat. ENDICOTT 1 bedroom, $100.

NORA DAVIS, 748-3303 DEBBIE'S RENTALS BRAND NEW 3 bedroom, Vi twin Deluxe, l'a baths, wall to wall carpeting, living room, dining room, 3 bedrooms, dishwasher and dryer. Ready for occupancy. NORA DAVIS, 748-3303 OICKINSOhl 40 3 rooms and bath, heated, modern, stove and refrigerator, 2nd floor. 797-7025, 723-2533. EAST SIDE 4 rooms, second floor, utilities furnished.

$115. Phone 724-4228, after 6 p.m. ELY PARK HOUSES 1-2-3-4 bedroom apartments, as available, 729-2432. Egual Housing Opportunity ENDICOTT Adults preferred, no pets. 3 rooms, bath, 2nd floor, newly painted.

$75 monthly. 785-8534, days. ENDICOTT Adams Ave 2 bedrooms, $145 including heat. 748-0312. ENDICOTT Adults preferred, large 3 rooms, bath, newly deco-rated.

Parking. 785-0151. ENDICOTT Apartments, 5 rooms, refriqerator, stove, deposit, no pets. 862-95 74 748-1836. ENDICOTT ENDWELL Modern, comfortable, studio 1, 2 or 3 bedroom apartments.

Furnished ovaiiable. no fees. CALL 754-4707 DON J. BROKER, REALTY 503 W. Main Endicott ENDICOTT Tavlor Ave.

5 larqe rooms, close to IBM, call 748-2407, 748-1494. ENDICOTT 6 rooms, heated, stove, refriqerator, no pets. Adults preferred. 748-2918. ENDICOTT 5 rooms, second tloor, heat furnished.

$150 monthly. 754-7328. ENDICOTT 3 rooms and bath, $125. Includes stove, refrigerator, all utilities. 729 1 783.

ENDICOTT-2010 Watson 3 bedrooms, stove, refrigerator, utilities, reasonable, references. 785-7091. ENDICOTT 2010 Watson Blvd 3 bedrooms, stove, refrigerator, utili- ties, reasonable, references. 785-5442. ENDICOTT 22 N.

McKinley 1st floor, 4'j rooms, heat furnished, $145 monthly. 748-7431, 754-0093. Help Wonttd 22 EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER WANTED Call 722-7391, 7J5-294I. FRIENDLY HOME TOY Demon strators neeoeo. tarn extra monev plus free toy kit for showinq toys and adult qifts.

No investment, collecting or delivering. Car necessary. 723-2959 448-3907. FULL OR PART TIME For per- son wno want. 10 entuy a oie career, complete training, no investment, over 18, ambitious, and have car.

754-2276. HAIR STYLIST Evenings, booth rental. Call evenings, 7-9, 754-mij. HEAD START OPENINGS For early Auqust. Lead teacher, 21 years or older, bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education, experienced preferred.

Half time Bus Driver, 21 years or older, split hours, year round position. For the Fall, Teacher Aide, 21 years or older, experienced preferred. Home Base Teacher, 21 years or older, experienced in Home Based or closely related approach necessary. Half time Maintenance, late afternoons, year round position. Applications accepted: Head Start-Community Development Child Development Center, 29 Fayette Binqhamton.

Search closes July 23. INDIVIDUALS NEEDED To es tablish sales routes in triple cities area. Car necessary. Part and full time, commission only. Box 1164 careof Gannett Newspapers.

JOBS-JOBS-JOBS-IVAN 8V ASSOCIATES Employment Agency Suite 401, Press 723-5466 LADIES, MEN Part time. Select your own hours, work from home on new telephone proqram. Earn S25-S50 per week commission servicing our customers, depending on time available. K. Martens.

797-0627. LEAD CLERK, Retail store has one openinq for responsible individual to assist manager. Qualifications: recent retail and register experience, above average knowledge in knittinq or crocheting; neat appearance and cooperative personality. Opportunity for advancement. 32 hour week, afternoon evening shift, benefits.

