The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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The Miami Heraldi

Miami, Florida

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SATURDAY THE HERALD MIAMI FLORIDA MAY 1S4I PAGE SIX RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS ANNOUNCEMENTS RENTALS The Weather FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS PERSONALS FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT-APARTMENTS SOUTHWEST MIAMI BIACH NORTHEAST NORTHWEST 1 AVON COURT IV'O Drexel bedroom apt $15 mon'h up fiPFCIAL for atimmer $15 Hot mater linen silver 19H7 49th fit I NOW LEASING BEDROOM APT 130 MONTH YEARLY RATE ArPLY 869 61 ST VICTORIA APTfi 820 Meridian Are airy apt 12 month up jccludnc baht hot water Gnurlcy APta 1 16 9th St Week 84 up: gas ilglita included rnnnlca 84 Week up low summer rstrs Da Lacey Ants 437 291 Sf NEW 2-bcdroom duplex furnished 6318 Miami PI Open 4-6 daily or phone 2-2184 evenings FURN NFW duplex piHate entrance gas hot Wilier elrrtnr: $20 summer rate or $25 yeatlv 2904 62nd St HI CM BETTER more comfort: 2 large 2-room apt Parking IB 50 2729 21st TPr MioneiOO" vv 'i iiUY I I YCne NEWLY COMPLETED THE MOST individual and furn bedroom ams located In beautiful Bnckell Estates at 90 8 38th Rd Ph 2-1521 Restricted )8jHa'7 FURN APTS $17 60 month by year Dade Realty 2709 8th St Information to MATTALINE APTS Ideal place to live Larse nr amall apt 2730 Pth St NAUTILUS VILLA 916 4 2ND ST Cool Quiet Restful BEAUTIFUL new a pf A-I peborbeo porches pao ed Bejutvret aparmu ap with 4 exposure 0 morfli luxe wth and dressing room $75 per awra Phore 5-K51 TiSr Chicago CONVENIENT apt utilities furn continuous hoe water: near bus s'ores theater Adults $375 week 1003 lith Ave BEDROOM apt all conveniences In park 978 3rd St RATE" PER HVF PER INSERTION EFFECTIVE NOV 20 1S39 Ttmp Per Day I 1 I 2 I 8 I 4 I 6 I I 7 ISO HOME VILLAS 716 85th St NEW MODERN complctelcv turn sna-t mix grounds garages $15-830 month CLAYTON APTS 1336 lstAve 1 5 month summer Tubs and showers Hot water at all hours Ph 2-5871 satrXptiTotei7 2728 2ND home awav from home1 UtiHtie fipecial summer rate Olethian Apts $16 Week Cool On bay 830 21rd St HOLLAND CLINIC Complete Modern All diseases of Women Examinations X-Rbv 1 lectro-Theiapy (olonits Lab-oratory Testa 26 Rlh Ave GodDUSFnCAHSH DOWN 2 YfcARS lO PAY TRADER HO 1ST ST ELECTROLYSIS $5 hour moles warts tl up Medical Ass'n leading doctors' endorsem*nt Free consultation Pamelia Man 22 Seyhold Ph 2-8577 HAIR CUTS 75c Open evenlnaa Smittv's Barber Rhon 3220 27th Ave CHRlsWNEBEAUTYr SHOP 741 w7 62nd St offers special permanent lor 5Q complete Phone 7-3771 mop HOMES PSYCHIC $2 SPECIAL FOR $1 SPECIAL limited $2 jniaranlvrd rMdinK for $1 Will rail vou bv lucky dv4 and niimhpn and vhar ou wish to know or no Ph 7-11 fiO Take No 2 2118 WMnd Pt fiPIHlTUAT medium rrvifel reariint 11-P Ciiitrd Hun 111) VV 12th Ae rutin urc upat him fUtNHlHNE rmivali'Mvnt Hmnr nrwdy drc oratnd auimm Phv and trained tmiara Ph 4-tWMI IF YOtfft diaHhiUtv allowance ha hern rut off bv your company or payment of death claim refused Herald in PI SAME RATE and SPACE a i ordinary typa PATTEN AFTS 231 3rd St CLFAN comfortable 1-3-5-room Summer-veerlv rare Porter service SINGLE furn mpt o)ar mil electric kitchen $22 50 2228 a 7th fit 2 BFDROOM garage apt $15 mo yearly Adult preferred 744 4th fit HOWELL APTS $7 60Weeksnd Up 360 6th 8t 971 Flagler Pauline apts NEAR TOWN Nice cool eff jcencie INNER mattres tiie bath $350 mceky LOWER efficiency Comp furn Polar hot water furn Cloe in bu 6 month 10 6 month HoJo-peter Pot Inc Th 3-7176 BEDROOM APTS LOV fiUMMFR rates $15 per month Phone 5-9159 frW wr HPT SAME RATE and SPACE I aa 3 llnea ordinary type is pt: 1 w'tATvra nEy 1 TP I aj mow (Ti roo 4w 0'ys tfitHtirrp 2-RFPROOM apt screened porch 25 summer $78 yearly 701 B7th pt 1 A A I A RTM ENTS 227 JC 28 ni Fff lelenev and had-room apartment eleetiie icfriuetation and ta Now renting tn summer or year-round tenants 120 to 440 per month Manager on premise APT ROOMft exceDert Pf beach golf course 171 rgto At SEAWAY APTS Open all aummer pMve bearh he' -ed ene Th A Tl UD KEY I HI WAT 9119 COiAna Ate ami fiearn (tt1 UWIt MiUWO rtv WTN TK1 WWD rvTR TNI AT Gt Ave fi and 3rd fit HOTEL DALLAS PARK ITVf! IN Miami fineat erftnii mlirent fo theater aliopnng end Bay-front Park ritsirlct I 2 3 4-room llih floor available fipaclou hoiei room dUv mecklv or monthly fiieam hear Phone 2-4155 iyTpmiTTT nATE and aa I llnaa ordinary typa SAME RATE and SrACE aa 7 lines ordinary typa 24 PT 36 PT SAME SPAC'D THE TWINS 7TH ST Large eff iclcncie Oa and hot mater furn $14 and up 3724-3700 Blsrarna Blvd INVITE you to sea the air-conditioned apartments Summer rates IHRFb-ROOM ull Frigirtahe liuhf mt aa included 5 per mera 7 14 fir NfW aiiarioii bedioom anwrtmrnl hru tHuJly furnlhcd I ellf hi full rool ate entrance Near ahoppini renter Rieht on bu line Yearlv or summer fi nth fit upatalr BFDRfkIM APT tilcelv furnihed clean ycHi ly rate 112 8 10th Ave Apt 4 CORNER bedroom apt Venetian blind tmn bed innerpnng maure FYscidalre bu Mop at door close hnp- fung and arhooi Nem modern bund nc $35 vearlv 1901 St YEAR 5 SUMMER RATES $15 PER MONTH Large bedroom apt Fnc-Idaires Finest residential location tp-town 3 minutes from cty hall Lomt rate in Miami Atlantic Courts 2000 8 24th fit 14TH LANE fi 125At Bnckell 1 and 2-bedroom apt rely urn $30 and 40 vearlv Th 6-7042 Hampton Court $30 Month Bedroom Apartmerua Cclllns Air farng ocean Ph PFLCO'URT A PTS2991 fineTA BEAUTIPXL l-bedroom apt $30 and $41 per month Cali 5-2475 5-ROOM APT $35 MONTH to Not Erov a rea! bom near ocean 3 extK' re 4 1 around SmaU id' $29 576 cr PELICAN APTS $5 week 1709 4th Ave between Blvd and hay Ph 2-S574 MADAM AVON GTFTFD life reader and adviser 25 exnerience I tell vour past to convinre yon 1 ran read the future I gne vou names and dales also nsmes of friends and enemies I don claim to do miracles I challenge anvone for the truth and correct readmes of one a life Guaranteed readings 1 3870 36TII ST TAKE Hialeah bn No 8 to door Open riailv nnd Sunday fi to 8 Ruliah Rapid City 8 Richmond