Table of contents for 03-Mar-2016 in Pick Me Up! (2024)

Home//Pick Me Up!/03-Mar-2016/In This Issue

Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016What A Week!What A Blooper! I was walking around with loo roll on my shoe recently! Cringe! For more moments that make us want the floor to swallow us up, check out and search ‘embarrassing moments’. What A Spell! I really enjoyed The Making of Harry Potter tour at Warner Bros Studios. I flew a Nimbus 2000 and learnt how to use a wand! EXPECTOPATRONUM! What A Dream! Captain America: Civil War is out in April and I can’t wait! I have a crush on him. I even dreamt my boyfriend WAS Captain America! What A Cheek! Soon, I’ll be appearing on a certain BBC quiz show with my little sis. I won’t tell you how we did, but check me out sitting in presenter Richard Osman’s…1 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016CANCER... From My Baby!‘I grabbed towels, but the blood was soaking through’ ‘ Just one more,’ me and my partner, Manjit, then 33, agreed in winter 2012. We already had two wonderful boys, Jacob, 7, and Nicholas, 4. But now, we’d agreed that one more child would make our family complete. About six months on, by May 2013, I found out I was pregnant. Things progressed normally, apart from the fact that I felt constantly tired. It’s probably running around after two boys! I thought. By seven months, the doctor diagnosed anaemia and prescribed iron tablets. And apart from the tiredness, everything ran smoothly. We decided on a waterbirth, and on 26 February 2014, with Manjit by my side, I delivered my son at New Cross Hospital in Wolverhampton. Weighing 7lb 6oz, Lewis…5 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016Snap Me Up!Just Desserts Enjoy a delicious, low-fat dessert for less – Rachel’s Low Fat Yogurt Pots are now £1 each (normally £1.85) at Waitrose until 15 March. The mango flavour’s so tasty! Jaw-dropping Jewellery We couldn’t quite believe our eyes when we saw that this gorgeous Charlesia Sterling Silver Diamond Ring is now just £25 (normally £75) at or from your local Avon Representative, until 2 March. All Smiles Take advantage of Boots 3-for-2 deal and stock up on the handy DenTek Floss Picks + Case (normally £2.99 each) before 15 March. Perfect to pop in your handbag. Mum’s The Word Whether you’re a mum yourself or want to treat yours, head to your local Harvester after 6.30pm on Mother’s Day – that’s 6 March, in case you’ve forgotten! Mums…1 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016Our Baby Could Have Died AT ANY MOMENT‘The scan showed it was the size of a tennis ball’ My husband, Matt, and I first found out there was something wrong with our baby at my 30-week scan. The ultrasound showed a cyst in her brain. We were referred to a specialist at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham and, after an MRI scan, the doctor broke the devastating news - it was a brain tumour. ‘We can’t tell if it’s cancerous or not,’ the doctor said. ‘You’ll need regular scans, so we can check it’s not growing.’ I was worried that our baby would be left brain-damaged, but I was advised to carry her to full term to avoid complications. However, she arrived at 36 weeks, on 9 August last year. Cradling my 5lb baby, Eva, she was so…2 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016Parkinson’s AT 37‘I refuse to give in. I’ve embraced a fresh start…’ You’d think Parkinson’s was something only elderly people got. But you’d be wrong. Back in January 2014, I’d gone for a walk with my husband, Martin, when my right leg just gave way. It went floppy and Martin had to help me to a bench to sit down. My leg was shaking violently, uncontrollably... And it wasn’t the first time. I’d been getting pains in my right shoulder since 2010. Sometimes, it felt numb. Sometimes, I couldn’t move it. ‘What’s happening?’ I sobbed. ‘I don’t know,’ Martin replied, ‘but it’s been going on long enough.’ He was right. So, next time I went to the GP, I mentioned what’d happened. I had physiotherapy, various scans and cortisone injections...but I was…3 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016ETC etc etc..!What Do Animals Say In Other Languages? • In Korea, dogs say MEONG • In Afrikaans, pigs say SNORK • In French, co*ckerels say COCORICO • In Danish, horses say VRINSK • In Japanese, sheep say MEH MEH Crumbs! Bonkers Biscuits Facts Bourbons were the first biscuits to be eaten on the Moon… by Buzz Aldrin. The largest custard cream in the world was baked in Nottingham in 2010. It weighed 15.73kg (over 2st!) and measured 59cm long, 39cm wide, and 6.5cm thick. Over one billion Jaffa cakes are eaten every year. Laid end to end, they’d stretch from London to Sydney and back! In Doctor Who, Jammie Dodgers were The Doctor’s favourite biscuit (when Matt Smith was in the role). Know Your Logos? 