Call 797-9809, between p.m. LICENSED HAIRCUTTER For men and women. 748-1411 LIVE IN COMPANION to elderly woman, room, ooara ana pay included. Call 748-244, 748-4705. LOCAL AMWAY DISTRIBUTOR Is helpinq many persons earn money working 2 to 4 hours a day.

We can help you. For interview call 724-5835. MAIDS-Experience not necessary. permanent, 4 day weex, references required, all benefits, salary, tips, room and meals, call Miss Gravel, 717-595-7401, between 9 and 5 p.m. or write Miss Gravel, Skytop Lodge, Skytop, Pa.

18357. MALE OR FEMALE Mature adult or colleqe graduate community Worker, $4,000 yearly, city resident. 772-2618. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE For larqe volume retail business. Applicant must be open as to days and hours.

Salary open. Apply to box 1172 care of Gannett Newspapers. MARRIED MAN Assistant super- indentent. Apartment furnisned plus salary. Must have car, be able to paint and do maintenance work.

Apply 134 Jensen Rd Vestal. MATURE PERSON Needed in sales office. Salary plus bonus. Apply Olan Mills Studio, 32 W. State Binqahamton, between Noon and 1 only.

MATURE WOMAN To care for el derly widow, days. References. 797-8100 after 4. PERSONNEL AGENCY STEVE SUTTLES, 729-6215 235 MAIN JOHNSON CITY NIGHT JANITOR Full time em ployment. Full benefits, conscientious person able to work under own initiative.

Write Box 1177, careof Gannett Newspapers. NORMILE PERSONNELACENCY For the better positions since 1946 53 Oak Binghamton, 723-537? NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECH NOLOGIST 350 bed, acute ano extended care facility is now accepting applications for a Nuclear Medicine Technologist. Contact Personnel Department, St. Luke's Memorial Hospital Center, P.O. Box 479, Champlin Utica, N.Y., 13503, 315-798-6066.

An Equal Opportunity Employer OFFICE PERSON Pleasant and personable, needed immediately tor local corporation. Some book-keepinq knowledge and typing skills required. Will have much phone and personal contact with public. Excellent pay with fringe benefits. Send resume to Box 1169, careof Gannett Newspapers.

OPPORTUNITY II Gruver Realty one of Broome Counties leading real estate companies is hirinq salespeople with or without experience. We offer complete training, leads, ample floor time to make you one of the best in your field. If you have ever considered real estate sales as a career call us today, Gruver Realty, 729-1533. PART TIME MAINTANCE- Ex perienced in electrical circuits and air valves. Retiree considered.

Apply in person. Ideal Laundry and Cleaners, 1900 North St. Endicott. PART TIME Secretary must be ex perienced, and good typist. Hours Monday.

Wednesday and Friday. Salary S60.00. Call Landmark Buildinq, 798-9346. PART TIME Days or nights. Ap-olv in Derson Carrols Restaurant, Court Binghamton.

No phone calls please. PART TIME Full time representatives. Share with others, learn and earn. Call Adventures in Attitudes now. 785-4546.

PERSON FOR GENERAL LABORING Including baling, truck unloading, etc. Apply in person only. Interstate Burlap Baq Co. Great Bend, Pennsylvania. PERSONNEL MANAGER De-qree, administration or industrial relations.

Labor relations, S.H.A., qrievance and waqe and salary. Generalist, 2-3 years. $15,000. Fee paid. Call George Hus-nay, Snelling Snelling Agency, 754-4555.

PLASTER MASON-Experienced only. Call Pat Cornell, 724-1292. PROJECT LEADER Operations Research Scientific analysis of company operations by means of quantitive. mathematical and ex-oerimental techniques and through the use of the computer to provide factual basis to support and guide executive judgment. BS.