Va Roswell SI Louis Mo San Antonio Taxaa Pan Francisco Calif fiioux Cjtv Io a Sit Sta Marie Mich Savannah Ga Seattle Wash Snrevepcrrt La Springfield 111 Sookane Wash Svracuse Tallahassee Fla Tampa Fla Tucson Ana Washington 7 West Palm Peach Willistnn Wilmington Yellowatone Wvo Castlcrcajrh-On-The-Bay 1005 Brlckell Ave Yearly Tenants Desired SUMMER RATFS now available Beautiful garden facing bay private dockage 10 mmure malic to Flagler St Maid aervire Week month year Ph 3-3526 3-ROOM ant furmahed a few block to Plnaler on bav: beautiful ground turn-mer rate 019 Brickcll Ae BAY-FRONT AFTS EFFICIENCY hedronm ants by the week month or year including gas light and electric refrigeration Also hotel room Nice lohbv terrace cool quiet MERRIAM APARTMENT HOTEL 186 Bavshore Dr Phone 2-5464 OARAGE apt overlooking bav 44 week utilities Included 1827 4th Ave ALL HAIR CUTS 20c except Saturday 2 ic Nelson Barber Shop 22nd Ave nd 84th St Th 7-9184 NATIONAL ADVERTISING RATES These rates apply to advertlaemente emanating from outald tha Stale of Florida No reduction for consecutive Insertions Minimum charge 80c Ordinary type 3Uc per line per day Eight face cape 41c per line per day Larger type facee: 10 point 60c per line (18 letten and epaceal 14 point 90c per Una (17 letters and spares): 18 point 120 per line (12 letters snd spaces): 24 point $1 60 per ttne (10 et-trs and spaces): 86 point 1210 per line (7 letters and spacea) Whtta space 30c per line (same apace aa Una of ordinary tvpel Display advertisem*nts of one or mors column widths using cuts and borders are acceptable on appreciate classified paga Rates on application DEATH NOT1CE9 Ordinary tvpe per Ur per day 17c TWIN PALMS 19TH 6T 1119 ALTON RD im-rf rate 1 and 2-tecroom id4 Rest ricted BUNGALOW apt 2 Fn-Ff rate Ween 1643 W'e? Ai LUCILLE COURT APTfiT 535T5lFparo Wav Corner bedroom apta Lew rate Mr i Mer rrnrrAL UNiTrn ptatfs rfport Fiorifii paitiv cinudv and mild fiamr tty trd fiundtv forecast Jrk- nnvil a to Florida fitran and Fust Ovilf rerf to moderate variable winds and pa-tly overcast weather Saturday Carolina and South Carolina-Considerable Pamrdav and fiudav chans temperature Geo'fa Part'v cloudy and mild Saturday ftndav motiv cloudv followed bv thundershowers in vest portion In after-ronn Mostly rloudv and rather orcaMonal ram on the mast fiatur-car fiundav fair with rising temperature In the Vj-t ma Mo1v rloudv and conier nc-rasitral ran on the coast Saturday 6un-cav fair atrirf nf Columbia: cloudv and rool Paturdav Sunday fair and a smr Kentucky Fair in rloudi-re- in met port ton Saturday fiundav nv'ly cloudy with showers in vest por-tr Showers 4n extreme wet pnr-teo Saturday and In went and rentral portions Sunday not much change In tere-aire Virginia Generally fair wth temperature fiaturd iv and Sunday Partly cloudv and cooler in ro-h port on Saturday Sunday scattered irin fil'ghtly In portion Saturdav Sunday motlv cloudy show- in meat ard south portions Alabama- Party cloud Saturdav and Fnca scattered showers in southwest pot on Florida Fair Rato Sirdav pav cloudy gentle to moderate tar able nd' LOWER bedroom apt fomn furn Solar hot water furn Cloe tn bus shopping school 6 month 15 month 130 Hohopeter Ac post Inc Ph 3-7376 NFW BEDROOM aot twin bed solar heater everything new very reasonable 2027 6th fit MOTHER'S DAY apeclal $7 50 maehine-les permanent wave 1150 Other per manent $2 Shampoo et manl-rire (1 Flamingo Beautv Shop 2158 7th Ave Ph 2-0228 MARTINA APTfi 1023 fi Miami Ave Nemlv demraied bedroom and efficiency cloe In 17 50 per month up NONE BFTTFR than this beautifully turn duplex apt 5 rooma and bath near Boulevard 50 summer rental 467 winter 571 64th fit Rhone 7-1164 SOUTH JUST OPFNED home for elderlv people a aperialtv care 1611 53rd fit Ph 7-9838 GARAGE apt attractive cool modern pear 1725 21st St Open 2 to 5 Ph 4-3941 Adult only FLAGLFR 4 mecklv up Ga electricity free parking Fhone CIGARETTE burns tears made Invisible reweavtng expert mend'ng Southern Reweaverx 304 8th Ave BELLE ISLE COURT VENETIAN 55AY New and 1 and 2-bedroom aot ap to 100 year LURIES APTS Jeferon fi Pu-tifui garden oro ventaion Centra Lowest aummer rate FLAGLER modem ef ficiency apt fi corner $15 month FACE CAPS per line per 26o LIGHT Day ATTRACTIVE waterfront apt accommodates 2 $25 month 104 86th fit Ph 7-1134 MME LEONARD PALMIST LIFE ADVISER 1170 79TH ST $5 WEEK MODERN Refrigeration 166 St NEW BEAUTIFUL effrtencev $7 Lot waier ectrc included fs 5-420 1045 a Ave GARAGE APT Lght Airy Nicely furn Innerprlng mattre Screened porch Shower and bath Near 2 bu Reasonable yearly Adult 1684 SVV 9th J5t BFDROOM apt furn except linen $12 month 317 4th fit fi Miami GARAGE ap and garage Week month or yearly late Adults 641 4th Ae 620 7TH AVE Upper bedroom" apartment Completely furn So ar hot water furn Cioe tn bu shopping school 6 month $20: 6 mon'h 40 Hollopeter Pot Inc Ph 3-7370 1ST AVE 8 37 0 New 3-room un- furn duplex ant niimmer Ph 4-3419 18 fiT 8 Dou ntom air cooled Room $2 50 meek up Apta 1 50 meek up Friairiaire Gentue 1 STl5T7srW730 $3 UP OO OR APT Coolt uietFrigidjre 2ND ST room bath 3 ex-poures and garage Nice quiet home for particular people Adults Summer or vearly BFDROOM arts furnished $10 per month summer: near bay 690 61st St NORTHWEST SUBLFT large bedroom corer apt pi to Nov in $100 Mr 512 rF-Ean Ave Ao C08AL CABUS De Beauty Shop 725 79th fit GRADUATION specials permanent 1195 to $12 50 Soft water Ph 7-9230 ALL PFMALE and urinarv diaeaae Dr Schaeffer Professional Bldg Suite Soft WIDOW 32 two dependent children ha excellent atoiy outlined Looking for writer prefer laaxer to into book Reference exchanged Box 0-79 Herald Fills for advertising rlaced br telephone are payable upon presentation The Miami Herald reserves the privilege of revising or rejecting any advertisem*nt which It deems objectionable: and to change the classification of any advertisem*nt from that ordered to conform to the policy of thla paper The Herald will not he responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion In the event of an error In an advertisem*nt on the part of the publisher It will furnish the advertiser