3Common Dream Meanings… Babies: May symbolise…3 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016I’M NO INSTA-SCAM!Posing in front of my bedroom mirror in gym gear, I snapped a selfie. Then I uploaded it to my Instagram account. Looking at the comments later, I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Blatantly Photoshopped, somebody wrote. Fake! said another. To be honest, I was fuming. You see, my toned, size-6/8 bod is the result of a lot of hard work - not airbrushing. Piling it on Growing up, I was always a bit on the chubby side. Just puppy fat, I thought. Only, I got bigger and bigger. After passing my driving test when I was 17, my snacking got out of control. I’d think nothing of just grabbing a Big Mac and fries from the local drive-through, or popping into Starbucks for a large, cream-laden frappuccino. I…4 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016MY £17,691 WIN Went Towards My Dream Home!‘My wins are proof a night in can be as much fun as a night out!’ I Won£5,197! Lynne won big in the blink of an eye Late one Saturday night, I’d just finished video-calling my sister, Marilyn, 57. She ran a pub in Windsor and could only speak late in the evening, when the pub had shut. Normally on a Saturday I was out with my best friend, but she’d phoned to say she was ill. So I’d had a night in front of the telly and a chattoMarilyn. Now, it was bedtime, but I wasn’t tired so I decided to have a few games of bingo. I’d been a member of Pick Me Up! Bingo for a few years, after a pal told me about it. Over time,…4 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016LEGO TERROR!‘I found Keane spluttering and clutching his chest’ My four kids and I love our lazy Saturday mornings. On 16 January this year, after my hubby, David, 34, had gone off to work, James, 11, Lucy, 10, Keane, 8, and Dawson, 2, jumped into bed with me. ‘Telly time,’ they chanted, getting cosy. Soon, I had to get up to bath and dress Dawson. But Keane wanted me to fix his game controller. ‘It needs new batteries,’ he moaned. ‘Give me five minutes,’ I told him. He went upstairs to play with the others. But, minutes later, I heard him thrashing about on the landing. I ran up to find him spluttering and clutching his chest. ‘What’s going on?’ I asked him, panicking. ‘Can’t...breathe...’ Keane panted, his face turning red.…2 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016What Counts As CHEATING?A recent YouGov survey found that 20 per cent of British adults admitted to having had an affair. A re you cheating on your partner? For many of us, the answer will be a resounding ‘no’. But are you really sure? Talk of an affair tends to conjure up thoughts of sex and sordid trysts in hotel rooms, raunchy texts, lipstick on collars - total scandal... But what about flirty texts, stolen glances, lingering hugs, ‘harmless’ - yet secret - lunches? They may all sound innocent enough - but do you actually have to have had sex to have cheated? Not if your betrayal is an ‘emotional affair’, which doesn’t necessarily involve any physical intimacy at all. In an emotional affair, the attraction is a meeting of hearts and minds.…2 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016Your Stars!PISCES 20 Feb–20 March Lack of energy has made it hard for you to get through what was required, but from Tuesday, you’re given fresh hope and inspiration from someone you didn’t think was on your side. Team efforts bring financial rewards. Call: 09058 170 721* ARIES 21 March–20 April You begin this week with a better idea of what you want out of life and what direction you’re going in. Don’t let a face from the past drag you into a debate that you know you’ve already moved on from. You’re better than that. Call: 09058 170 710* TAURUS 21 April–21 May Close ones are causing you much stress and it appears from your Stars that someone’s assuming something that’s many miles from the truth. This weekend offers you…3 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016Your Pick Me UpsTourists together On