MS or Ph.D in Operations Research, mathematics, statistics, actuarial science or associated fields. Salary to $25,000. Ralph Chris, 723-9501, Agency. 70 Court O'Neil Bldq. REAL ESTATE SALES People needed for our expansion training program, floor time, referral program, full service real estate firm.

Phone: SHEELEN GALLERY OF HOMES 785-3361 REAL ESTATE Floor time available Liberal commission schedule National affiliation Call Jim Thorrte, Realtor, 729-4931 RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST Part time, afternoons. Interviews by appointment only. Downtown office. 723-8929. RELIABLE PERSON TO CARE FOR THREE CHILOREN Do light housework at my home in Endicott.

4 12 days per week. 754-4562 after 4. Personals 14 ZIPPER SERVICE All type qar. ments. Free pickup, delivery.

Hems, alterations. MASTER CLEANERS 219 Chenango 727-7777 lost on! found 15 FOUND Male beagle cuopy, about 1 year old, Union, 748-2209, FOUNO-Male collie shepherd, no collar. Vicinity of Johnson City. 798- 720. FOUND-Male beaqle.

Brown, black and white. Found in area of Nantl-co*ke Rd Maine. 862-932. FOUND Orange ano! white tiger cat, 3 or 4 months old, found on Rlv erview Tioqa Terrace. 625-3298.

FOUND Puppy. Clinton St. 724-2225. FOUND-Siamese cat, male, tan with dark brown markings, Lydia Binghamton. 722-857.

FOUND Youno cat, black with white feet and chest. StruOle Rd, Endwell, 748-806. LOST Black leather iacket, Endicott or Vestal Parkway, July 14. Reward. 754-5211.

LOST Collie Shepherd, 5 years old, brown, black and white. 785-B72 or 723-4443. LOST Collie Shepherd. 5 years old. Block-brown-white.

785-4872, 723-4443. LOST-Gold Metal Framed Glasses, American Cancer Society, Leroy St. or Myrtle park inq lot near library. 797-0013 or 723-4457 ext. 29.

LOST Keys on a larqe ring, two smaller rings attached, lost last Monday, 1st ward. 722-341. LOST-Kitten, male, black, while under neck, vicinity Edward St. Call 752-3707. LOST-Male Irish Setter, Ross Park area, lost Sunday.

772-0671 or 723-4335. LOST Man's brown wallet, vicinity Wilson Memorial Hospital, jonnson City. Reward. 797-426. LOST Mix breed, small doq.

brown, tan. Tags, rea collar, anon-er right paw. First Ward area. Answers to 722-0289 LOST Siamese cat, female, light tan. Vicinity 5 Balcom Binghamton.

Reward. 724-7740. LOST Siamese cat, male, small, vi cinity Ardsley Rd phone tti-ssm. LOST Small white doq, black face. ears.

Black mark forms a snape on her head. Answers to Happy. Wearinq Blue collar and flea collar. Area Rt. 7 toward Port Crane.

724-557; 48-8384; 456-4569. 20-tmPlOYMENT Help Wonted 22 AAA Real Estate sales career, opportunity for the achievement oriented individual in our growing company. Our exclusive, unique recruitinq proqram assures you iob comfort before you start. Call now! THE CIRBA COMPANY REALTORS 729-6223 AMWAY DISTRIBUTOR is helpinq many persons earn money working 2 to 4 hours a day. We can help you.

For appointment call, 754-2311. A PLEASANT LADY Retiree pre ferred, be your own ooss, qoou cook, live-in, More details 722-OIM. AVON CALLING Making payments? Make earnings instead. Sell quality products, meei people, add interest to your life, Call for more details: 723-4004 BABYSITTER South Side area, your home evenings, 772-0484 before 2 p.m. BABYSITTER 2 children, II and 8.

Summer. 5:30, within walking distance of Lourdes Hospital or own transporatation. Call after 4, 722-5521. BABYSIT-TER In my West Side home. Call after 5, 724-0175.