a letter so worded aa to explain the eald error and the publisher shall he otherwise r-tieved from responsibility therefore TELEPHONE 3-4411 AN AS As I A 128 near rror Modern 1-oedroom an' gumme Mar 2 1911 7 in a 7 el FLAGLER ST AT MIAMI RIVER DEL RIO BEDROOM APTS LOW SUMMER RATES FECIAL YEARLY RATES CALABRIA AVF Reduced ca biand new bedroom apa Montnf or veiriy Ph 4-67ftft COCOR LOWER rimHcx 3 rooms competely furn Frow Ave Ph 4-1477 2ND RT 8 4 meek eaj light bath linen pmking Hot mater 2ND ST 8 Wr 1441 Sunny bedroom att In Frigldaire: reasonable CORAL WAY 431 Modern fnt-floor uni fi'eam rt garnae Yeary reniai rent for aummer or vear round 4 ROOMS and bath Reasonable aummer TfMR pt off 1651 3-bedroom furn reasonable rdr 1ST PT 1157 G'bnn Apts clean bedroom apt aduHs: no pet MIAMI STACK 2ND ST 8 hot Wats 3RD PT rooms bath: hot watsr innsrsprings Low summer ratss MADAME WALLIS rSYCHIC MEDIUM GTTARANTFE to vour entire life Make up lover' and familv trouble What hume and country lurkieM for you Tell your lucky dav and number Overcome pH bd luck and trouble Fvervbndv welcome Read mp $1 Dally and fiundav 9 to 9 2344 27TH AVE Corner 24th St Bus 15 or 22 at tlnnr ABBOTT AVE Effictenciei and bed-room apt 15 monthly Prrr Ft rii errtmn iv nd nr Fa' rf hr if-? 'nr-nti's trrprutii'e Man tmprtur tpipnjr At'nn nfic'fnv In tempra- t'ir nr Mv riBrn5 rtfirincv nc Jan 1 dgrs nd loft on this dat pt in vij 87 nd 58 pTcpurn J1 hour ending at 50 prfclpilation sinra May 1 )TCp Pt Cdy Pt 18 85 72 75 0 0 SIDONIA AVE 222 Near a HoL I urn 3 room Jmmer nr yeary ra LE JEUFNE AND AR AGON Ff Lcerry and bedroom ap Near cus reui center New mnnagement 2337 ANNOUNCEMENTS AMBULANCES 3RD ST Large well furn corner bedroom apt adult: Gentie sunpmer $20 Ph 4-3419 3RD StT v7 Efficiency $15 summer and $25 winter Ph 2-8555 ABBOTT AVE Ouet houe 3 blocks ocean living room bedroom ti bath electric kitchen solar 2 Gentiles cool for summer Ph 6-1268 1ST ST 1545 EVANS APTS 26 UP YEARLY rata summer rats $17 up Firaf-clas apts and hntsl rooms No psts oor children Gentiles 11TH ST garage aj exposures bah anower gas wj fvirn 4 large rooms $20 Ao 3 room $15 Pn 4-4474 13 Per Call in Miami Dial 4-6414 Flagler Funeral Hom 00 00 FLORISTS FFFTNEP businea girl will share pew home in Bricxell Estates with same reasonable Ph 3-3071 3RD ST 8 1628 arg modern airv: efficiency weekly or $15 month 3RD ST Modern efneien-cies and hotel rooms Low rates ALTON RD 824 Large efficiencies bedrooms Constant hot water $12 month up Inquire Covington Arms Exotic Gardens Inc FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Flseler and Bridge Phones 2-0610 Beach on Lincoln Rd 5-2961 VERY ATTRACTIVE apt 4 rooms ad bath inclosed porch well frn- 3 or 4 Ideal tjrn 100 feet west of Leon vq VO feet from Anriia i -rng from anono rt center aa Aid 215 finlarranra Ave Phone 4-'r4 BEAUTIFUL unfurn ap $15 month Corner Red Rd and Rd ALTON RD 1511 Efficiency and bedroom apt hotel rooms summer rate bedroom apt th monthly no children 3RD sr Large efficiency Clean modern: $5 week Gentiles 3RD ST 1 167 Luge garage apt 2 bedrooms nicely furn Yeirlv 2ND PL 6231 I and 2-bsdroom furnished pts cross ventilation near srhooland bus Suramrr yoar wrrk 2ND PT 601 Corner apt svrrv-l hlna nrw: cool Monthly xailv 3RD ST Holly Court Apta Variety Rrasonable sutnmrr rats AM NOT responsible for anv debt contracted bv anvone other thRn myself EIi7beth Hooks fiPFClAI--S3 50 oil wave $104 ahamnoo fiee with 24c finger W'nve Flo Beautv fihon 2175 44th fit Phone 7-3414 CREMATORIES BYRON AVE 0OSn-Ner ocean Large efficiencies and bedroom apis $20 $30 and 35 4 I'll ST 3-bedroorn apt also 1-bedroom apt Newly renovated: hot water Reasonable DON CARLOS APTfi o'f Hwy ot-poeiie de I eon Hah achoo 2-room ani cooi cen re f-n unco uttluie furn $20 rer mor'h DAY NURSERIES 3RD ST 1790 Furn 5 rooms nshts FrlgidRire 3 exposures $20 mont 4 PH ST 8 04 and 4-room apt $17 50 up Utilities furnished 850 FLAGLER CREMATORIUM Permit through our licensed funeral director Dial 4-6414 Flagler Funeral Home 831 Cremation $35 Miami Mortuary Phone FUNERAL DIRECTORS BFDROOM APTfi furn fi exposure $20 month 222 MOTHERS care Private hom*o near scjionh rinsed yard: limited Ph 3-7954 GBIMRHAW Infancy to 8 years Mother In fhargN 3741 Marv Rt Phone 4-5863 BOARD vour ehtld In private home care of mother (nurse) Ph 7-3471 ORLEANS APTS 1810 re d-Nicelv furn apt and bci Rcaonbe rrmrthlv pn 4-0t2i 4TH ST 9 979-wBedroom apt tnner-sprtngs hot water furn $22 month 4TH AVE 2900-Bedroom Brass apt near bus Reasonshle Ph 3 4TH ST8 Duplex furn 120 month summer Ph 3-6009 PRFXFL AVE 15 ift -Lovely 2-bcdrnom 2-bath $4fl hotel room 15 DRFXEL AVE 1M2-Rukin efficiency ant 1 5 month 6 months $75 Adult AVF 1580 Oho 2-bedroorrf apt $20 Efficienrte $15 HARDING AVF exposure bed room apt Bungalow duplex Individual home Solar Reasonable Ph 5-6151 INDIAfTcREEK BearfiTMaieon-etre Apts 1 2-bedroom apt Cro ventilation fireaial summer rate Tafl Assails FDR Policy Bv Tbe Associated COLUMBUS Ohio May Senator Taft Republican of Ohio Friday night criticized appointment of Harry Hopkins and Leon Henderson to key posts in the defense program and charged that Fresidrnt Roosevelt's recent moves were a "suhetantial step toward that gov-ei nment by executive order which now- exists in Germany and Italy" Speaking at a meeting of the Ohio Federation of Republican "Women Taft contended athat the administration was attempting use the defense crisis as a basis for usurping powers congress has never been willing to give by law to regulate everything and Rap At Hopkins Discussing appointment of to direct the lease-lend program Taft said: "Any administration which takes a 3V the administration of the $7000000000 lease-lend program from (William S) Knudsen and gives It to Harry Hopkins brands itself as completely incompetent and inefficient" Taft questioned the legal authority for appointment of Henderson administration economist as head of the of price "If the President can create an office appoint one of his henchmen without confirmation by the senate and authorize him to fix prices without any statutory authority there is absolutely