our recent trip to Dubai, me and my friends, Anne and Thelma, saw some brilliant sights. Here we are at the famous Together statue near the Burj Khalifa. Lois Jones, Ruthin Eye can see you! Here’s my cat, Poppy, through the keyhole…or at least through the kitchen-roll tube! Charlotte Joseph, Manningtree Look who I met! Here I am at my local shopping centre with X Factor star Jake Quickenden, who’s just as gorgeous inside as he is on the outside. Kay Starkey, Kingswinford Licence to party For his party, my 9-year-old son, Murray, was excited to be dressed like his hero, James Bond. Certainly the most dapper 007 I’ve ever seen. Kelly Imrie, Hurlford Funny bunny Chocolate is always a pick-me-up, but a trip to Cadbury World…3 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016Your Brainwaves... Our Bargains!Instead of buying special gift bags, put pressies in a reusable shopping bags. Looks great and they’re so useful afterwards! Paula Howarth, Chorley Cover your table top with cheap tin foil when doing craft activities with your kids. It’ll catch stray glitter, blobs of glue and splashes of paint . And, once you’re finished, just scrunch it up and throw it away! Norma Ahern, Listowel If you’ve got toggles on your coat, tie them around your scarf to stop it flapping off in cold and windy weather! Kirstie Chalke, Salisbury Storing leftovers in the freezer in a foil takeaway container? Flip the lid so you can write what’s inside. It makes it much easier to find what you want! Dannii Johnson, Cheadle My grandchildren just love Minions – and I’ve…1 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016PMU’s£££ EXPERT Booking Holidays1 Search Incognito Travel sites use cookies to track how often you’ve looked at a page and bump up the price if they think you’re interested, so always search using the incognito function. 2 Avoid Add-ons Beware of costly hire-car add-ons, like air-con and satnavs. Work out what you actually need and ditch the rest. 3 Buy A Card Many tourist towns offer sightseeing cards that include entry to all the major landmarks for a fixed price. 4 Skip The Hotel Villas are cheaper if you’re booking for a big group. And no fighting for a space by the pool!…1 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016INSTANT Appointment With Dr Arabella OnslowCaffeine jitters Q I find it hard to fall asleep and try not to have caffeine after 6pm – but I don’t feel this helps enough. Should I give up caffeine completely? Bella, Battle A Caffeine effects can last for a long time - so try to go caffeine-free at least eight hours before your usual bedtime. Early menopause? Q I’m 30 and I’ve just had a hysterectomy. It was only my womb that was removed, not my ovaries. When am I likely to experience the menopause? Charlotte, Croydon A The ovaries can fail earlier than expected after a hysterectomy, so if you get symptoms or if you have a family history of early menopause, have a blood test to check. Teenage terrors Q I’ve got pre-teen kids and I’m…1 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016Cyanide PSYCHO‘Kumar promised the women marriage, without a dowry’ The bodies were piling up... Young women were being found dead in bus-stand toilets in towns and cities across India. Most deaths were recorded as suicide by impoverished, depressed women, despite many having froth in their mouths. A sign of poisoning. Yet when Anitha Moolya, 22, disappeared in June 2009, her parents filed a missing persons report with the police in the Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka, southwest India. Their plea was quickly dismissed as a case of ‘love jihad’ - that Anitha had run off with a lover from another faith. But villagers protested, forcing the police to intensify their search for the missing girl. Soon, police found Anitha’s mobile phone, which had been used to call another missing girl. So…4 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016Eat Me Up!Sticky Toffee Pudding Serves: 6 Prep Time: 20 min Cook Time: 35 min • 200g dates, roughly chopped • 250ml soya milk or almond milk • 1tsp bicarbonate of soda • 115g vegan margarine • 115g soft brown sugar • Pinch ground nutmeg • ¼tsp ground ginger • ¼tsp ground cinnamon • 200g white self-raising flour Sauce: • 50g golden syrup • 100g soft brown sugar • 75g vegan margarine • 1tsp vanilla essence • 50ml soya cream 5 min. Off heat, stir in bicarb and leave to cool. 3 In a bowl, beat together margarine and sugar until pale and creamy, then stir in date mixture. Mix spices into flour, and fold into mixture. 