BAR MAID OR BAR TEN-DER-Needed, good personality, and willing to work a must. Call M8-9722. BUILDING MAINTENANCE PERSON Understanding of electrical equipment, plumbing, boiler, building maintenance, and carpentry necessary. Work In a clean, modern environment Must have operator's license. Salary open.

Apply in person, personnel office. Rivermede Manor, 159-163 Front Binghamton, N.Y. An equal opportunity employer. COOKS HELPER Apply Morev's Restaurant, 1018 Front Monday 2 Thursday and Friday 3 5. COOK Assistant full time.

All benefits. Call Endicott Nursinq Home, Monday Friday, 9 a.m. 4.30 p.m. 754-2705. COUNSELORS YMCA Boys Residence Camp needs counselors for July 20-Aug.

16. Contact Craiq Ro-len, 772-050 for interview. nprnPATOR FLORAL DESIGN ER Experienced only In Florist's Shop, crafts and retail saies. can-time. Apply at World of Christmas, Vestal, 9:30 a.m.

to 1 p.m., Monday. DENTAL ASSISTANT Endicott roa a hv wpek. 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mature person who likes to work with people.

Training not required But helpful. Only persons interested innn rxnnn pmnlnvment should apply. State age, education, and reference. Reply box hoi. care oi Gannett Newspapers.

DIETICIAN Reqistered part time ronsultant. Call Endicott Nursing Home, Monday Friday, 9 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. 754-2705. DISHWASHER 4 day week, ex nnt npressarv. Too oav.

room and meals. All benefits. Phone Mr. Kiess, between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m.

or after 6 i-5Vi-ui Skytop Lodge, Skytop, Pa. nnnriwNMT MAN Men or worn en, must be over 18 years, to bake doughnuts and do general kitchen work. AOPIV 223 Main oinqnam' ton. N.Y. from 9-1 ELECTROCARDIOGRAPH TECH NICIAN Full-time position; im mediate opening.

Requirements are hiah school diploma plus com pletion of a course in elec trocardiography or six montns ex- oerience as an EKG Technician Please contact Personnel Office, Tompkins County Hospital, Monday through Friday. Phone 607-274-4321. An Equal Opportunity tmpioyer ETHAN ALLEN PERSONNEL "Your Opportunity Aqency" 772-1560 Colonial Pla2a, 30 W. State St. EXPERIENCED BODY AND FENDER MAN Must have own tools.

All benefits paid for by oarage: hospital plan, maior medical benefits, uniform, paid holiday, paid vacation. Top wages paid plus overtime. Frank's Body anop, in- 4043. EXPERIENCED TELEPHONE SO LICITOR No cold calls, must have car, must be able to worn eve nings hours also. Salary plus com mission.

State Name, phone num her and starting salary desir ed.must be able to start by August 8. Write Box 1173, Gannett News papers. SALES Division of W. R. Grace (Indusirial nH add- ing sales person to Binghamton area, tstabtisnea ousiness, salary 114,000 yearly and commissions for qualified person with advancement to sales manage ment.

Fringe benefits: Insurance, inu0mnt and Retirement Pro qrams. For appointment phone: 814-6ZV-SJJB. TRY A CLASSIFIE6 AD And watch the results happen, low in cost too! Call 798-1141, Position Wanted Women 25 CHILD CARE MY VESTAL HOME CALL 785-099 CHILD CARE Infant 3 veri, in my Veital hom, experienced, references, H5-4I9J. CHILD CARE 0v or niqhts, my South Side home, fenced-in yard. 772-9110.

CLEANING-By fhe iob, also shampoo rugs, clean tile, hardwood floors, windows, wash walls. Jean, 79-912. COOK HOMEMAKER After 4 p.m., minimum JO hours per week, 12.50 per hour. 724-4023, after 3:30. EXPERIENCED WOMAN Available, to care for sick and elderly at home.