no limit to executive power in the United he said Turkey Calls More Troops Bv International News ISTANBUL May Turkey Friday night called up nine additional classes of army reservists and speeded evacuation of her civilians from the war-threatened region Adding considerably to the million Turkish soldiers already estimated under arms the newly-summoned reservists began reporting Immediately for duty Evacuation of 1100 families from the Turkish Thracian and Dardanelles areas within the next two days began when 100 families sailed aboard the steamer Tirhan from Istanbul hound for the eastern Turkish Black sea port of Inebolou In the evening a second ship bearing -too families left Istanbul for MIAMI'S fewest day nurserv Specialising In infants- rare dav week or month 1855 fi Bayshore Dr Ph 4-5674 MIAMI 8 largest and finesL costa no more Complete funeral lor $75 AND UP wooclpn casket AND UP metallic casket: $500 ANI) UP solid copper casket $800 AND UP solid bronre casket Inspection invited 2987 Hagler St Dial 4-6414 Flagler Funeral Home 924 BIRD RD THE LIT fimartly bed-oem apartment cro vernat'or porch aoutheast exposure yearlv $5 per month 5TH AVE 8 Nirelv furn apt: $25 month by year or hv season PEARL SCHULTZ "Happy Private or public srhool all day or hoarding Ph 3-4003 907 15th Ave 3RD ST 1462 I argr bedroom spt Inner spr mo $1 a week 3RD ST 2368 Comfort a olv furn 4 rooms reasonable summer nr yearly 3RD ST 1620 Frlairiaire hot water gas furn Low summer rates 3rd Pt 1554 Parkside Apt WFFK Modern rooms efft-ciencies bedroom apis Free gas electric 4TH ST Garage apt and bath lights and water turn $20 4TH ST w7 hvren Tf ft I I a7 Clean comfortable utilities furn Re-flnedadults Rates $3 per week up 8TH AVE 5 0 3 V- l7cl a "a tT" aleeps 4: citv water parking $8 week 6TH ST week rooP roomsj also honaekeeptng: downtown erH AVE Furn-sTo'om upper duplex Frigldaire bottled gas a-tage $25 month JEFFERSON AVE 337 near bu pew cool corner bedroom apts and hotel room Except ion liv low rate 5TH ST 8 Modern efficiency apts Frtgiriaires Innerspring mattresses: summer rates $15 Phone 2-7786 BtTs'w Lovely bedroom and efficiency apts Nlcelv furn Hot water maid service Week month year 5200 ALHAMBRA Crcle 4 room furn or unfur $15 mo Ph FOR RENT HOUSES finest low-cot service Complete funerals $6Q up With: Octagon Doeskin caket 580 Half couch plush casket $110 20-gauge Armco iron $lio Armco Iron sealer caket 5225 Mj ami Mnrtu arv Fn one 7-5919 Miami's most exclusive play ichool and boarding home for children 2996 13th St Phone 4-6016 RESORTS AND CAMPS MARSEILLE DR Normandy Isle New bedroom or efficiency apt Low summer rental Ph 6-1482 NORTHEAST BIfiCAYNF BLVD at 2Sth fit burgao lease 1 to 6 year 6TH ST 8 Efficiencies and bedroom New residence section Close to Trail stores New Frtgidairea furniture and innerspring mattresses Oil-heated hot water Summer $15 month up or $4 weekly up Annual monthly rales $25 up LOO CABIN completely modern nlnh cool of $750 end up Cottese for rent Box 277 North Mleml 3RD PL 6-room houae furnished Ph 7-1078 Skillman Funeral Service 35 YEARS or xrvlre INVESTIGATE without obligation TEL 28264 2144 2nti Avtt LOST AND FOUND MICHIGAN Ave Ff ficiencle bedroom apt $5 weekly tin utilities furn I HIGANA 1 455 LARGE attractive hotel room $3 mtle $5 double weekly daily maid service new building JPh 5-5769 MFRTDIAN AVE cool confer bed room apt $199 to Oct 1st $23 50 month Efficiency $17 50 RENTALS 6TH ST nil-Effirlency apt-furn utilities week month year 8 rHST wT6 4 kTh-nT Light- GmT Adults Bus $2 60 week up FOR APARTMENTS NORTHIAST 11TH TFR room I cn month 1441 Miami 7 POfra turn $10 month 127 JN lUh 6 20THTFRR ACF fi furnished 4-hedroom home 2 eeiient iocUonJfS0 mor'h Ph 3-ia 20THT 2I2 Runva'ow oe-room 2 hatt Nn fireplace fmn 8 TH CT 1 404 -3-room furn gas Frlgidahe $25 hv vear clean Ph NN AVE 1614 near Lincoln Rd Ant and hotel rooms: hot water near beach: maid service $15-120 a month PFNN AVF 1 345 -Corner bedroom aot 20 efficiency 11 month weekly rate including everything $5 up Fomalo Boston Hull srrw talk 5 yosrs olfl hair off tail Answers to namo ol "rrirkot Rowurd Th 3-4115 Buncombe cure Bcolt and Whll enker LOST Msn'a wrist watrh vicinity Blvd snd 24th St Owner' flume on burlc of case Finder pleaxa call 2-9718 for reward Straed Irom virinity 3rd St inth Ave young male police dog Fh 2-7907 BIPOAYNB BLVD fiflj iCooI attractive etudm opt desirable corner expoeure wccommodHfe 3 or 3 Bummer or year BAYBHORKrtN" 1419Btrayne Biv Apts Friprtdalre Convenient to Bearh near Venetian Causeway 11TH ST 12 3 rooms norch and bath $20 month or low weeklv 19THAVE Nlrelv fiiVn Baraga spt lor business couple $25 and $10 month 6TH ST Bedroom twin beds FI refrlgeiator Finn Annual $20 6 months aummer $40 6 months winter Adults Mnid service Ph 2-9836 5 1'H rTs 1 6 BrdTnnm apt Mod-ei conveniences summer or yearlv 5TH-ST 1441 NEW ATTR ACTlVEfurnhedroom 6TH ST HiKh-rlass bedroom nt twin nert FrikMire 17 0 month: tub showers new ly decorated 5TH AVE 330 BEDFOOMS walking distance yaraxe aummer or earlx lease now Ph 2-9J63 5TH St7Sw71 24s3jl 0 month 3 corner room houekeepme Private home 6TH9T! fi wT8Tt -Bedroom apt $20 up: month eaon Befrueraf ion 2 1ST 8T 114 Modern furn cottage for 2 nduit twin r-aprina $16 aummer $26 22ND fiT NF SmaT! bungalow $220 vearlv Fd 3-3423 PENN AVE Near Lincoln Rd 2-bedroom apt summer or yearly rate 1ST AVE line Haven Apt efficiencies $1 up Also rooms $2 up 20TH ST furn rooms porch shower hot water: $4 per week 1ST AVE Bedroom ants $5 week up tas lights inrluded PFENSYLVANIA AVE Efficiency on first floor 13 per onth FFNN AVE 1244 Efficiency ept 5 week Everything furn ST furn apt Lights and water half blo-k to bus Black dog with white snots Anxious for return Reward Communl-cat with Pox 1682 Miami LOST-Male Boston bull terrier hrindle white markings nose chest forelegs wearing hrnrx Inst Thursday Reward 1945 Mst Ter 31ST ST Near bar furmned 2 bedroom poren Yearlv rate 3 1ST fiT fj-n duplex 2 bedroom 2 batrl Nev house wh View of bav 5fiTH fiT 2-beronm mini Frigldaire ga: adults $20 3RD AVE 7921 Large bedroom ant West equipment 2 how-er 30 month