4 Spoon mixture into tin and bake for 35 min, until sponge bounces back when…2 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016Here’s What You Say...‘This story proves you can lose weight with basic hard work instead of taking diet pills or going on a crazy fad diet. Abi really should be proud of herself.’ Gemma Louise Stidolph, Newcastle upon Tyne ‘Abi’s only human, so obviously those trolling comments would bother her, but it’s good that she is now strong enough to deal with them and she’s proud of her achievement.’ Lauren Balmain, Gateshead ‘I’d love somebody to look at a picture of me and think it was airbrushed. Although it comes from jealousy, the trolls have given her a massive compliment.’ Penny Sofocleous, N London…1 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016TOGETHER WE WON £5,565!‘Little did we know that things were about to get even better...’ I Won £3,565! Susanne had twice the excitement! Susanne Greenwood, 31, Halifax Back in 2012, a friend told me about winning on Pick Me Up! Bingo online. So I signed up - and I’d won some nice amounts, too. One Friday, I noticed on my laptop that Pick Me Up! Bingo had sent me £5 to play with! I logged in and bought 60 10p tickets for the brilliant Bejeweled Bingo game. My numbers came up quickly - and, soon, I’d filled two lines and won £565! Renovations The game continued, and my numbers were dabbed off. Minutes later, I’d won the £2,000 jackpot! ‘You won’t believe this,’ I phoned and told my husband, who was out that…3 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016Make Me Up!Want the perfect... SPA BODY SCRUB? Try one of these… Buff: Sanctuary Spa Moisturising Butter Scrub Uses a blend of natural scrub particles and coconut and shea butters to buff away dead skin cells and leave skin glowing. Massage: Champneys As Good As New Detox Skin Firming Shower Scrub Massage this into damp skin in deep, circular motions to remove impurities for tighter, softer skin. Smooth: Good Things Spa Argan Oil Restoring Body Scrub Treat yourself to some daily indulgence – the walnut particles will smooth your skin while argan oil and cocoa butter give it moisture. ASK JESS Q Years of smoking and drinking coffee have left my teeth yellow. What can I use to help with stains? Melissa Nelson, 45, Northampton A Try brushing your teeth with Blanx…1 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016Sock It To ’Em!‘I bought 66 pairs of socks and spent 12 hours a day stitching’ At home looking after my daughter, Ivy, 3 months, I wanted a project. My eldest, Hollie, 6, was at school, and my hubby, Shane, 37, runs his own garage. ‘I’ll attempt a Guinness World Record,’ I announced. Browsing Facebook, in August 2014, I spotted a photo of a huge sock monkey, which gave me an idea. I typed ‘world’s largest sock monkey’ into Google, discovering it stood 8ft tall. I’ll aim for 10ft! First, I got a standard sock monkey kit, and figured out scaling-up the measurements to create my colossal beast. I bought 66 pairs of men’s durable socks, in black and white, cut the toes off and slit them up the middle. Then, I sewed…1 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016My Boyfriend Was Being EATEN ALIVE‘If we’d waited any longer, it would have killed him...’ ‘He was shocked when we told him what’d happened’ Candlelit dinner, before snuggling up to watch a film with my boyfriend, James Davis. It was the perfect way to celebrate Valentine’s Day! It’d been our tradition since meeting in college seven years earlier. Only, a few weeks before we could plan our romantic night out last year, James, 24, started feeling ill. He was restless, felt sick. ‘Maybe you’ve got a bug?’ I said, as he tossed and turned in bed. Antibiotics The next day, James was worse. He had a fever, could barely walk. And he had a lump the size of a tennis ball under his left arm. Worried, his mum, Jane, 57, and I took him to…3 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016Here’s What You Say...‘With cheating, intention’s everything – it doesn’t have to go as far as sex. Harmless flirting, with no intention of ever taking it further, is fine. If someone’s unhappy enough to consider cheating, they should work to repair their relationship or end it.’ Tracy Enright, Rochester ‘Cheating is anything from flirting by social media or in person with someone to sleeping with them. It doesn’t matter if you meet in secret or actually have sex, it’s still cheating. Kiss your relationship goodbye.’ Kelly Khan, Cannock ‘Emotional flirting is the worst type. Sitting next to your partner as he blatantly flirts with another girl, seeing the way he looks and speaks to her as he soaks up every inch of her body. It makes you feel utterly worthless.’ Sam Billingham, Quarry…1 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016MARRIED TO A PAEDOPHILE‘Bevan got a job as a security guard in a boys’ school’ Deep in conversation, I hadn’t realised anyone was loitering behind me. Until... ‘Can I buy you a drink?’ a man asked. Back in 1997, I was on a rare night out with a friend. ‘I’ve got one, thanks,’ I replied. Grabbing my Bacardi and co*ke, he downed it and grinned. ‘Not any more. I’ll have to buy you another one,’ he said. Cheeky! We got chatting, and Bevan Perry, then 19, was talkative, a charmer and made me laugh. He asked for my number, and we quickly became a couple. As we got to know each other, Bevan regaled me with tales from his flower-selling job at a local market, and I told him I was a trainee…4 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016Your Best CLEANING TipsHot stuff! Wipe radiators with a dab of your favourite fabric conditioner on a bit of kitchen roll. When the heating c omes on, the house smells amazing! Angela Clifton, Felixstowe Brush up If your window frames are marked with mould and mildew, a toothbrush dipped in bleach cleans them up a treat. Paul Baldwin, L eeds Quick sand Fine sandpaper will remove stubborn gr ease and grime from an oven shelf in a jiffy! Rebecca Jepps, Hitchin Sock ’n’ roll When cleaning the house, old socks work just as well as duster pads – and won’t cost you anything! Angela Garvin, Romford…1 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016My Son Lost Half HIS HEAD‘I was terrified he wouldn’t know who I was’ Growing up, my son, Ryan, was bike mad. He’d spend hours tinkering with his bike, taking it apart with a spanner, and then putting it all back together again. ‘Be careful,’ I’d say, whenever he showed me a fancy new trick. In August 2013, when he was 15, he told me he was off to the skate park to meet his mates. ‘Phone me when you want picking up,’ I told him. But as it grew darker outside, I’d still not heard from him. Ringing his mobile, there was no answer. And as time ticked on, I became anxious. ‘If he doesn’t call me in the next 10 minutes, I’m going to get him,’ I said to his sister, Leah, then…5 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016FALSE TRUE or Cirrhosis1 This condition affects the liver. 2 There are many symptoms in the early stages. 3 Excessive alcohol consumption is a major cause of cirrhosis. 4 The condition will get better on its own without treatment. 1 TRUE Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver, caused by continuous, long-term damage. Scar tissue replaces healthy tissue and prevents the liver working properly. 3 FALSE In the early stages, it tends not to be noticeable. But, as the condition progresses, sufferers have a range of problems, including jaundice, itchy skin, weight loss, fatigue and pain around the liver area. 2 TRUE Although it can affect people who don’t drink alcohol, the chances of heavy drinkers developing cirrhosis are increased. Don’t drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week. 3 FALSE It can…1 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016Your DilemmasAsk Her Why I Wasn’t Invited? Tara, 27, Hertford I’ve worked at the same office for 10 years. The team I’m part of is small and everyone’s been there for a long time, so we’re very close-knit. Recently, one of my work friends announced she was getting married. I was very excited and thought I’d be going to the wedding. She said it was going to be family-only, but I’ve recently found out a couple of other colleagues are invited. I thought I’d be able to go to the hen do, but she’s just uploaded pics of that on Facebook. I’m really angry and hurt. Should I ask her why she’s left me out? YES Pick Me Up! reader Alexandra McGahey says: ‘It sounds like this is going to cause…3 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-20163 of the Best1 Asda Extra Special Lamb Moussaka, 400g Plenty of lamb, sauteed potatoes and grilled aubergine, topped with sliced tomatoes and a creamy, cheese topping. 