Call HOMEMAKERS UPJOHN, 723-7417. HOUSEWORK By the day, iood references, transportation. Call after 6pm, 729-0019. NEED TEMPORARY OFFICE call Denise, 74-6472. NURSES AIDE Full time, part time, while you're away.

Dependable, experienced. 748-6054. 30-EDUCATIONAl Instruction 34 MEN LEARN TO DRIVE TRACTOR TRAILERS TRAIN ON THE ROAD NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY NO NEED TO LEAVE YOUR PRESENT JOB WHILE TRAINING BOTH CORRESPONDENCE AND RESIDENT TRAINING Accredited Member N.H.S.C. Approved For the Training Of VETERANS CALL NOW (24 hours) 722-3401 Or send name, address and phone number to, North American Train-inq Academy, 30 W. State Binqhamton, N.Y., 13901, Home office, 100 Peoples Newark, 19702.

ORGAN LESSONS-Very reason able, your home or Harpur Campus. Call Georqe, 798-0764. 40-BOARD AND ROOMS Rooms With Board 42 BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR ELDERLY If you want your loved ones to have a good home, wonderful care, qood food. More information, 723-2354; 724-2379. SPRING OPEN HOUSE DAILY, 9 A.M.

to 5 P.M. Our low monthly rates include fully furnished room, meals, snacks, 24 hour security and many interesting activities. Movies, Binqo, Ceramics, and Greenhouse are offered. Please see for yourself. Brinq a friend.

Ask about the new Social Security S.S.I. Proqram. GARDEN VILLAGE WEST 50 Front Binqhamton WOODLAND VILLAGE ON THE GREEN SOS Clubhouse Binghamton 722-3413 Rooms Without Board 43 BINGHAMTON Central, Sleeping room, private bath, and entrance, mature adult preferred, 723-9094. ENDICOTT North, sleeping room with community kitchen, gentleman, 785-3192. 748-0268.

ENDICOTT-Sleeping room. Private entrance. Off street parking. Bath. 785-2506.

FRONT 238 Clean, tub, shower, community kitchen, parking, 748-8563; FRONT 238 Clean, tub, shower, community kitcheft, parking, $15-16, HOTEL DIXIE Special weekly rates. Also monthly rates for pensioners. 106 Henry Bing. JARVIS ST. Off Main room, ad-joininq bath, private entrance.

Employed gentleman. 722-3217. 1 MAIN 43 Redecorated rooms, $16.50 up; weekly, monthly. Community kitchen, laundry, private refriqerator. 722-9768 or Apartment 4.

NICE CLEAN ROOMS For women Kitchen, washer, dryer 723-3494 ROOMS FOR. LADIES With kitchen privileges. References. I Jay Binqhamton: WEEKLY, MONTHLY RATES On rooms, kitchenette apartments. Also daily rates.

Town House Motel, 785-9736. WINDERMERE HOTEL 260 Washinqton rooms, apartments. Dally, weekly rates. 724. 1318.

Wanted Rooms, Board 45 REFINED ELDERLY GENTLEMAN Back from Florida, desires room, board with one person. No smokinq drinking. Box 1175, Gannett Newspapers. SO-REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Nouses for Rent S3 DEBBIE'S RENTALS Executive single home, $70,000 house for rent at $500 a month, in a preS' tige Binghamton, location. NORA DAVIS, 748-3303 NEWARK VALLEY 4 bedroom, 2'h baths, short IBM commute, S360 monthly.

748-4172. SUSQUEHANNA, Pa. Occupancy August 1st. bedrooms, living room, dining room, larqe kitchen. full bath.

Enclosed front porch. 2 car garage. V-'i acres. $225 monthly, plus utilities. References re-quired.

After 7 (201 1-391-4862. THREE BEDROOM HOME Two baths, unfurnished, half acre lawn, security, Endicott. 785-8680. Unfurnished Apartments 54 AAA JOHNSON CITY First floor, near downtown. Huge apartment, 3 heat included.