summer MO winter 3BDAVF nTeT? Heart of city mod-ern ant and room 2JRD AVE 3 rooms and screened porch gas electric hot water nice vard yearly rent PRAIRIE AVF Newly decorated beaunfhllv furn large and amail apta reasonable summer rate Ph 5-950 PALM "A 4000 fimall and large ant Very spaeioua livint rooms Restricted Th 5-2674 5TH ST 12 Apt 3 romp private bath con innerspring mattress 7 TH ST 8 204 2-bedroom unfurn refrlyeraHon aolar: yearly Ph 4-077S or J-AfO? Gentile fiWy Bed loom apt beau tifullv furn in low yearly rate firTfi 734rloe in furn or unfurn 3-room duplex hunmilow WASH AVE Fff cicncv with private bath: near bu 15 month WARM AVF 220 rear I efficiency and pt very reasonable rent between 10 a and 4 REWARD LO'nT Black vhite female Rnfnn bull Ph 4-1928 4-0465 7148 Pav Ave LONT 4intl jtold watth black band Miami Beach Reward Ph Blck female Scntty April 30 about 11 virinity 23rd fit An-wer to "Bonnie" Regard No queaMon ked Return to Winnie I Wffe fihop LOST -A pair of truck between Miami and Hollywood If found potilv Jaeaer Appliance Co Hollywood Ph 449 Reward 2IRD ST Furn 4-room modern lower duplex $20 per month 26TH 8T WT'osiPljo'rda'iUkPtsTTre lights gas hot water: $17 50 month 30 niPT wT 160 I are" efficiency-sun pallor solar: as 20 month 26th St 161 Apt all turn $4 week Housekeeping rooms $3 Hot showers 28 rip's W7 6 3 3 lea n7c I turn- Frigldaire gas hot water reasonable UHrtf'sT N- 1 12 ust garage aptU ftitn 3 rooms aneened pot eh Adults $15 month AIsjt 2 rooms M3 60 29 I'll RT 54 3-room furn apt Solar heater elertric ref itgerallon $35 month bv vear Ph 2-3686 5HTH fiT 184- 3-rrcm jj bun fft'd lrge cJort po -rh er 120 rnotuh or 2' tti'1 No 70TH fi 10 3 beiirooma rew gaa ranee Fr'eldalre new decoaed 3 por he vard AduD 71 HD PTN 4ift- Atrc f-e-nihed 5-room heme mu be arnreciated aummer or vear Ph 78 TH fiT 441- Fun 5 room 2 bath aummer or year round Ad 61R1 fi 80 Modern furn 1 room bungaiow $1 monthly tf year Ph 5-4422 UTII AVE Soft -Lower and upper duplex 6 room ach furn distance: ern bt imtei 4-room apf ulilitle furnished J0 nnd 125 per month 21STfir Close in CoofTftt-ciencv 2 adults Utilities: week 21ST ST! bedrnmftnd klichen for 2 adult $4 week $15 month 23NDBT 401 Bedroom not sum mrr or yeHrlv: maid service reahonabie 22NI)fir 625 Cm bav corner bedroom apt fi exposure summer rate 22ND 6t7n" 3-room aarage apt7 yearly rate nrFN ALL RUMMER NATTTTTU8 DR Cool airy pew beautifully furnished front corner bedroom apt with 1 or 3 bath also efficiencies and hotel rooms apeclal aummer or yearly rate CTH ST fi 2Qf C'orne bedroom rfflnencle Hotel mom S13-2S year 9TH ST 8 VV 1 770-1-1 -bed room newly furn redecorated apt for ubleae xeiy rcaonble Ih 2-2fi8 Apt 6 8TH ST 78 1017----Nw duplcxbed-room apt Furn Cross ventilation Adults WTH aaras apt completely furn 20 Ph 4-1104 LORT -Brindle bull Gtp rav hrindle white mark around face and neck Reward 1495 34th St 102N1 ST 34 Fun eiectric kitchen Near school Yeary reasonable 23 RD fiT- Kina Edward $5 ueek up Bv Bav Gentile Adult SUMMER RATES NEW EFFICIENCY 1 and bedreoma block ocen 7928 Hardlne Ave FIRN 6 room front and back a porch CaJl 47 15h 23RD ST 130 3 Fxnoure Complete Modern 23RD fi NE 7 4 2 ed room' p7 77 month yearly rates adult LEGAL NOTICE 23TH ST Nice apt 3 rooms shower gilts water furn $15month 29TH ST 344 F4irn 2-berironm" garage apt and efficiency Reasonable 29TH TFR Smalfef finencyT furn low yearly rale Ph 2-2892 30TH ST 1612- Ff finencvliPd-room apt Frigldaire gas hot water 274 Tnrge-and'malf arts modern summer or yearlv FURN HOUfiFfi 2 to 10 bedrooms Apia-1 to 2 bedroom or veax fRFD EVANS CO 2nd A P-nre 3 LOST Wed black Pekingese female 11 months old: name "Baby" Please return Reward 3140 5th St LOST Week ago male black and white fox terrier 2145 32nd fit Small white dog black spot over eve in neighborhood of 79th fit and 10th Ave Name Spot Child pet Return to 8d08 10i Ave Reward On causewa 230 Fridav tan English bulldog Reward Phone 2-2967 LEGAL NOTICES 11TH AVE fi Lnrht alrv efficiency aot low aummer and year-round ll'IH 8T fi 1 8ft To ely bedroom apt nicelv furn beautiful neighborhood selected clientele JfV to $7 week aummer include ail utilities or vearlv HTH ST 7 8 711 lF'urn aptT? large cool room hehta and water fce 15 per month Cabin 10 per month furn 12TH ST 46 4-room lower duplex 2 bedroom screen porch FrlRidaire pleasant vard 25 month bv vear TERRACE APTS APARTMENTS and hotel room Summer rate: accommodating 2 to 4 $15 to $25 monthly fitation wagon er re Attractive vearlv rates No net 63ft Lenox SHERMAN APT HOTEL 421 8 Colllna Ave Low rates Ph 6-1181 Pnv ate beech Ret ricted Hotel Service Still covering Mam1 Bench like MARION MA 909 Collins Ave THE L1NCOIN PLAZA 1615 Penra Ave REASONABLE aummer rates or year-round rale clientele OVERLOOKING RAY 618T fiT 1081 F-s-n 4 bedrew 2 hath garage cenna mi g-ntnd yea- $35 MONTH wU rent tr large home rar twe by Mav fo November or 15 by year owner 10ft4 ST NORTHEAST SPRING RATES NOW! 620 RT 700 34TH ST Ray Breeze lay Shore Week month year BAY FRONT All corner bedroom apt accommodate 24 airy cool light patios Gentile Adult No Pet Applv Ouner Apt 1 Bav Breeye NOTIC OPEN COMPETITIVE AfiPFMBTFD TEST fOli THE CLASSIFICATION OF JtTNTOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Applicant mut be resident of the Beach not lea than twenfv-five A i nor more than ixtv i fin year of use nrl in good phvxiral condition Further Information i contained In notice posted on the bulletin board in the Lobbv of the Citv Hal) Closing date for applications May 9 1941 PFRSONNFL DIVISION OTTY OF MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 4 26 5 3 37RD ST Bedroom dup'ex apt furn or unfutn very reasonable to reliable veRr-round tenant Ph 4-0644 wT'fCGaraRe'aptT' light s-water tarinltsl: $5 weeg 34TH ST garag apt furn Prefer yearly rental BOULEVARD 585 FT irn l-bedrrom bungalow rx kitchen bath ao'ar porc SvO year Adult no pet Ph 6-1042 25TH ST 319 2-btdroom garage apt newly redecorated 12TH AVE fi 202 Hot water mner-anrina twin bed shower tub Fncid-aire linen china cooking clean iOW Rummer vear rate Ph 3-220 35TH ST Copl clean accommodate 