2 Sainsbury’s Taste The Difference Lamb Moussaka, 400g A hint of mint flavour, sliced aubergine and potatoes – all this needs is a green salad to go-with. 3 Tesco Finest Moussaka, 350g Our favourite by a whisker – thanks to the fabulous, rich, meaty sauce and creamy halloumi topping. Delicious! Make it yourself... Serves: 4 Prep Time: 15 min Cook Time: 50 min • 3tbsp olive oil • 1 large onion, chopped • 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped • 1 large carrot, finely diced • 350g Quorn Meat Free Mince • 390g carton chopped tomatoes • 2tsp dried oregano • 2 bay leaves • 1tsp…1 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016HE WAS JEALOUS... OF A LIZARD!‘He’d lash out, then tell me how sorry he was’ Mark Harris was bad news. I knew it. But kept taking him back. I thought I loved him. Besides, who else would have me? Mark had told me often enough that no-one else would ever love me. That I was worthless. And I believed him. So, better to stick with him and put up with the punches than to go it alone, I figured. We’d met in 2008. Two northerners living in Lowestoft, Suffolk, missing home. We bonded, became mates. ‘You can get a cracking pint here, but nothing beats the pint you get back home,’ Mark would laugh. ‘Ditto with the fish and chips,’ I’d agree. After a year, I moved home to Hartlepool and we lost touch. Then,…4 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016SNAP! I’M PREGNANT‘We knew we wanted to be mums as soon as possible’ Every girl needs a BFF! Kellie Campbell, 21, and me were destined to be best mates. ‘ My mum, Natalie, now 40, and her mum, Tracey, 38, were friends and we were born five months apart. Then our families grew closer when Mum started dating Kellie’s uncle. They went on to have two kids, so we’re practically family! A year below Kellie at primary school, I’d hang out with her in the playground. Living just minutes away, we’d spend evenings and weekends riding bikes or playing with dolls. I’d a girl doll, dressed in pink, while Kellie had a boy, in blue. We carried them absolutely everywhere. At 6, there was a cute photo taken of us posing with…3 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016Shape Me Up!Flattering Fashion Wear these 70s-style flared jeans with your highest heels to make your legs look l-o-n-g! Great value, too! Take 3… sandwiches Prawn mayo… 340 cal BLT on malted bread…465 cal Ham, cheese and pickle…504 cal Get Moving! Have you tried squash? All the lunging, jumping and twisting to get the ball back can burn up to 1,000 calories per session! England Squash has launched Squash 101, so up to five people can play together. Go to www. Food Swaps 1tbsp oil…100 cal 10 sprays of spray oil…10 cal Try this…. Prends Moi by Velds, 100ml, £18, The Fragrance Shop Spritz onto your pulse points in the morning and, when you feel the urge to snack, sniff your scent to suppress the cravings! WeightWatchers…2 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016DEEPLY DIPPY!‘There was a buzz as I counted down... ‘3...2...1... STRIP!’’ As a kid, I loved running around stark-naked on beach holidays. So liberating! Getting older, of course, we cover up. In 2011, I read online about a charity skinny dip for Marie Curie in Gower, Wales. It gave me such a rush. ‘Maybe I should host one!’ I mused. I planned ahead to September 2012. Druridge Bay, Northumberland, is a lovely spot. I contacted Northumberland council and the National Trust for permission. A cause close to my heart is Mind, the mental-health charity. So I spread word via social media, asking participants to pledge £10, as well as raise money through sponsorship. Raising nearly £4,000 that first year, The North East Skinny Dip’s become annual. Last year, 350 people took…1 min
Pick Me Up!|03-Mar-2016‘I’M LUCKY’James, 24, said: ‘Everything happened very quickly. I felt feverish, sick, and the lump in my side hurt. But I only remember flashes after the ambulance arrived. Jess crying, doctors saying I needed an op. Then, suddenly, three weeks had gone by. At first, I was still delirious from the strong medication. It was terrifying when it finally sank in that I’d had necrotising fasciitis and that it’d almost killed me. My scar is very frightening looking, so maybe it’s a blessing that I don’t remember. I’m just lucky I survived.’ For support, or more info on symptoms, see…1 min
Table of contents for 03-Mar-2016 in Pick Me Up! (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.