Plenty of parking. S45 a week. 729-0050, before 9 p.m. APARTMENTS' HOUSES 1-2-3-4-5 bedrooms Binghamton, Johnson-City, Endicott, Endwell. Vestal, suburban areas.

One reasonable THE RENTAL REGISTRY Bache Building 723-8929 ARTHUR ST. AREA 3 rooms, third floor. All utilities. S1I2 monthly. 724-0798.

ARTHUR ST. AREA Select soon. 2 heat, utilities, carpeted, janitor service, laundry. SI60. 724 6774, 798-7159, til 6.

AVAILABLE AUGUST 1 Second floor, 5 rooms, 2 garage, near IBM Endictott. $135 plus utilities. STELLA IRELAND RD Modern second floor, 2 laundry, ap pliances, single or couple preferred. No pets. $185 heated.

RIVER RD. Endwell, large old home. 5 yard, 3 car qarage, students welcom6. $300 plus. THOMAS K.

SBARRA, 797-4551 NICHOLAS T.SBART.A ATTENTION: VESTAL CENTER FMENDSVILLE, PA. AREA A reliable man or woman is needed to operate a Press Motor Route in the Vestal Center-Friendsville, Pa. area. Must be available in the early afternoon on Monday through Friday, and early morning Saturday and Sunday. A reliable car is a necessity.

RON PACKER 798-1166 MOTOR ROUTE DRIVER NEEDED NEW MILF0RD MONTROSE AREA Reliable Vehicle Necessary Weekday Afternoons Saturday Sunday Mornings Call Collect 607-798-1166 BOB WOOD HEEDED SUtl-BULLETIU MOTOR ROUTE DRIVER Apalachin area Call 798-1330 AMERICAN HERITAGE AUCTION GALLERY 481 Market Kingston, Pa. 6 miles south of Scronton, Pa. Announces an important estate auction, Friday, July 18, 1975 at 7 p.m. exhibit from 4:30 p.m. This Friday evening we have been retained to sell the entire antique contents of an important Scran-ton estate.

(Mc Andrew Estate). We can't emphasize enough the fine quality of these V.ctonan antiques that will be sold this week. for example: a very beautiful and completely original Ithaca JlhZTilA with bras, fetal, and door; c-troto (Victor talking machine) in cond.tion; v.ry large and bntantluTglass pinch bowl signed Glass Co, Wu. vegetable tureen. Middl.

Port Company; larg. Pen-nsyHaa Rnd light brass aran and gl lamP: bGby Lnifun. over 77 larg. pieces of brilliant cuf glau induing signed "n.w.r vases; decanters; footed covered humbler, etc, many place, and polt.rn. of TV limoges; Chinm.

ro. medallion plotter. Fin. am.rkan silver including coin and ng mahogany tool, with clow and gloss ball feet; carved back large flow blu. cao original brenc.

compas silver luster jTrf fancy Victorian oak rock.r with arm, and spindl. back; compl I. Canal No. 8 (engine) train with observation bndges, track etc. Cloisonne vasw and covered Carnival glass many prim include ic.

cream "Pewter" ond chocc4af. and copper, Ook bedroom chest, a pa. hand IZn "cava ier" vases signed M. Wollroff, a rar. larg.

tiffany decorated mogr.Hic.nt bronx. clock with move-men and a carv.d with rose marble of nntia old Scronton I b.a... for forth forrrwtion or reservations please call 71 7-J8B-70B3. Remembot we harm an antique auction mwty Friday uight starting at 7p.m. Scales This is a full time position with a major publishing company.

You'll be working in a modern, busy office. Salary plus commission, company benefits. Typing and spelling ability essential. We will train. Saturdays and own transportation a must.

Write: (or better yet, type) a request for interview to: Bom 1 174 Care of Gannett Newspapers Wft. lii.W'lJ.

Press and Sun-Bulletin from Binghamton, New York (2024)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Author information

Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.