3 reasonable Ph 3-4196 35TH ST 5V Nlrelv furn 8 hedronm apt Season or yearly FUR HOUSES $25 to $w5 year TTNEURN apr 5-ronm WALDFN REALTOR 615 fi 13TH ST Bedroom-efficiency hot water liaht fiee 257 ST 477 near bav smart new ideal for couple 8 exposure 36THSTN Coni qiilPt7fur7 bedroom ant Frigid ire garage low summer rate Ph 3-6104 AUTHORITY having been granted bv the Bureau nf Marine Inspection and Navigation Department of Commerce Washington under date of April 28 1941 notice is hrrebv given that the name of th Ca screw MARGFNE II Official Number 228 567 has been changed to LIIIO Said vessel was built at Annanolis Md during the year 1929 She measures 60 gross and 41 net ton and her home port 1 Miami Fla A ANOIF Collector of Custom PERSONALS GUFfiT Atrac ve fir- 7 bedroom 2 ba 2 H'f b'oefc ne an Causeway 347 lrh Ter Owrer 13TH ST Lower 8 bed-room art Nlcelv furn Summer yearlv 13TH ST i29 Corner bedroom eftlcienrie maid hot water $15 NEW RAINBOW APTfi 113 Ocean Dr $5 WFFK Private shower Kitchen LowFFACH renTal ant attractive bedroom apt Yearly or aum- 1 120 1 9h fi a Alt on Rd BLUE OCEAN VILLAS ALL THT5 ADVA NT AGFfi of a private estate 300 ft water front Itimmini pooL children a pool yacht basin dock fishing rowboats private beach tennig eourt Rrasonao Summer Renala 6924 Indian Creek Dr Ph 6-9277 Restricted Clientele 37TH ST Miller Apts BFPROOMS Frigldairrs $18 month up 37TH ST 4-rnom apt quiet Frigldaire: near bus: month or year 37TH Sr Attractive duplex couple $20 month LEGAL NOTICES fV Engineer Office Jacksonville bios in duplicate will be recened ere uriLi 16 a EfiT Mav 23 1941 rd thn publiclv opened for furnishing a i iiPor and material and perfojmint all jr cnpMriHtme and paving runwava tr Albanv Airport Albany Ga Further on application 26TH ST Yearly or meeklv $20 month El Ratio by Ray 26THTFR E342'-Grceroom for" light housekeeping t-2 U9 13TH AVF 847 Lovely cool bed room efficiency: summer year Gentile FTTRN HOME Miami Shor rrvte 3 bedroom wm bed porcbe aire row 4h A 16TH AVE fi Comer apt FrI-Idalre utilities free: 5 week 27TH ST Nicely furn efficiency apt vearlv LJLA I IF 8 Village Beauty Free soft water shampoo with each 50c at Specials on all pcrmsnenti 4610 2nd Ave Th 7-1483 41ST ST 1-ronm film apt gas refrigerator solar heater yearly 46TH ST 2roomiT-new ly" decorated Reasonable Ph 7 6527 50TH-StTnT 3-ronmfurn apt for couple Rent $18 month 17TH AVE fi New modern 2-bedroom apt Elegantly furn On bus line MOST ATTP ACTIVE new furn near pn1 t1 gas per month -5 pr mor'h wirfer 571 64h Thone 7-1144 DRFKSMAKINO and expert alterations Will call fit and deliver Work guaranteed Ph 2-2759 1698 8 12th St Beautiful Furnished Ant bedding Automane water Solarium maid aervire f5 mouh Corner bedroom apt $is month till Nov i ISm bocka to beach Fletcher Apt 167 Washington Ave Opposite Goif Course 27TH ST Garage Pt hay to Nov 2j adult couple 28th St 328 Bankers Frlglrfa lrc Inner nrlnc Quiet 29 1 II 8 1' 476 Hv hv 4 rnmn $J4 truuifh Ixo Hotel mum Holtir 30TGtER 7 duplex Ft igiriait city gx eastern exposure nlcelv furn by the year Inquire downstair ri VOTfCF VOTTCE IS HEREBY OI FN that n- T1 c4tion will be marie to the legislature er of Florid at it of 141 Ahtch convened in 1041 for toe pagsace of a law ttie obirct and ub- arre of which contemplated law tr efenunn irri enlat kCitient of the present corporate i tti 1 1 a of the Clfv of Mintnl I earh Dade Coniifv Florida a to ude and so that the fHid Citv shall Tmb'are and have jurisdiction over certain rir and territory all of which 1 located in Bscayne Bv fiEA-BAY CORPORATION 55TH ST 1774 Furn 1 2 and 3ropm private bath apt Pori Ulill-1 lea Tleaullfiil grounds Talking Ifra-aunahle Must see to appirciaie Al-o aitractive 2-room tile bath garage apt Week month year Ph 7-5 106 171 ST 8 21 IR-Gurnee ant Completely furn Frlttidalre twin bed On mm line Yearlv rent ift fi "s' Wr 3500 2 bedroom ant HR 1-hrdioom apt $I2 18TH'AVEr" fi Adult Centller Bedroom apt 17 50 month up NOTICE IS HFREBY GIVEN that at the 1941 Session of the LePtslatuie of Florida there mill be presented a Bill to exclude the following described property from the corporate limit of the Citv of North Miami Baeh xaid City havin been created under Chapter Special Act of the Legislature of 1931 Law of Florida towit All that certain land now within the corporate limit of the Citv of North Miami Bearh which 1 bound on the west bv the portion of the neht of wav of the Florida Fat Coast Raliwav that i bound on the south bv the present southerlv boundary of that portion of said Ctv of North Miami Bearh lying East of the Florida East Coast Railway right of wav: that is bound on the Easi bv the high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean and that i bound on the North hv the present NorfhMn boundary of that portion of the Cilv of North Miami Heard vhirh lie Fait of fcaat Railway right of Wav The above described property now comprising all of that land now located within the corporate limits of the Citv of North Miami Bearh Ivin east of the easterlv portion of right of wav of the Florida Fast Coast Railway the same run in a northerly and southerly direction through the Citv of North Miami Beach aa incorporated by Chapter 14824 of the 1931 Special Acts of the Legislature of Florida and as amended by any subsequent Acts that have extended the boundaries of that portion of the City of North Miami Beach lying east of the easterly side of the Florida Eat Coaf right of wav ASSOCIATION OF PROPERTY OWNERS owning property at the present time located in the Citv of North Miami Beach east of right of way of the Florid East Coast Railway 4 19-26 5 7-10 MADAM RAY Palmist Psychic Adviser REAPS pat present and future Hein and adviaes in love buMness and family affair tell whom and vou 11 marrv how to ell bad lurk and trouble lurkv davs numbers Reading $1 Open cUilv and fiundav 9 to 9 Client white or colmed Foot of bridge corner 20ih St Take bus 15 or 22 to door 1970 27th Ave $14 MONTH 4-roont bcuje rn a ter 1 fi -N 12 Av LITTf RIVFR huire and location ih e-a rruii rear For parMculai ece Fden Realrv Co 06 eyne Unfurn 2-bedroom upper iox $45 Other home and ava Searing' 6811 cayne vd Pn 57TH ST 2-hedronm apt Ail eonveniences Summer or rear 58TH ST Bedroom ant light hot water Included $15 month Tell vour apartment trouble to ua 61 ARION A 109 Coll i a Ave Live On the Beach Yearly APTS $35 nd tin monthly: Io lummtr rates 1121 Pennsylvania Ave 10TH AVF fi Lisht airy modern efliclencie Low aummer rate anaefnua trounda ideal transportation Gentile 32ND RT 374 Corner bedroom pt Fr laid a ire Utilities $7 week Adults 32ND ST Beautiful furn f-bedroom apt overlooking bay 60TH ST New bungalow duplex apt furn complete Including utilities Yearly rate 21ST AVE 219 3-room carage apt 17 month yearly Ph 4-5878 35TH ST Attractive garage 8 pt 1 or 2 adults Ph 2-4060 21ST ST 8 3028 New duplex nicely furn One bedroom 45 yearly EFFICIENT care Nurse's home for enron-lcs nervous good food Ph 7-3951 2232 2ND ST furn 2 bedrooms large yard Bus shopping No children Yearlv $72 50 month Hollnpeter A Post Inc Ph 3-7376 riBIir NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that t-b -catrvn wull ba mada to the Legislature C'f the 5'ate of Florida at Its 1941 session which convened in April 1941 for the rassase of a Law- the obiect and of whch said contemplated law 's t- exr-us-on from the boundaries of the of Mami Florida and from the j-iss-rfas of said Citv of certain land and t-r ory all of which la located In Bis-care Bay PEA-BAY CORPORATION 7 38TH 6T 448 Near bay Garage apt with garage Desirable location exposure Adults Y'ear Ph 2-5373 25TH AVE and 2-bedroom duplex apts electric kitchen: com pletely furn Reasonable Year round WASSERMAN blood tests tl blood shots 2 Daily 1-5 Mon Wed Sat 7-9 Flaaler Clinic 805 Flagler Ph 2-6368 On the Ocean At 27th St El Mtraol Private beach Individual entrance 3 exposures Phone 5-3378 EE KTFURN IS 1 1 ED EFFICIENCY and bedroom aot 3 to 5 near ocean 859 Commerce St NEW MODFRN efficiencies $25 month I and 2-bcdroom apt 2 block ocean 7928 Hurdmi Ave Here 17 BOOMS 9 brths rear 2nd Ave $40 ummr Davenport "04 fi a- ftv 3RD AVF dup furn 21 50 month year I ght pr 4TH ST wTT 196oTDrP ex Ieepng porch fi coox AduM $15 year IDEAL modern bedroom apt spaeioua lawn $20 month 1259 7th St HILO DIP 42ND ST Upper duplex 2 bedrooms Adults Summer or yearly 49THStT Very at-trartive summer rate YORK APIS 75 31st St $15 aummer: $25 for 4 winter months 32ND AVE 8 415 Attractive furn bedroom pt- near bus Reasonable Tear round 32NDAVE 312 -lower duplex 5 rooms bath electric kitchen suitable for three: $10 yearlv COOL 4-ROOM corner bedroom apt ci oss ventilation Low rate 237 17th Ave KrLLB FI fas and Mce in in minutest ticks overnight Delivery Phone 3-2)21 HUGHES BEFD STORE 116 Miami Ave GOATS milk Smiley Bros Ph 4-7183 49c a quart License-Inspected 8PFNCFR CORSET surgical support: ril'Ulct manager Phone 7-0395 49TH ST Front bedroom ant vet desirable: no deposit garage low summer or vearlv 52Nn ST Special hedronm apt for particular adults krlsldalre twin beds earaue porch Yearly 5a 1 RI'r Bedroom a nil hot water newlv dreorated $15 up LORD BYRON Apt 731J Bvron Ave Summer rate new eff icieisrie bedroom aju 2 block ocean piotected heacli GFNTlTFfi! Monterey Apt 1811 Mirhi-gun Ave ner I incoln Rd fitimmer rte 5 mnnilit $75 $150 ANo by week or month UnuMinlly cool apt Phone In every apt 151 1RTH Bedroom apt twin beds 2 porches 3 exposures Oarage LOOK! Coolest apt In Move now 124 1140 VV 4lh St 4TH SI Unfurn 2 rrvom ti kuenen 4TH ST 4'ft ft-reonr ''w irnihed summer nr t- 5IHCTN rvipVx iVd-C furn $25 month I ight and FH CT tiled bth e'erfrJC k'trhen Otjr I AND 2-ROOM efficiency apts week: new siovex 27)3 loth Ft 2)6 S8TM AVF Unfurn 5-room bunralnw laiae vaid 3 blorka to bus ahoppma Reiwecn Trail and Hauler Yearly $25 month Hollopeter Post Inc Ph 3-7176 1272 F'LAGIFR ants IS week up Utilities turn 3-ROOM apt corner near bus Nice yard parking 2041 Miami Cf LARGE AIRY 2-bedroom apt inner-spimgs solar Frigldaire: garage $25 month 284 44th St 60TH ST Furn apt $3 week Phone 3-4906 FACING ocean new efficiencies and beds room apts $20 monthly up 1228 Collin Ave Psychic Medium Adviser THIS GIFTED reader tell vou what vou want to know without akm question Advice on all affair of life Reariins for white or colored Readme $1 Take Citv iioHoitai hi 23 Look 1 or sicn 3319 2 2ND AVK CLASSIFICATIONS CONTINUED IN NEXT COLUMN LEGAL NOTICES JTH CT 2 berf' 1nne-nnm 12 56 aummer Wafer furn Th 1-7S07 62 NT) ST Duplex furn exposure Suinmrr rates NICELY furnished apts close in Reasonable rental Call 642 11th St Attractive New Apts FURN tinfurn yearly tile sills Venetian ete Phone 4-1415 8 TH fiT Furn burn ow light ga 4 week and up rear bu 64TH TER 610-618 Garden Court Apts New beautiful furn bedroom cottages electric kitchen Gentiles adults no pets $7 $8 per week FURN 3-room apt Frigldaire gas reasonable 1824 21st Ter SUMMER RATES BEDROOM apt Lke little cottages la a mini 1121 Av $75(T Week $25 Month EFFICIENCIES with ronkin liciiitlfa nsr bxch fr6 purking NEPTUNE LINCOLN RO-MFRIDIAN $12 50 MONTH Fmtdaires innersprincs xas ranses new apts 3237 4h St 8TH ST Ml apt 5-8 adult: $20 per mentn 66TH ST Bedroom and efficiency ants Week month or yearly 2023 17TH 1-brdronm upper apt Tartly furn Bus shopping Water futn Yearlv $28 month Hollopeter As Post Inc Ph 3-7376 67TH ST Upper dunlex bedroom ant furn garage Ph 7-3656 9TH 8T 842 7 rrr funs 3 families gummer 30 terj 40 12TH AVE 212 cg furn Bottle cas In rear $15 trnir NOTICE 13 HFRFPY GIVFN that at the 1541 Bemn of the Legislators of Florida there mill ha present'd a Bill to exclude t-e following described prtperty from the limits nf -he 'ur of North ami Bach said Cuv having I een cre- 'eo under Chapter lSRaa -pet-ifli Ada of the Legislature of 17JI Laws of blond to All that certain land now within the enrporare Imiis of the City of Norlh Miami Beach which Is hound on the WeM by the easterly portion of the rifht of way of Federal Highway No 1 and Stale chwav No 4 that la hound on the Foum by the present southerly boundary of that portion of sa-d Citv of North Miami Beach lvmg Fast of Federal Hirh-wav Na 1 and State Highway No 4 that Is bound on the East bv the hish water mark of the A'lantic Ocean and that is bound on the North by (he present North-en boundary of that portion of the Ctv of North Miami Beach which lies Fast cf the r'ght of way of Federal Highway No 1 god State Highway No 4 The above oesrrihel property now rom-prisire all of that land now located withm the corporate limits of the Citv of North Mami Beach lying east of the easterly roron of th right of wav of Federal Bighwav No 1 and Hishwiy No 4 as the sam runs in a northerly and -outh-e-' direction through the City of North Bearh as incn'nonted bv Chapter 1 562 4 of the 1911 Pperlsl Arts of the legislature of Florid and as amended bv any subsequent Acts that have extended the boundaries of that portion of the of North Miami Beach Ivins e-t rf esete- aide of th rirht of way of Federal Highway No 1 and State Highway N'o 4 AFFOCIATTON OF PROPERTY OWNFP8 own -g pronerty at the prent time located In the C'ty of M'amt Beach east of th of w- of Fed-ral Highway 1 trd Sate Highway No 4 1 19-26 6 3-10 NOTICE FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will he received by th CIV Commission In the Commission Room on the Sixth Honr or the Dde County (null House at lOOoclotk MERT Wed nesda Mav 21 1941 for const ruct ton of sidewalks under Dismct SK i 10 loealed on 8 f9th let rat and 20ih Street from 22nd Avenue to 2nd Avenue and consisting of the following nuantit ies' Approximately 12 832 square feet of standard roncreie sidewalk: 1 805 sonar feet of ptivate walk end driveway reolarement and regressing of lawns and parkways disturbed by said construction Specifications mav be obtained from th office of the Director of Public Service 321 Court House Miami Florida Bids must he accompanied by a certified rheck or bid bond in an amount not less than fiv per cent (S'1-) of th bid as guarantee that the bidder if awarded the Contract will within ten (10) consecutive calendar days after written notice being given of such award enter Into a written contract with the City of Miami Florida in accordance with th accepted bid and awe a Contract Surety Bond satisfactory to the City Commission equal to one hundred ner rent nno" the Contract nnc Payment will be made in cash in one estimate within sixty (60) day after acceptance of th work Nn bidder mav withdraw his bid for a period of sixty (60i daw after the date set for the opening thereof The rectified check or hid bond of th unsuccpssful btd-rirs will rPturned within fiftpen H4t davs aftr signing of contract or the rejection of bids The Commission of tb City of Miami Florida reserves th right to reject any or all bids or anv part of eny bid to waive anv Informality In anv bid or to readver-tlse for all or any part of the work contemplated FRANK 3 KELLY City Clerk EXTRA NICE small modern apt completely furn Month or yearly Reasonable 648 37th St PARK IANF APT HOTEL ALTON RD Ffficisnc? and badpvm arts hotel rwms $15 month: gardan for stin brthlng Gnfi'p rlirrtaia YEAR-ROUND and summer rentals Corner bedroom apt' Spurr Apartment 2454 inth Ft COOL APTS $10 $15 and $20 jear-round Ph 3-6155 YEARLY onlv 25 per month bedroom apt 3 exposures Frleidstre city aas near bus and shopping center Phone 4-4928 71RT ST New effirlency act $8 weekly Everything Included 13TH CT 240ft a rooms (jth er unfurn $5 Ph 4-321 7STH ST Little River: 2-bedroom furn apt Frigldaire solar exposure 2 blocks St Mary Churrh shopping center $25 summer $35 yearly $30 Yearly $20 Summer WONDER VIEW APTS 345 3rd Ft FACING Lummus Park: walking distance lftTH AVE 1021 yrern garage art hot water Fh 7-M74 THE BEST BET in Miami Beach You cannot do whv pax more? Mel-drum Apts 825 West Ae Yearly leases made now Fffirienry apts $30 month: bedroom $40 month lftTH ST Furn reag arlar garace $10 yer 3 85TH ST Florida Villas new various slaed completely furn apta Torches Utilities Inrluded 5700 22 ND AVE exposure $5 NOTICE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT Highway Improvement District 438 All Interested will take notice that at a meeting of the City Commission at 2'30 o'clock Mav 14th 1941 their ohiec-tlons will be heard to the confirmation of Resolution No 16975 adopted April 30th 1941 ordering paving Improvement on the following streets avenue nnd terrace SW 45th Avenue from Wf1 Flagler Street to PW 4th Street RW 1st street from SW 45th Avenue to SW 47th Aienue RW Snd Street from SW 45th Avenue to SW 47th Avenue SW 2nd Te--rare from SW 45th Avenue to SW 47th Avenue RW 3rd Street from SW 45th Avenue to SW 47th Aienue SW 4th Street from SW 45th Avenue to RW 47tFi Avenue Designated Improvement H-438 Plans specifications and estimate of cost of said improvement are on file in the City Clerks FRANK 3- KELLY 8 City Clerk 3 FiOOMfl nd bath 8 per ueek 18TH ST 1890 Unfurn burga-ir 2 bedroom ff aeepng pnoren I3S aummer $14 wnter 1646 7TH Rear bungalow Part furn Bus Trail shopping $15 month Hollopeter At Post Inc Ph 3-7276 NEW UNFURN lower duplex bedrooms very well ventilated Ph 2-8059 1321 22nd Ave NORWOOD 676 2nd Ft CLEAN Cool low summer rates Mr Mueck Manager GARAGE APT Edison Center Frigid-sire water free $20 Ph 7-3772 NEW VERY COOL 1 AND 2-bedoom apts Low ratea Jamra Apts 1321 Meridian Ate PONTIAC APTS NEW COMPARE prires: eff irienries bedroom pruate bearh fishing dock 6070 Indian Creek Dr Thone 60211 88TH SP Rummer rates Baxter's lovelv apt near Beach Weekly HOLLAND-VILLAS 642 85TH ST Beautifully furn Large grounds 7 minutes to oeean Summer rates now $15 to $79 month NORMANDY ArTS DESIRABLE Frigldaire maid servlre: $7 w'eex and up 142 15th Ave lftTH TR 2101 Nw burgaiow i-n F'er'hr up to fioer Pir yard on buiet aee jou did Summer ra $13 a If ded Ph 42 20TH fiT Mode'-s'w bedroom bungalow Near achooi ma $ey FORDE OCEAN APTS ADMIRAL 222 20th St modern acts Also rooms with bath TWIN BEDROOM apt furn ras and electricitv included 773 34'h St $5 Week Close In Free ErlgidaJre ass hot water maid 6th Court Apts 6th su near 6th At Bummer Ps Keatncd 6-lo8i Coni Ap Pnvae Bach 6605 Collins Avi $1750 Month Mendal Apts 84 41st Cool modern tolar GARAGE apartment for ren furnished Car space Adult onlx 426 37th St 4F.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.